Sanity Reformed - Defias Brotherhood EU [A]


Sanity Reformed


Sanity was a guild that was first founded back in October by myself and a few other friends which we're people that left other guilds that we're on Defias such as Calcium and RNG Gaming. The guild kinda died into mid november just over a month after its creation, the main reason of this is because of the lack of listening and skilled players we had through out the guild. After great consideration myself and two other in real life friends have decided to restart the guild because we want to great a good group of pvp players for arenas, tournaments and RBGs.

Core Information:

The guild will be focused on PvP which means that we may do the odd raid to get gear but it won't be guild runs and it will be on the basis if a player makes a run for gear he doesn't have to invite you guildie or not. PvP wise we will have a core RBG team and hopefully in the future a 2nd RBG team however at the moment just a main team, the main teams members can be changed for better performing players.

The basics of how the guild works:

We have three guild masters, the first being myself and I will basicly manage the player base and the recruiting side of things so that we can keep up a high level of play. The second GM is called Hyphondee and he will be in charge of the kicking within the guild so that he can guild kick anyone that is breaking any of the rules (will be listed below) and anyone that is performing below our required standard. The last guild master is AmaraKane (the name is an inside joke) he will be leading all rated battlegrounds, he has exp of 2600 and above RBG rating at level eighty five.

The ranks below will be based around the following:

Officer - This rank is just to keep track of the guild while the guild masters are offline and do any nessasary invites or demotes to stop any problems happening and so forth.

Core RBG - Everyone in the core RBG team will be on this rank so it makes it easier to track them through calender invites and so forth.

Second RBG Team - This rank is mostly set up the future for when we set up a second RBG team for the same reason as Core RBG team, we may also put back ups under this rank for the time being.

Trusted - This is a rank for loyal members and you get extra acess to bank and so on.

Active - Active members within the guild, not online but within the guild such as forums, helping etc.

Member - These are people that have been in the guild for a while or just being active in the guild.

Trial - Newly joined members.

Alts - Alts of Members and above (We don't allow trials to have alts.)

  • You must have a working microphone and be able to understand clear English
  • You must be able to use skype and ventrilo
  • You must have arena rating above 2000 or rbg above 1700
  • You must complete a trial test

In a trial test we look for communication, awareness and general gameplay.

Communcation - This has the same importance of being skilled as far as I'm concerned if you can't communcate and you want to sit there in a RBG silent all game then you won't make it past the trial period.

Awareness - If you can't be aware of your surroundings and you just tunnel vision that guy with the icelances and tazik then you won't find your self making it past the trial period.

Gameplay - If you backpedel, keyboard turn or you are generally new to pvp and therefore bad you won't make it past the trial period.

How to Join:

You can join by visiting Sanity and visiting our forums and making an application.

Any further information can be found at the website above or through ingame Defias brotherhood: AmaraKane, Pandorahqt or HyphonDee.

Thanks for reading or not reading and trolling.

i started laughing irl. then fell off my chair.
gl with the guild seablue
Hate the rank "Trusted". Step 1. In alienating everyone below that rank. Why not have Member and Senior Member, rather than imply everyone below X rank is untrustworthy and non-essential to the guild. Maybe I'm just on my man-period, GL with the guild. :3

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