Sanctuary - lvl 24 Wargames

Due to high Activity in both guilds and New transfers. We will be doing Wargames starting Jan 31. We will be focusing on Wargames twice a week. Pm me if interested in filling in if we have openings. It will be based on faction and group comp.

We are the only Guild in any bracket and were the first to do Wargames.
If your looking to Reroll a new toon for just Wargames. You have until jan 31. Where Wargames will be done regularly. For thoses on my real id msg me in game or pm me here for more info or hit me up on vent.
I will be running some Gnomer runs this Sunday. Alliance or Horde. And probably finish up with some BG's later who wants to join.
Sanctuary horde needs MOAR COWBELL!!!!

sanctuary horde needs more 24s, tell all your guildmates and friends to roll 24 rogue and paladin, even the max level ones anyone you meet,
5 horde 24s isnt enough the bracket and the world needs the 24s, the horde needs you

next thursday our lvl 24 wargames horde vs alliance. every thursday. 2nd day hasn't been decided yet. Still have time to join transfer or roll a toon in guild. This will be guild only. We might let in 3 real ids/ pugs to even number or group comp.

For thoses people intrested in transfering or rerolling a toon on Alexstrasza just to get into our Wargames pm me.
You know my schedule Honey. Unfortunately Thursdays are bad for me. Maybe if we have two days a week one of those days will be more favorable.
Resy set up Thursdays. We are going to do twice a week. The guild used to do them them on Mondays.

Side project we are currently talking about is 24s also killing world bosses.
I have done world boss raids with my 19 hunter with WHU back in the "int build " days. When twisted chanter's staff was a good weapon for a hunter.
Thank you for the responses on real Ids who are interested in filling for Wargames if needed. I'm already missing WSG.

New event will be added before or after Wargames. Foam Sword Rack - Item - World of Warcraft fights " - last one with sword wins. No teams, just a free for all.

Ps. Shout out to Burger for kick starting F2P's on Alexstrasza & to officers on both guilds for all their work. Resy, Wookie, Temp, Hurbz, Drad.
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thank you for everyone who showed up for our first of many 2013 Wargames. It was a great success had 19 guildies show up and only needed 1 real id but due to bad connection was able to bring a few real ids thru out the night. Up to 5 real ids when guildies had to leave.

Wargames at the time of this message are currently still going on 3rd hour. If intrested in join Wargames Pm me thru here. Wargames are a guild event we do take in real ids once in a while.

Alliance won first 2, Horde went on to win last 2.
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Recruiting for Wargames Thursday at 7. Not 2 of same class will make except if other team has same amount.

till need healers: ( we have healers but we want variety of classes)

Resto shamans
Holy pallys
MW monk

Druids with balance/ feral/ balance gear to switch out around for group comp

Dps classes still in need of: ( looking for variety )


People intrested in rerolling a lvl 24 toon on Alexstrasza for Wargames contact an officer in guild . Can discuss possible transfer options, full enchant support, possibly guild boas all depends on ur good standing with Sanctuary already. So if your tired of hearing how your lvl 24 and you crutch on your gear and enchants. Only one way to find out. Thursday nights 7 central. Will be hosting in near future 15 horde vs 15 alliance AB all (Sanctuary) Wargames. Also looking to make a 2nd Wargames night Mondays. Thank you for taking the time to read our post.
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Wargames in 2 1/2 hours pm me if you are intreested in joining in case we have a spot open. Wargaming 7-10 central time.

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