Seeking interesting video ideas

Make a sweet PvP video w/ arena.

If I had a nice computer I'd crank videos out all the time. :p
Darkmoon Faire!
I think you had mentioned something about this. Could be an interesting location to think of some fun footage ideas.

"The Darkmoon Faire comes to Aerie Peak: Tales of Gnoll Whackin' & Turtle Ring Stackin"

I like the sound of it already! ;P
Get all of AP f2p horde to do a raid on stormwind, or organize a full AP community battle at Gurubashi arena or something.
I agree with Bizr , something darkmoon faire related might be nice. I'm sure someone could come up with enough content and funny stuffz to make that a good video

plus ... Swagbasket on a sandbox tiger? :D

ah yes, when next DMF rolls around we gotta do some fun stuff

"A day at the Faire" etc etc. whack'a'gnoll (aka killing babies), chain cannon blasting, turtle ring spam, MAMMOTH MOUNT blocking the shooting game, and TONK PVP

ok i got some real good ideas now

just a matter of getting people together at DMF - I will be looking for at least 10-15+ people to appear AT THE SAME TIME playing those DMF games!!!!
i cant seem to view the 3rd page of this thread, that's weird o_O

After Sunday Fishing tomorrow (2pm-4pm), I will begin filming footage for my DMF video - featuring lots and lots of you having fun at DMF, running around, showing off your DMF mounts/pets and playing the mini-games. Your presence is requested and highly recommended!!!!

So stick around after Stranglethorn fishing is over to be part of this awesome fun vid!!!!

Horde and Ally both welcome, I'll be on vent to give the Ally details. Horde will get instructions in the f2ptwink channel.

Well the pool Party was interesting and fun! But when one event ends another shall be planned.
So, what are our ideas for the next video in a few weeks?

We have yet to do the RP Fashion Show, but I would suggest giving people at least a month before the event to design and obtain their unique sets.

I personally would love a Gladiator Event. Swagacus: F2P Vengence. We could have multiple death matches in Gurubashi. One could be an equal amount of alliance vs horde, then a 20v20 battle or eight 5v5 groups at the same time, and of course at the end free for all. No releasing will be allowed, but rezzing a friend is encouraged!
I personally would love a Gladiator Event. Swagacus: F2P Vengence. We could have multiple death matches in Gurubashi. One could be an equal amount of alliance vs horde, then a 20v20 battle or eight 5v5 groups at the same time, and of course at the end free for all. No releasing will be allowed, but rezzing a friend is encouraged!
A great idea. Only 1 problem: non-healers will never ever ever win this. Will probably be a Paladin or a Rogue to win this shit.
With the dmf idea tossed out there... i was thinking No one really wants to watch low lvls do cool stuff they dont really care... Do like a legit interesting story RP video or WoW music video of DMF....

For an RP video of DMF it could be like 3 main characters who stumble upon the faire and end up meeting free to play characters who take them into the magical world of the DMF
Best f2p video would be live action footage;

On the Horde end, a lone nine year old Hunter runs around in mid amongst piles of corpses yelling "get on my level", while a 24 Paladin shouts orders from our flag room and does nothing to help the team. Meanwhile 5 players sit in the graveyard complaining about hunters and 24's when at the same time the other 3 players who are actually geared sit outside the graveyard in white bedsheets trying to convince everyone not to resurrect.

On the Alliance end, Kale gets killed by the Hunter 5 seconds into the game and AFK's. When Kale AFK's Faith joins in mid game on his 24 (that he reactivated once he realized that it takes skill to play level 20 holy paladins....) and caps flags while incessantly complaining about how bad 20's are because he's not capping at his maximum speed and it's all his team's fault while the other 9 Allies see who can take insignias the fastest while dry humping their usual 2-4 healers.

That's literally been my point of view from my last 3 days of WSG.
Best f2p video would be live action footage;

On the Horde end, a lone nine year old Hunter runs around in mid amongst piles of corpses yelling "get on my level", while a 24 Paladin shouts orders from our flag room and does nothing to help the team. Meanwhile 5 players sit in the graveyard complaining about hunters and 24's when at the same time the other 3 players who are actually geared sit outside the graveyard in white bedsheets trying to convince everyone not to resurrect.

On the Alliance end, Kale gets killed by the Hunter 5 seconds into the game and AFK's. When Kale AFK's Faith joins in mid game on his 24 (that he reactivated once he realized that it takes skill to play level 20 holy paladins....) and caps flags while incessantly complaining about how bad 20's are because he's not capping at his maximum speed and it's all his team's fault while the other 9 Allies see who can take insignias the fastest while dry humping their usual 2-4 healers.

That's literally been my point of view from my last 3 days of WSG.

So you are basically saying, for me to keep fraps on 24/7?
Ideas that have been submitted to me this past week. I've been thinking about our ideas - at the moment our videos are very catered to our own community. They are funny to us because we get the jokes/etc but the content probably doesn't appeal to non-F2Ps - and part of the pupose of making these vids is to promote our bracket, so I want to try and balance that.

1. Party on the beach at Vash'jir (on the surface)...... F2P spring break party? seems like a fun idea but really lacks substance, is this something outsiders/other WoW players are going to find and think "oh cool, F2P is awesome"

2. Raid on the barge at Thousand Needles
- we all rock up in pirate RP sets/savoury deviate delight pirate transformation + parrot pets and drink lots of beer and do stuff that pirates do. Seems fun for us but again - what does it show to non-F2Ps thats appealing?

3. Western-style story video.... hunters shoot baffi or something and then we revive him...
- Again, this idea is fun but the story will only make sense to people from the F2P bracket

4. F2P Prom

5. F2P wedding (we might just do the prom instead)

Should we showcase bgs? pvp? arenas? i'm not very good at making videos of combat footage.. (Dubbs is much better at doing these)..

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