Rolling 80 dk


Hello 80 Bracket sup fresh dudes sup.

i just lvled my 80 holy pala to 85 cause of that Holy didnt work out for me at 80 and retri isnt considered a real spec to me.

Anyway, lvling my 72 niffle dk to 80.

How is dk in the 80 bracket? :>

Very good :O
equal or better then rogue and other good classes?

Tho very good is very good :) just abit more info pls <3
I'd say equal, slightly less i guess.

I cant really provide accurate information since i dont have one myself, i speak for what i saw in both bg's and arena.

Aelobin or Kayer are prolly best at helping you with detailed infos.
Same dps as a rogue in pve, nowhere near as good as a rogue in pvp. However, frost has a very strong mastery, and you can zerg teams down (I tried 2s with a frost dk who had 40 mastery, he was 1shotting the entire opposing team with a howling blast)

In bgs, a good frost dk can kill pretty much anything in a strangulate.
DKs are incredibly fun to play in this bracket, both in pve and pvp. Unfortunately, as I've understood it, the only viable spec in arena is frost, I think DB and 2h are relatively close though. While warriors and paladins mostly rely on frost resist, imo DKs aren't really dependant of it, simply because we have strong defensive cooldowns to prevent frost mages from even landing a single cast on us, and we have the burst to make sure they're gone before our cooldowns run out as well. While rogues have an advantage over us, I've easily "outplayed" rogues before they could even cause any serious damage, so it's all about how you play imo, you need to be ready for whatever happens, never allow yourself to sit at 0 RP, because if something opens on you with a stun at that point, and you're without your trinket, you're pretty much done for.

This is just what I think though.
DKs are incredibly fun to play in this bracket, both in pve and pvp. Unfortunately, as I've understood it, the only viable spec in arena is frost, I think DB and 2h are relatively close though. While warriors and paladins mostly rely on frost resist, imo DKs aren't really dependant of it, simply because we have strong defensive cooldowns to prevent frost mages from even landing a single cast on us, and we have the burst to make sure they're gone before our cooldowns run out as well. While rogues have an advantage over us, I've easily "outplayed" rogues before they could even cause any serious damage, so it's all about how you play imo, you need to be ready for whatever happens, never allow yourself to sit at 0 RP, because if something opens on you with a stun at that point, and you're without your trinket, you're pretty much done for.

This is just what I think though.
Could not have said better myself :)
Dks are a strong class in the 80 bracket, going to kayersup talking about not being able to burst you as a frost mage, that is completely wrong

engi/alch mastery fmage can still 2 shot through it, me and skeenz have no problem with it
so i would advice possible getting some frost resist gear, and switching over when you queue into a mage, vs fire you shouldnt really have a problem
only thing i would advice is not to be bad, most dks in this bracket DG before blink(Kayersup) Etc, which can cost you the game, gl tho will be nice to see
new people coming to the 80 bracket
Dks are a strong class in the 80 bracket, going to kayersup talking about not being able to burst you as a frost mage, that is completely wrong

engi/alch mastery fmage can still 2 shot through it, me and skeenz have no problem with it
so i would advice possible getting some frost resist gear, and switching over when you queue into a mage, vs fire you shouldnt really have a problem
only thing i would advice is not to be bad, most dks in this bracket DG before blink(Kayersup) Etc, which can cost you the game, gl tho will be nice to see
new people coming to the 80 bracket

Sush dog, your oppinion is completely irrelevant.

Try to stop bashing on people and we might start giving a fuck, untill than, you are kindly asked to move to the 70's forums and spread your nonsense over there.
Sush dog, your oppinion is completely irrelevant.

Try to stop bashing on people and we might start giving a fuck, untill than, you are kindly asked to move to the 70's forums and spread your nonsense over there.

Agree with rage and immaturity should be in 70 bracket, but you're also retaliating leave it be and a troll will fade from memory :)
Dks are a strong class in the 80 bracket, going to kayersup talking about not being able to burst you as a frost mage, that is completely wrong

engi/alch mastery fmage can still 2 shot through it, me and skeenz have no problem with it
so i would advice possible getting some frost resist gear, and switching over when you queue into a mage, vs fire you shouldnt really have a problem
only thing i would advice is not to be bad, most dks in this bracket DG before blink(Kayersup) Etc, which can cost you the game, gl tho will be nice to see
new people coming to the 80 bracket

Oh heeeey, look who came back for more! Why don't you respond to me in the other thread instead of trying to spread misinformation here? =( I guess I was right, you are just a scared little dog. Unlike you, I play classes at relatively high mmr 85 as well, meaning I know basics of each class, which you obviously don't. I understand your crave for attention, I've seen this effect occur on others not getting enough attention from their mothers in their adolescent life, so I'm assuming that's what happened to you as well. However, I'm not sympathetic, I'm actually quite glad because this explains your need for attention and why you would ignore my posts, which you're not capable of answering to, clearly.

I'm going to make a TL;DR for you because knowing you, you probably won't know what some of these words even mean.

TL;DR - Why aren't you replying to the other thread where I told you to come back to Draenor and take me on 1v2 like you said you did earlier, jk too dog to even try, I have knowledge about basic class mechanics, which alone grants me the capabilities of a god compared to the dog you are.

@Crossaqsing - Ignore Dynlolx, he's just being an attention whore, god knows how little attention he gets from his mother, and his only option is apparently to try getting it on the Internet. He likes to write forum posts where he misinforms others/Shares information from his own dream world, which resides in his head.

Could not have said better myself :)

i offered you a wargame, you declined! ;) instead you want me to xfer cus ur a scared little dog and wont wargame because of your immense rattyness<3 love u broheeeeeeeeeeem

oh btw, that information was correct, u clearly dont understand ur class and are boosted by wows mechanics
i offered you a wargame, you declined! ;) instead you want me to xfer cus ur a scared little dog and wont wargame because of your immense rattyness<3 love u broheeeeeeeeeeem

oh btw, that information was correct, u clearly dont understand ur class and are boosted by wows mechanics

First of all, wargame would require me to add you to real id, which would be like mixing something you like drinking with shit. Second of all, I didn't decline, 80 vs 85 wargame does not work, but you probably didn't know that, huh? :( You're a scared little dog, and I guess you worship rats? Because I am clearly a god to you, even if you try to say otherwise. You claimed that I grip before blink, that's misinformation right there. Boosted by wow mechanics? That must be the best joke I've heard all day, coming from someone who plays a mage and thinks he's skilled. Talk about irony. (If you didn't get it, the ironic part is that you play a frost mage with heavily inflated mastery, meaning you're the one boosted by "wow mechanics", which are unintended) 2k achievement achieved yesterday as the most overpowered class in the 80s bracket there is, and for how long have you been playing your mage? A little bit too long in order to only just have achieved 2k yesterday if you ask me. :)

Please, if you're going to try to troll, disguise it a little bit better. All I'm doing right now is replying to you in order to make you come at me, but you're too much of a dog to realize it, or just scared? Maybe a little bit of both, huh? Stay small, stay shit.

Find the post where I CLEARLY decline your request for a wargame? You won't, I've explained why wargame won't work and I've given you an alternative where you can show me how much of a dog you are, but you're the one declining that by the looks of it. :(


I'm just repeatedly calling him a dog and telling him to come at me, which apparently scares him away, stops posting for a while. :( He stopped posting in the other thread for some reason, guess he couldn't come up with a witty reply. :(

I'm just repeatedly calling him a dog and telling him to come at me, which apparently scares him away, stops posting for a while. :( He stopped posting in the other thread for some reason, guess he couldn't come up with a witty reply. :(

ah i see keep up the good work
LOL! see, so u wont realid me because u dont want to wargame because u will get murked! and not replying? sorry for having a life an am working atm!<3

on the other hand
i win
u wont wargame
ur a rat
ur friends are dogs
im a beast
u got farmed
i win
you mirin my right arm?
LOL! see, so u wont realid me because u dont want to wargame because u will get murked! and not replying? sorry for having a life an am working atm!<3

on the other hand
i win
u wont wargame
ur a rat
ur friends are dogs
im a beast
u got farmed
i win
you mirin my right arm?

nice arm <3
LOL! see, so u wont realid me because u dont want to wargame because u will get murked! and not replying? sorry for having a life an am working atm!<3

on the other hand
i win
u wont wargame
ur a rat
ur friends are dogs
im a beast
u got farmed
i win
you mirin my right arm?

I guess I overestimated your reading comprehension, I clearly stated that 85 vs 80 wargames aren't possible, simply because wargames are limited to the respective levels in the bracket, just like battlegrounds and arena. You're dodging my proposal, I'm telling you to come back to Draenor in order to go 1v2 as you stated you could. Why would I admire your right arm? Is your left arm different from your right arm? You're working? Dude, you're 15 max, no one within the definition of 'adult' has a voice that high pitched.

Stay dog, queue dodger #1

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