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What is up with all level 10s being rude towards other people :/ makes me very sad, im always trying to be a nice person towards people but the level 10s on Draenor for example...

i will duel them on my level 19 and get my butt kicked because lets be real, most level 10 are better players than me and level 10 requires more skill than 19 and so on

but please cant the level 10s be abit nicer to people, it seems like every single level 10 just has the rude attitude towards anyone who isnt level 10 :/

Please change your attitude people

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Me too, I'm having the exact same problem. I was actually going to roll lvl10 twinks with my friends, but changed my mind because of this :(
Me too, I'm having the exact same problem. I was actually going to roll lvl10 twinks with my friends, but changed my mind because of this :(

yes mate... i get it they are active and all but by being aggresive to people who just play the game for fun they wont be recruiting many more players... its sad to see their attitude...
Yus I mades one costs me 1k golds. everyone call me bad and use scroll no fun :'(

Inb4 flame
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I tried making one, but during the crit ring quest my dick got twisted in the toaster, then mean 10s started laughing at my charred dick :/ fix ur attitudes

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this could actually be the funniest thread to ever appear on TI. now all we need is hannibal lecter to give a speech on vegetarianism...
Sad too hear, but i pretty much agree with Rullarn..

Most people dont like you, cause of your attitude
"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." - Raylan Givens, Justified
"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." - Raylan Givens, Justified
never quote someone who thinks its ok to wear a cowboy hat in the 21st century
Even though this is obviously a troll post i'm going to let it stay here.. Because sadly it's true..
Through the last few months i've seen more and more 10 twinks from Stormscale/Draenor acting as if they're something special. Obviously this doesn't mean everyone, but i think the ones being douches know i'm talking to them.
So i agree with Stubs, a lot of 10s are acting like huge dicks.

I don't think anyone ever has the right to be elitist, but these people are being extremely much so and walk around like they're something special.. If you're going to be elitist at least have something to put it in, the people don't seem to understand that though and sadly these kids don't seem to understand that.. And i say kids since i know that 90% of these people are of the age 10-14/15...

People really need a personality check :(

- Pay in mind that i'm not poiting towards any specific guild, just that i agree that a lot of people are being rude.
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Even though this is obviously a troll post i'm going to let it stay here.. Because sadly it's true..
Through the last few months i've seen more and more 10 twinks from Stormscale/Draenor acting as if they're something special. Obviously this doesn't mean everyone, but i think the ones being douches know i'm talking to them.
So i agree with Stubs, a lot of 10s are acting like huge dicks.

I don't think anyone ever has the right to be elitist, but these people are being extremely much so and walk around like they're something special.. If you're going to be elitist at least have something to put it in, the people don't seem to understand that though and sadly these kids don't seem to understand that.. And i say kids since i know that 90% of these people are of the age 10-14/15...

People really need a personality check :(

- Pay in mind that i'm not poiting towards any specific guild, just that i agree that a lot of people are being rude.

As a mod arent you supposed to not have an opinion and get involved in matters like this and get involved with flames / troll posts?

Surely thats setting a bad example ... even if people are dicks and childish - as a mod arent you supposed to be the parent in the arguements of children and quieten it down .. not promote it ?
As a mod arent you supposed to not have an opinion and get involved in matters like this and get involved with flames / troll posts?
Surely thats setting a bad example ... even if people are dicks and childish - as a mod arent you supposed to be the parent in the arguements of children and quieten it down .. not promote it ?

Mods are allowed to have opinions, we're not mindless robots scouring the forums..
This thread being a troll or not still has to do with the bracket and the cancer which is elitisme/arrogance i see when i duel or run around outside of orgrimmar, and is therefor on topic and relevant to the thread.
Anyway, let's keep this out of the chat, if you have any questions about modding you can PM me or another mod/admin.
If you have a problem with my decision here PM another mod and have them take a look and i'll talk with that person about it.
Even though this is obviously a troll post i'm going to let it stay here.. Because sadly it's true..
Through the last few months i've seen more and more 10 twinks from Stormscale/Draenor acting as if they're something special. Obviously this doesn't mean everyone, but i think the ones being douches know i'm talking to them.
So i agree with Stubs, a lot of 10s are acting like huge dicks.

I don't think anyone ever has the right to be elitist, but these people are being extremely much so and walk around like they're something special.. If you're going to be elitist at least have something to put it in, the people don't seem to understand that though and sadly these kids don't seem to understand that.. And i say kids since i know that 90% of these people are of the age 10-14/15...

People really need a personality check :(

- Pay in mind that i'm not poiting towards any specific guild, just that i agree that a lot of people are being rude.

I understand that you would think iam trolling but sadly im not, ive been on Draenor for 4 years and have always been able to walk quietly around in Durotar having nice chatts with people admiring my twink, we been doing casual duels for fun, now as soon as i duel a lvl 10 and he 3-4 shot my 1.8k hp 19 druid its like they think iam the worst and that they are superior and they start call me names and say how they beat me on a level 10 and i shud level.

also i started declining most of the duels from lvl 10s and even then i get flames for being a pussy and how iam a 19 and pussy out vs a lvl 10, its just sad what it has become.
As a mod arent you supposed to not have an opinion and get involved in matters like this and get involved with flames / troll posts?

Surely thats setting a bad example ... even if people are dicks and childish - as a mod arent you supposed to be the parent in the arguements of children and quieten it down .. not promote it ?

leave him alone you troll.
i feel ur pain stubs, these lvl 10's mock us all the time, we must stand up and fight !
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