Roll Call! Who's still active?


How's everyone? Let's get a general nonsense thread going for us old school lovers.

How do you guys think the 70 scene will play out in the future? I've been on and off since early Wrath with multiple toons, and with every expansion, we become more scarce in numbers. I remember being so excited when I first joined Retro and got to raid and PvP with other twinks.

Here's a better question, what got you into the 70 scene in the first place?

For me, BC holds lots of memories, I remember watching my pops (who got me into the game during vanilla) raiding Kara, TK, BT and all that jazz. I played a warrior during that time, and I remember drooling over the T6 + Warglaives. I never had the time to play enough to get to level 70, let alone time to gear up and raid. When I finally reached level 70 on my warrior sometime in early Wrath, I stopped leveling him there and started running BT and SWP with friends, and ever since then I've been hooked.

So, what's your story - why are you in the scene?
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I never got far in PvP or PvE back in Vanilla/TBC as the game was new to me and i was ... 14 or something like that. But i enjoyed the game a lot back when everything was a new experience. I lead a guild in TBC and we cleared Kara and Zul'aman, but never got further before WotLK launched. I wanted to keep my rogue at level 70 to "complete" the gear and content i already had started on. I wanted to obtain it with 70s, hence i moved to Argent Dawn with Zitalin and made two 70 twink guilds called "Brutal" and "Ante Amanthe". I did get bored of the bracket, but i couldn't really leave cause of said guilds untill Shinela eventually got lead and i stopped whining about passing leadership (hard to give up a succes (imo xd)). I still keep returning to the bracket though, and idk why. I guess i've put too much work in my rogue to abandon it at this point.

Now i'm BiS PvE and almost BiS PvP (need dark iron rings) through legit 70 raiding..:cool: Well, except cape. I would be so pissed if it dropped and i lost roll, as i had to run SWP 34 times before i got it, so i 'cheated' on that one

I cant deny that Warglaives also was part reason to stick around at 70, as it would be "cool" having them on a level 70 toon in WotLK. Took me 2 years to get them :(
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I can't remember how I got into the 70 scene, I know I started twinking at 29 during TBC, then went to 60 during TBC (different characters) then somehow I decided my main from TBC would stay 70 and twink in WotLK.

I already made a guild with 60 twinks during TBC and a lot of them were also interested in twinking at 70 during WotLK, so we had enough people to do most raids, problem was the raids were still way too hard to casually walk through them with less people than required, so we never cleared anything besides Zul'Aman, Karazhan and Magtheridon's Lair. The rest of the time I was organizing runs being practically the only person on the realm that made runs that went to KJ, because all other runs stopped at Felmyst (try to explain or guide a bunch of end-game players to follow a certain tactic in a low-level raid, it doesn't work**). I just went with 20 80's (one with Heroism) and then 5 level 70's, so not everyone got a turn, which is why halfway through I made some more alts at 70 to organize more runs.

That's how I got stuck at 70, FOREVER*.

* = not really 'cause I took a break during Cataclysm and the guild, which was already quite dead by then, fell apart. We have people who haven't been online for 5 years though.
** = This was also the case during TBC when doing AQ40 runs, most runs stopped at Twin Emperors, because the tactics were too difficult, the only guaranteed way to get past them was to create a new tactic that was waaaay easier to understand for people, which is what I did. For Felmyst this ment killing her before she took off, which meant you needed extremely high DPS, but it worked. For Twins, I simply told 70s to apply DoTs and wait for the bosses to walk back to their original side after teleportation, worked every time. I don't think the last one works anymore though, but luckily we don't have to worry about that.
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Eeeh, it's not dead in EU, not really active.

One server with PvE isn't really activity. Though I guess we lowered our standards in terms of what an "active" bracket is.
Its not dead, if u find a good active server.

I be playing alot of ret pally(its suck, but its fun)
you think legion they will merge xp on with xp off?

If they did, I'd actually do PvP again o: At least it's not always the same people then :3 Allows for more people to discover that 70 twinks aren't dead!

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