sahdowbolt on my rouge

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american people dont understand how to be funny
Quelfep said:
i was in wsg today and i was owning a guy and then this purple skull that looks like a shadowbolt FLIES out of my sword. i was like WTF? has anyone else every experienced this?

You've inspired me to troll harder.
why does my sword do a thing that everyone knows its supposed to????? this is a funny thread idea somehow and im going to post it even though my own friend told me it was a retarded idea.

America, ladies and gentlemen. America.
Restoshaman said:
@ OP.

*sigh*, troll troll troll troll troll :(

what is this board coming to.

probably not the best place, but i love your name and your signature
1 vent

2 orcfagsm wans to trol

3i say i can

4 he say ok

5 i do it

6 he try to riun it to be funy
eazyeisalive said:

im not even joking i freaking love your posts i always laugh
Quelfep said:

reminder that you literally tried to co-ordinate this thread (what even needed to be co-ordinated? yikes dude) over vent with your friends and they told you it was a retarded idea and you posted it anyways
eazyeisalive said:
reminder that you literally tried to co-ordinate this thread (what even needed to be co-ordinated? yikes dude) over vent with your friends and they told you it was a retarded idea and you posted it anyways

refer to previous post

EDIT: i found it for you because i know EU's arent very smart

Quelfep said:
1 vent

2 orcfagsm wans to trol

3 i say i can

4 he say ok

5 i do it

6 he try to riun it to be funy

coordination of specific thread is where?
Quelfep said:
refer to previous post

EDIT: i found it for you because i know EU's arent very smart

coordination of specific thread is where?

lol if u think i tried to read that icanhazcheezburger 4chan nerd sh*t
Quelfep said:
eazy casts Evasion







i dont think its really intrinsical to the point anyways - the point being that your thread sucks + is gay. Thank You For Taking The Time To Reply
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