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There is one particularly interesting gem that has been extremely crucial to 19 twinking as well as other forms of PvP that is often not talked about. It isn't something that you'd stumble upon on your own and know how to use. There's a reason why you see the same names returning the flags every single game. Although, these players may be particularly skilled in returning flags, have low lag etc, I would be willing to bet that the reason why they are so dependable is because they use the method of Scroll Clicking to return flags. This is the absolute fastest method for clicking flags that is 100% legal and does not utilize any external macros, scripts, or any software.
What Is Scroll Clicking?
Scroll Clicking is a much faster way of clicking a flag, selecting a target, or performing any action that changes your cursor to anything other than the basic hand, such as a gear or a loot bag. With this method, you will be able to return flags with insane speed. You may not have the best internet connection, but I guarantee that you'll be able to out click most people in all brackets (especially endgame) with the aid of Scroll Clicking. Continue reading to see how you can set yourself up.
Why Should I Scroll Click?
Everyone (including you) should Scroll Click. Why? Because doing so results in a much faster flag return than the traditional right click spam option. In addition to that, if your Flag Carrier is dying, you will have a good chance at picking up the flag before the enemy team can return it which can be the exact play that will prove your team victorious. Every tenth of a second that can be cut off from the duration of a flag return or a pick up is absolutely crucial to capturing a flag and in most cases changing the outcome of a game in a single play.
Since Warsong Gulch and other Battlegrounds require cooperation as a team, it does not matter who gets credit for the return as long as a player of your faction can return the flag before one of the opposite faction can pick up the dropped flag. Every player should do whatever they have to do in order to ensure a return, whether it be kicking a heal and not being credited with the return or casting a poly on the healer.
Scroll Clicking is not only useful for returning flags before the opposite faction can prolong your return by picking the drop, but it can also be utilized for picking a flag before the enemy flag carrier (EFC) can capture the flag. If healers do not use mouseovers (which I strongly encourage the use of) they can also utilize this feature to select their target, by either hovering their mouse over their desired target’s raid frame or by targeting the actual character and ticking the scrollwheel either up or down.
Note: Players who Scroll Click and have lower latency will still return the flag before players who do not Scroll Click and/or low latency will be able to. Scroll Clicking does not bypass latency issues, although it does help to diminish the effects of having higher latency when returning a flag.
How Is It Done?
Scroll Clicking can be done by anyone who has a mouse with a scroll wheel. I personally use the Razer Naga Trinity as these new versions have mechanical keys / individually angled side 12 for easy blindfinding for all of my spammables and rotation. However, Scroll Clicking can be done with any mouse that has a scroll wheel, even the cheap 10 dollar ones. All you need to do is swap around a few keybinds and I promise, you will be returning flags at speeds you thought you'd never be able to reach.
To activate Scroll Clicking, do so in the Key Bindings interface:
Key Bindings–> Targeting –> Interact With Mouseover
Bind the primary box to Mouse Wheel Up and the secondary box to Mouse Wheel Down.

That’s all there is to setting up Scroll Clicking and you are now ready to click some flags. You can practice it on chairs, raid frames, targets on your screen etc. but be cautious as “clicking” an enemy player will toggle auto-attack on.
Note: in doing this you may lose your bindings for camera zoom. I would suggest switching them to Alt+Mouse Wheel Up and Alt+Mouse Wheel Down.
Note: Upon using the scroll wheel the affect of a right click will occur, meaning if you accidentally Scroll Click an enemy, it will toggle on auto-attack!
Predicting The Drop
All you need to do now is predict where you believe the flag is going to be dropped, move your mouse cursor around the area you believe the flag will land while spamming your mouse wheel up and down. I usually do a quick oval pattern as the flag is less wide than it is tall. With this in mind, it's easier to miss the flag on the X axis than it is to miss it on the Y axis. To accommodate you need to move your mouse further on an X axis than on a Y axis. You want your mouse to be moving while doing this just incase your mouse is not hovering exactly where the flag lands the absolute instant that it does land. This is very difficult to describe in text, so I have made an image with the help of one of my friends. In this screenshot, pretend he is the Flag Carrier and he's going down.

The red box is where the flag could possibly drop
The blue oval is a rough idea of what my mouse is doing as I'm spamming my scroll wheel as he is dying
When the FC is standing still, this image would very closely simulate where the flag would theoretically drop in a real Warsong Gulch event. However, depending on the Flag Carrier's path of movement and your correlation to that, the possible area for it to drop in will change depending on the different perspective. The possible area for it to drop will grow if the FC has momentum while dying.
In order to master Scroll Clicking, you must be able to anticipate when the flag will drop, assess the FC's direction and momentum as well as your own direction and momentum, predict where it will drop, you must also be damaging the EFC in attempts to kill him, and you must also try not to die while this is occurring, and on top of all that, you must be spamming your mouse wheel up and down while moving your cursor in a quick motion in the area that it could drop.
This sounds like a lot and takes practice, but I promise after a few games it will become second nature and I beg you to try it out for yourself before thinking that it is too complicated. It is very difficult to describe so I hope the pictures help relay what I'm trying to say. if you have any questions, you can always message me or ask in the thread below for clarification. As you get better, you will have a much easier time predicting where the flag will land and you will not be moving your mouse in unnecessary areas where the flag will not drop.
Sap ‘N Tap Ninja
Here is a short compilation of basic flag ninjas performed by Myself. In order to do this, one needs to have extremely quick flag returns.
Here it is broken down:
- Predict The Pass
- Sap EFC
- Scroll Click Flag
- Restealth
This is just one nifty trick that is done with Scroll Clicking and will help you become a better Warsong Gulch player!
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