Rolling 80 dk

Guys, calm the fuck down. You're just rising to the troll, which helps nothing. Don't turn it into a flamefest that is worthy of the 70s bracket, please.

With regard to the last on-topic post, Dks do have reasonable cooldowns against mages and other spellcasters (namely AMS and strang), but it's worth noting that both can be also weak.

Assuming a level 80 dk in pvp gear has ~40k hp (reasonable), AMS is going to absorb a whopping 20k damage. Against a mage or shadow priest, that can be as little as a single cast. It does however, prevent CC and magic debuffs, which is a huge plus. It is entirely possible however, for the DK to die almost as quickly, given the massive burst in this bracket.

Icebound fortitude on the other hand, is only a 20% reduction on a three minutecooldown. Compare this to what paladins get, namely a 1min version of the same thing, and DKs come off weaker (moreso if facing casters, as the paladin equivalent is 40% when glyphed) The bonus however, is it's essentially a trinket. You can live through deep freeze, because you'll not be stunned and be able to react, as well as kidney shot with a shadow dance.

This leaves a single defensive (or offensive) cooldown in strangulate. This is probably a DKs best tool to survive casters, as it is the longest silence ingame, especially when glyphed.

However, given the above, a DK provides probably the highest burst out of any melee class besides rogues, which does help to it's advantage. It's also primarily magic damage, which alleviates the issue with armored classes (paladins and shamans specifically, as they carry a shield)
Well i read all the info and stopped at the fighting :)

Thx all for the info. Not saying i will ;) but how is 84 dk? ^^


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