Satchels nerfed

Why is it that younger people are so f-ing stupid that they support things like not letting people voice their opinion both here and in their socialist politics? Are they literally too stupid to understand what the alternative is or did their parents allow them to be indoctrinated?

As a member of the so called community I personally don’t care what you think is best for me and neither does anyone else. Grow some balls and learn to listen to opinions that aren’t your own - or ignore them, but don’t silence them.
I'm not saying people can't post their opinions, it is a forum after all. I'm just saying if person A says that they agree with the satchel nerf, and person B calls them a fucking idiot for feeling that way, and if that's gone on for about 9 pages now, then what's the point? If you were to condense down this entire thread, filtering out repeats of information, then it'd probably be about 2 pages.

I mean I get it. My opinion certainly lays on one side of the argument, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell every person who disagrees with me that they're an idiot and constantly try and prove their opinion as being wrong.
This has to be most “f-ing” stupid question on the thread

Mostly everyone knows the answer.
The most powerful lessons can only come from experience.

One of these lessons is patience.
Another is never get attached to your plans.
Yet, another is everything is temporary.

Well if anyone wants to know how the items turned out from the satchels then I got the answer for you! They turned out to be as good as the bg gear ilvl 23-26 have the same stats on lvl 20's so go ahead and open them and have fun! Im glad i waited to open them because now Im all set with my haste/vers set. Happy pre patch everyone! <3 AND PLEASE END THIS THREAD ITS POINTLESS NOW!
Banning longtime twinkers who have the guts to make a stand for better games and making straw man attacks about twinkers "too lazy to grind" accomplishes the opposite.
Except " a stand for better games " was hardly the point in that case as said person went right back in deceiving people with "opening your looted bags because you get better loot".

Nothing more harmful to any community than mistrust.
Especially when provided info is used against you as a sucker punch a week before the end.
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I like this technique whereby when people they don't like something or they think it shouldn't work that way they call it a "bug" or an "exploit", and then use that to justify "fixing it".
To these people, anything but everyone in whites while they play a legion survivor hunter is wrong and needs to be addressed. They'll never be happy, and any attempt to appease them will always result in less than ideal outcomes. F them.
threads mods don't agree with get locked instantly, yet threads like this gets 10 pages lol

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