sahdowbolt on my rouge

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On a more serious note, you can put [item]Shadow Oil[/item] on x2 shadowfangs enchanted with lifestealing for even MOAR purple skullz.
Were you by any chance using Sinister Strike?

Bllzzard Patch Notes said:

* Rupture: The damage-over-time component of this ability can now produce critical strikes.

* Talents

o Subtlety

+ Filthy Tricks: Now Reduces the cooldown by 5/10 seconds and energy cost by 5/10 of Tricks of the Trade, Distract and Shadowstep abilities, and reduces the cooldown of Preparation by 1.5/3 minutes.

+ Sinister Strike: Now also gives the rogue a chance to proc a shadowbolt, dealing 3% of the rogues maximum health, in shadow damage.

+ Hemorrhage: If the rogue has a dagger equipped, this ability now deals 160% weapon damage instead of 110%.

+ Serrated Blades: This talent now allows the rogue to ignore up to 3/6/9% of the target's armor, rather than a fixed amount of armor ignored per level of the rogue.

+ Slaughter from the Shadows: Now adds 1/2/3/4/5% damage to all attacks and reduces the energy cost of Backstab and Ambush by 4/8/12/16/20, up from 3/6/9/12/15.

+ Waylay: The debuff from this talent can now be caused by Backstab in addition to Ambush and can be triggered by all hits from these abilities rather than just critical strikes, but the snare component is now 50%, down from 70%.

Blizzard Patch Notes

Fucking nabs. L2Read Patch notes.
I was really proud until I saw the vent thing.
McBankington said:
I was really proud until I saw the vent thing.

that just proves how much of a tool you are
elocon said:
Fail troll attempt did succes.

It can't be a failed troll if he succeeded. But considering Orcasm staged half of the shit I would say it is neither as he did get some other people.
McBankington said:
It can't be a failed troll if he succeeded. But considering Orcasm staged half of the shit I would say it is neither as he did get some other people.

we were actually going to do something funnier but then he posted it and i thought it was retarded so i tried to ruin it ps i love u

ps again it wasnt even supposed to be on these forums
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