Best f2p video would be live action footage;
On the Horde end, a lone nine year old Hunter runs around in mid amongst piles of corpses yelling "get on my level", while a 24 Paladin shouts orders from our flag room and does nothing to help the team. Meanwhile 5 players sit in the graveyard complaining about hunters and 24's when at the same time the other 3 players who are actually geared sit outside the graveyard in white bedsheets trying to convince everyone not to resurrect.
On the Alliance end, Kale gets killed by the Hunter 5 seconds into the game and AFK's. When Kale AFK's Faith joins in mid game on his 24 (that he reactivated once he realized that it takes skill to play level 20 holy paladins....) and caps flags while incessantly complaining about how bad 20's are because he's not capping at his maximum speed and it's all his team's fault while the other 9 Allies see who can take insignias the fastest while dry humping their usual 2-4 healers.
That's literally been my point of view from my last 3 days of WSG.