Rouges at 19

nonono, icy glow > everything, icy feature > everything, icy ppm > everything, icy overall > everything.
Bluntforce said:
I know alot about 19 twink rogues, I know all the viable gear, and I would love to help people out if they have any questions.

Good rogues to talk to are [char=Arathor]Bunnywabbit[/char] and

popping up HK experienced rogues isn't everything, but they def do have more experience then almost everyone who commented here. The entire argument here was over weapon enchants and OH. Now you guys are linking caster stuff?? Oh well lol. Dual fieries/fiery+15agi/dual 15 agis i has em :p. And you should get em too. =) [char=Draka]Crilicilyn[/char] (ik im working on profs but I dont have much time atm to do them.) Oh and I have alot more weapon dps w/ just fiery on my mainhand then the other rogues you posted :p
Crilicilyn said:
popping up HK experienced rogues isn't everything, but they def do have more experience then almost everyone who commented here. The entire argument here was over weapon enchants and OH. Now you guys are linking caster stuff?? Oh well lol. Dual fieries/fiery+15agi/dual 15 agis i has em :p. And you should get em too. =) [char=Draka]Crilicilyn[/char] (ik im working on profs but I dont have much time atm to do them.) Oh and I have alot more weapon dps w/ just fiery on my mainhand then the other rogues you posted :p

We forgot our sarcasm tags when we started posting caster gears.
Conrose said:
Going for maximum burst potential... especially for vs hunters.

since fiery's crit chance is based on spell crit, rogues dont get a chance to crit fiery except for if they have 225 skin, which it would only be 3% chance to crit for 60, hitting usually for 40

lifestealing hits for 30, heals for 30, but some gets resisted, so the average can be from anywhere from 50-60 health changing hands (so to speak)

so fiery damages for 40, (maybe) 3% chance to crit for 60

lifestealing has a 100% chance to hit for 25-30, heal for the same amount.

Its a matter of preference, whether you want to last a bit longer, or kill the other person a bit faster, either way - healing for 30 isn't all that much, and an extra 10 damage per proc isn't all that much either. All about preference imo
icey hunters...where are they...

they're all over emberstorm.. i wanna see one here. ;3
I'm srs it's like non twink bgs with long ques, lack of skill here is killing me.. If ques wernt instant I'd be at ruin with you guys, but every good horde quit or went ally...
Bluntforce said:
I myself sport dual 15 agil, but i am agil stacking. Fiery is NOT worth it, so i would not use it, true, theif's blade is rather rare offhand, but i brought it back on my server, and it serves me quite well overall. Plus, this is just one of hundreds of builds for a 19 rogue. If anything, i would go Crusader on main hand. You just dont want a proccing enchant on off hand, it doesnt work well.

You have got to be the stupidest Rogue I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life. You are the exact definition of the terrible rogues I encounter in my BG's. But man, even THEY don't have 100's of builds. If it was even remotely possible for someone to be as bad as you and think they're good, noone would continue twinking at 19, because you would just make them want to /wrist and level to 20. I'm not even going to bother correcting anything you said, because, aside from not listening to anyone else, you're still trying to prove the exact opposite of what a rogue should be doing. You're terrible beyond belief, and you're going to spread your AIDS to all of your BG and cause everyone to die a horrible, horrible death. Not only do you use 15 agility, but you also happen to be using a Thief's blade, and Crusader Mainhand. It's the perfect formula for nerdrage. Any good rogue would take one look at your post and want to kill themselves just for reading the dribble you wasted your time and everyone elses to write. You need to stop posting immediately, take an IQ test, and go back to school.


Bluntforce said:
Listen, I dont really care about you and your ideas, i made this thread to try to help people somewhat, I dont appreciate you coming in here to tell me im wrong

Your opinion is wrong and you are bad. Stop hurting people.

Abcfear said:
Good rogues to talk to are [char=Arathor]Bunnywabbit[/char] and


...Blisster has a TB in his OH with 15 agility, and a meadow ring of Agi...

jailbot said:
IAt would have fun with you. ;3

iaccidentallytwink said:
You have got to be the stupidest Rogue I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life. You are the exact definition of the terrible rogues I encounter in my BG's. But man, even THEY don't have 100's of builds. If it was even remotely possible for someone to be as bad as you and think they're good, noone would continue twinking at 19, because you would just make them want to /wrist and level to 20. I'm not even going to bother correcting anything you said, because, aside from not listening to anyone else, you're still trying to prove the exact opposite of what a rogue should be doing. You're terrible beyond belief, and you're going to spread your AIDS to all of your BG and cause everyone to die a horrible, horrible death. Not only do you use 15 agility, but you also happen to be using a Thief's blade, and Crusader Mainhand. It's the perfect formula for nerdrage. Any good rogue would take one look at your post and want to kill themselves just for reading the dribble you wasted your time and everyone elses to write. You need to stop posting immediately, take an IQ test, and go back to school.

he's in my BG!

am i infected??
iaccidentallytwink said:
You have got to be the stupidest Rogue I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life. You are the exact definition of the terrible rogues I encounter in my BG's. But man, even THEY don't have 100's of builds. If it was even remotely possible for someone to be as bad as you and think they're good, noone would continue twinking at 19, because you would just make them want to /wrist and level to 20. I'm not even going to bother correcting anything you said, because, aside from not listening to anyone else, you're still trying to prove the exact opposite of what a rogue should be doing. You're terrible beyond belief, and you're going to spread your AIDS to all of your BG and cause everyone to die a horrible, horrible death. Not only do you use 15 agility, but you also happen to be using a Thief's blade, and Crusader Mainhand. It's the perfect formula for nerdrage. Any good rogue would take one look at your post and want to kill themselves just for reading the dribble you wasted your time and everyone elses to write. You need to stop posting immediately, take an IQ test, and go back to school.


Your opinion is wrong and you are bad. Stop hurting people.

...Blisster has a TB in his OH with 15 agility, and a meadow ring of Agi...


I laughed a little inside
iaccidentallytwink said:

NM, glad to see you made it here. <3

Tonkks said:
Jailbot come back!! We need more skill in emberstorm

:3 I ponder it every now and again. Maybe in December.. maybe.

Tonkks said:
I'm srs it's like non twink bgs with long ques, lack of skill here is killing me.. If ques wernt instant I'd be at ruin with you guys, but every good horde quit or went ally...

:3 dhamp is ally nao am i rite?

EDIT: no reason

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