LOL so the established and self proclaimed Top 24 Guild in bracket got stomped by a bunch of throw together toons and last minute rolls in a temporary Guild. Looking forward to the excuses


Yeaa self proclaimed is the only way, cause they are really bad hahaa. This just proves that they are bad, by getting rolled by a melee cleave.

Nice attempts at killing the opportunity for more premades. Hopefully the other people here will look at these posts for what they are: counterproductive. Oh, and you two also sound a little jealous. If you think SCC is such trash, then surely you can do better and put together your own teams?
Nice attempts at killing the opportunity for more premades. Hopefully the other people here will look at these posts for what they are: counterproductive. Oh, and you two also sound a little jealous. If you think SCC is such trash, then surely you can do better and put together your own teams?

We were on the CCS team bro, so I don't understand the "jealous" comment.

GG to both teams - fun games.

Game 1:


Game 2:


think there is a problem with the images.. I see a Boomkin in both with under 45k damge. Simple Dimple you rock!

Indeed I was on CCS team.

So were they so bad that you don't ever want to play them again? What if they improve? Why trash them in here, when you already won and the screenshots were posted? Lay off and let them lick their wounds, and maybe they'll improve and actually be willing to play you guys again.

There have been so many cases of guilds not being willing to do real premades against each other for fear that they'll get taunted if they lose... unless this was truly only for the sake of bragging rights? Taunting the losers is an excellent way of discouraging more games. I'm under the impression that the point here is to get games, but please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
So were they so bad that you don't ever want to play them again? What if they improve? Why trash them in here, when you already won and the screenshots were posted? Lay off and let them lick their wounds, and maybe they'll improve and actually be willing to play you guys again.

There have been so many cases of guilds not being willing to do real premades against each other for fear that they'll get taunted if they lose... unless this was truly only for the sake of bragging rights? Taunting the losers is an excellent way of discouraging more games. I'm under the impression that the point here is to get games, but please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

I'm not sure if you play the US 20-24 strip, but if you did you might understand a little more - SCC is one of those guilds which people actually do want to kick when it's down.
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I'm not sure if you play the US 20-24 strip, but if you did you might understand a little more - SCC is one of those guilds which people actually do want to kick when it's down.

Sounds like this really was a grudge match then. Okay, whatever. All I wanted to point out is that if you guys really want to get premade games, kicking the loser when they're down isn't the way to encourage that. Doesn't matter how much they "deserve" it. /shrug
So were they so bad that you don't ever want to play them again? What if they improve? Why trash them in here, when you already won and the screenshots were posted? Lay off and let them lick their wounds, and maybe they'll improve and actually be willing to play you guys again.

There have been so many cases of guilds not being willing to do real premades against each other for fear that they'll get taunted if they lose... unless this was truly only for the sake of bragging rights? Taunting the losers is an excellent way of discouraging more games. I'm under the impression that the point here is to get games, but please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Actually, if i get taunt about my gameplay, i would rather step it up than fearing every single premade.
LOL so the established and self proclaimed Top 24 Guild in bracket got stomped by a bunch of throw together toons and last minute rolls in a temporary Guild. Looking forward to the excuses

Clear troll but I don't think SCC considers themselves the top premade guild in the bracket, however the community would do well to commend them for continuing to practice and hone their game, in my opinion. We have worked to promote competition in the bracket regardless of out come of any match, Keep working on it guys and grats to CCS.
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Actually, if i get taunt about my gameplay, i would rather step it up than fearing every single premade.
One of the things I tried to promote in SCC was the idea that win or lose didn't matter, obviously this is hard for the demographic that dominates this community, but I know a number of people in SCC believe that the only failure is in giving up, and that the only thing a lose does is serve to teach you things and make you better. If you get bogged down by a bunch of high school BS than you'l never get anywhere. I think SCC does a great job of doing that.

Hopefully be able to re-sub and play a little more soon.
think there is a problem with the images.. I see a Boomkin in both with under 45k damge. Simple Dimple you rock!


That is the most noticeable thing about that ss imo. Huntards ele and spriests were expected to be up there. Enh was kinda impressive but seeing a Bdruid that low on the dmg charts is just.. odd

Also can someone answer me this cause I still don't know... Is CCS just a group of random ppl forming to mock and make SCC look like jokes or is it a serious new guild out of the blue?
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Actually, if i get taunt about my gameplay, i would rather step it up than fearing every single premade.

Kudos to you for having the resilience to do that. But it's not quite as simple as fear vs not fear. Anyone here remember the 19 premade matches that used to be talked about for 6 months back in Vanilla and TBC? They'd have one match, and then everyone would beat their chests over it for months, talking about rematches, etc, but both sides would keep dodging, for various reasons, sometimes not having all 10 of their A-team members online, or maybe waiting on one guy to finish getting that last perfect BiS item, or needing more time to farm up the consumables so they couldn't get caught without magic dust while the other team had it.

As WoW players, we're trained by the game to avoid entering fights that we're not certain we can win. I could go on for ages about how it does that, but suffice it to say that this discourages people from playing premade matches unless they think they have at least an even chance of winning. That discourages people from doing it more often. And every time they get flamed for a loss, every player watching (not just every player who played) will feel just a tiny bit less interested in actually participating... unless they get their perfect team of course, but how often is that going to happen, hm?
We have worked to promote competition in the bracket regardless of out come...

- Majority of players in the bracket are newbies capped at 20.
-Competition is even when everyone chooses to play at the same level.
-The P2Ps who choose to play as a 20 without enchants or who roll F2Ps.. (ie Ursin, Nazgrel etc) truly promote competition in the bracket.
-Skills are improved when you are at the same level as everyone else.

Life is about choices that can impact the community in a positive or negative manner. Everyone has the choice to play the way they want.

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That is the most noticeable thing about that ss imo. Huntards ele and spriests were expected to be up there. Enh was kinda impressive but seeing a Bdruid that low on the dmg charts is just.. odd

Also can someone answer me this cause I still don't know... Is CCS just a group of random ppl forming to mock and make SCC look like jokes or is it a serious new guild out of the blue?

It's a random group of people who gathered under a common tag, and is ephemeral, just like pretty much everything else in this bracket.

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