Sea Turtle Mount - The Journey


Hey all,

First of all I would like to say hello and welcome to my first ever post in the F2P twinking area! After months of lurking I decided to make an account and get 5 posts.
In this thread I want to hear all your stories / journeys / experiences that you went through trying to get this damn mount and your facial expression when you saw that blue turtle in the loot section! I'm currently trying to get this bad boy but after 4 hours of fishing, no dice! Any extra info on catching it would be appreciated!


~ Beastly
Good Luck man and welcome to TI!
Welcome and good luck man, RNG tends to be a real pain right when you need luck the most! Don't give up though. I spent a whole evening fishing with Swagbag and Doabarrelrol


I really wasn't expecting to get anywhere and I was actually going to give up as my fishing pole was in the red, it was actually on the way back from the trekk to crushblow for repair that I saw that sucker in the loot window! I caught it where the river expands into a bigger section of the coast. Think I was frozen with shock for a good minute or two
I've fished multiple hours over multiple days on my 70 twink, never saw the damn thing..My brother fishes on his 85 for a solid 3 casts and finds the effing thing..RNG sucks 99.9% of the time, but don't let it stop you. It's rewarding when you finally get it, and then realize you get to move on to the next pain in the rear mount/achievement/whatever i next on your "to do" list

Good luck, happy fishing!

And grats on getting it Radau, must be nice when you give up hope and find it accidentally lol!
I had 3-80's with 450 Fishing in WotLK and spent many hours at a go trying to catch it, never to see it. I'm still trying now on my high level achievement hunter and my 10's ofc but no luck. Then again I have NEVER in nearly 4 years of WoW got one single rare mount drop, not one. The closest I came is rolling a 100 for the Black Drake in OS 3D, but that mount is guaranteed for 1 of the 10 people. I even have Argent Dawn exalted on my achievement hunter and never even saw Baron's mount
Gratz, Radau! As an aside, I think you and I tussled in WG the other day. I was the Gnome Warrior in front of Ally base that couldn't get you below half health. Trillwhisper, Silver Hand. I was impressed by how you handled yourself!

Anyhoo, I'm planning on parking Sunseeker in TH to get his Turtle soon. We'll see how it goes!
Thanks for the replies guys! @DeLindsay, i'm sorry to say but you have possibly the worst luck in the world
That, or RNG just doesn't like you lol. Just remember to keep going because you need to get into the mindset of "If I do one more cast, it might show up."
Yes, yes I do.

EDIT: I have taken my main 10 twink Gringötts from mid 200's to about to be 525 tonight with I'd say 85-90% fishing in Northrend/DMF/Cata zone pools trying to catch that goddamn turtle, still no luck >.<
Hi I'm Dimsal.

I have

  • Sea Turtle
  • Baron Mount from Stratholme
  • Fiery Warhorse from Karazhan
  • Raven from Sethekk Halls
  • White Hawkstrider from MGT HC
  • Aeonaxx from Deepholm
  • Grey Camel from Uldum
  • Time Lost Proto Drake from Storm Peaks
  • Blue Dragonhawk from 100 mounts achievement

Yes I have bragging rights!

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