Selling Entire Collection! 2000+ items!

Inkobah said:
I'm so mad right now I think I want to do something really really crazy....Argggghhhh!

That's it you've made me too angry, I'm gonna do it: Have a nice day (like seriously w/ all sincerity)!

If you have something productive to say then by all means say it but you haven't added anything positive to my thread where I'm trying to sell my stuff.

If I'm being harsh someone say so...but I'm pretty sure my assessment is correct. Be constructive or leave. That is all. Thanks.


why are you raging?
Phauren said:
I heard 1500 for this collection Sorry but I am lead to believe this a scam.

You can think what you want I guess.

But for the record I've never scammed anyone and have literally done thousands of transactions including with many people that frequent this site. I've sold TCG items w/ codes, sold items on one server and received gold on another, and have even been a go-to person for transferring items across factions on my home server (Lightninghoof).

What would make you think this is a scam to begin with? I don't get it.

So again you can think what you want but it's a pretty bold accusation when you haven't even talked to me. If you have concerns/issues please bring them up to me, but please don't start crying 'scam' when you know nothing about me.
The fact that you are asking 1500 dollars leads me to think its a scam. Yes you may or may not have an impressive collection but it is not worth 1500 dollars. I know off 2 maybe 3 people who would pay that amount but you got to remember a good chunk of that stuff is for dead brackets. I never said this was a 100% scam I am just pointing out that this may or may not be in my opinion. Who knows I am prolly wrong. Break the stuff up into brackets and get a more realistic price. You are looking at a guy who used to sell his brothers chars which by the way are/were worth more and even for a scarab lord rogue of his with rank 14 I still only managed 1100 dollars. You have to remember your selling something in a smaller market. Just trying to be helpful. If you break them up and settle on a price we both can be happy with I am willing to work out any deal for your 39 items.

The joys of marrying a rich wife tho.
elocon said:
Hard to sell a soulbound PoD, lol.

I just got a little idea as to what may be up with the bound one and why he advertised it. Think outside your usual box little children.
I dont know about prices...rl money for wow items is lol...

but I can confirm he at least has the items...its easy to do, come look at the Jaedenar AH.

PoD and other items up there for all to see. (PoD for 100k..good deal imo right?)
Phauren said:
I never said this was a 100% scam I am just pointing out that this may or may not be in my opinion.

What does a less than 100% scam look like? I don't get it.

I'd be glad to address your concerns/comments/questions if you would come talk to me. Send me a PM. :)

To sweeten this already amazing deal: I'll throw in a 80 Prot/Ret Paladin guide as well as my personal guide to making the best 39 Ret Paladin and 19 Rogue possible.

And I'll even throw in my personal guide on how to make 40k gold in no time through my proven methods that have allowed me to accumulate this massive collection and go way over the cap for Total Gold Acquired!

Act now by sending me a PM or contacting me on IRC!

Inkobah said:
To sweeten this already amazing deal: I'll throw in a 80 Prot/Ret Paladin guide as well as my personal guide to making the best 39 Ret Paladin and 19 Rogue possible.

And I'll even throw in my personal guide on how to make 40k gold in no time through my proven methods that have allowed me to accumulate this massive collection and go way over the cap for Total Gold Acquired!

Act now by sending me a PM or contacting me on IRC!


Or I'll do all of this free if you PM me.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Or I'll do all of this free if you PM me.

You can't nor wouldn't do what I'm willing to do for my buyer. I know you got skills and all but it's just not possible, iat.

Man if twinking was what it used to be, I'd be tempted :). Great collection however, GL with it :).

Well I guess I'm still tempted, but good thing I'm broke.
Taitaih said:
Man if twinking was what it used to be, I'd be tempted :). Great collection however, GL with it :).

Well I guess I'm still tempted, but good thing I'm broke.

moonrunner sux.

worst server evr
I think you should just make a locked Guild bank museum where people can make level 1 characters pay 10g to come view the collection of twink items. If you build it they will come.

On a more serious note:

This is from what I can tell unprecidented, if you are serious about selling the entire collection, I suggest you do the following:

Step 1: have your collection appraised by third party current buyers and seller of twink items in the community and list the appraisals next to each item. I'm really not joking about that because you may be emotionally attached to the collection and consider a resonable offer low ball. On the other side of the coint buyers may not actually know how much the collection is worth in terms of USD. Most recent PoD I know of went for 22k, SF's go for about 10-15K (you get the idea).

Step 2: Since you are wanting to sell this for USD you should get the appraisals that will most likely be in WOW gold converted into USD by looking at 3-4 different gold sellers for conversion rates.

Step 3: Since you are wanting to sell the whole collection, You might consider who your buyer might be. Is your buyer going to be a 19 twink who is really the most interested in the lvl 19 items, or a lvl 39 who is most interested in the POD and other 39 items? This matters because it should affect the price they are willing to pay for THE WHOLE collection.

Based on a very very rough calculation of the first several items i would already price it at over 1000 USD, would be useful to know how many of each ring and bracers you have. I can't comment to much on the 39 items but I have a good knowledge of what I would sell and buy the 19 stuff for

SF 10-15K

AB 1-2k

bracers that sell for about 400-800g are 3/3 falcon, 5 stam, 3/3 monkey (leather) 3/3 eagle , tiger mail bracers 100g, the rest are at best 50-100g

rings 3/3 falcon 100-300g? rest are at best 50g due to faction change option for seal of wrynn and seal of slyvanas not to mention people are wanting to use a ring slot to hit cap these days.
Inkobah said:
[item]Royal Dangui[/item]

You realise I can buy that from a vendor right, and that its not the epicly rare [item]Formal Dangui[/item]
jailbot said:
I just got a little idea as to what may be up with the bound one and why he advertised it. Think outside your usual box little children.

Binds when it comes out of the gbank Im guessing.

But seriously, gl selling this. Not very likely you'll find a buyer unless you sell individual items, but if I had the money to spend I would
canihascookie said:
You realise I can buy that from a vendor right, and that its not the epicly rare [item]Formal Dangui[/item]

Sorry. I always get them mixed up. The one I have is [ITEM]Formal Dangui[/ITEM].

Thanks for the advice Grabco, but I've already done those things. I've just yet to have any good offers. If you're interested in talking or giving me an offer feel free to send me a PM.


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