The only thing that will kill the 19 bracket is people like you guys that sit there and just complain about a class as opposed to doing something about it.
if this was the case then the bracket would have been ages ago just because ti mods decided to be anal about shit so we can prance around in flowers and have picnics in every warsong gulch doesnt mean it will be best for the bracket 19s is unique because shit talking and rivalry is what generates activity
hell even this argument with u guys is generating activity until some retarded mod's lock o'clock hour comes around
You can't stop people playing from playing their rogues. Learn to deal with it.
uhh well if even just the rogues that posteed in this thread played something else then we wouldnt have nearly as large of a problem as we do now since its virtually the same idiots that queue rogues every night and keep us from having competitive games
and how are we supposed to learn to deal with ignorant rogues if we have a dead bracket the way this is heading
Hunters have track stealth, use it to guard your FC or look around someone who got sapped.
Priest bubble usually completely stops a rogue from being able to land a kill.
Shamans and other classes can dot rogues to make them unable to open for a while.
If you have 2-3 rogues sticking together ganking 1 person at a time, try to stick with the group, cause rogues die FAST to a group.
looks like ur starting to get it, the reason why they are a liability is cause they are in stealth all the time and even in stealth get caught out easily by hunters and are an easy kill
ur just displaying how rogues are useless and can hardly land kills which is my point they have by far the lowest survivability of any class unless ur a god like mythical
There are many ways to stop this kind of bad play style, and when it is stopped it doesn't make rogues useless.
they may not be useless but that doesnt mean they arent a liability to their team we're talking about a bracket that revolves around caster dps in a huge midfight. i can count on one hand the number of active rogues that would actually contribute
Rogues can guard your FC, surprising any enemy trying to kill him/her.
Rogues are great Flag carriers themselves. You know how far you can get with a swiftness pot and evasion?
If you're guarding your Fc, and know hes about to die, you can pick the flag up out of stealth and take off with it without anyone expecting you.
You can sap enemy healers before they get in combat to prevent them from being useful for 15 seconds or so.
You can ambush other rogues to kill them quickly.
rogues guarding ur fc? wtf kind of logic is that is it ur goal to be more autistic than awesome?
rogues were great fcs in maybe wotlk i think u meant to post that in some patch 3.3.5 private server or maybe ur just retarded and first off speed pots are really frowned upon in this bracket and the second u get hit by any sort of conc, frostbolt, bm monk barrel, its useless. why do u think no one with a brain plays as a worgen? and evasion doesnt do jack shit against casters not sure if ur small brain has figured that out yet
sapping enemy healers before they get in combat doesnt happen very often and while ur sitting around in stealth waiting for a healer to drop out of combat ur team is playing a man down.
ambushing other rogues to kill them quickly is probably the most retarded logic ever. once a rogue opens they are literally a sitting duck unless ur mythical ofc. why open on a target thats gonna die anyways and expose urself to the other team's ranged dps?? ur literally in the same position as the scrub rogue that u just opened on. this is noob i wanna gank ppl mentality
theres literally only one use of a rogue and u failed to mention it. in a competitive midfight game its to take the enemy team's resto hut leaf so that their healers can't get mana. and even then its only a portion of the time because it depends on the positioning of both teams ie: if ur team is in positioin to be able to get resto hut ur rogue sure as hell better not be taking it
and to top it off pretty much only top rogues that have premade experience with reputable guilds know about this strategy, watch TC vs WT premade the vid from silins perspective and u will see workz doing what im talking about
It's a TEAM effort when it comes to WSG. Play like it, and you won't be complaining about these things.
You know Livingforce the NE priest? He had 1.3k hp at one point, and I would usually get the kill off on him with the opener. You know what he did? HE GOT MORE STAMINA and can outlive the opener well long enough to get me killed.
oh my. dont u get it u cant work with a team that has multiple rogues against a team that has less rogues. once again u are displaying how rogue isnt viable, if you cant manage to kill a priest as a rogue u are a huge liability to ur team and your team would benefit from having an extra searing totem instead of u
after reading ur posts im starting to think that uve been trolling this whole time since i cant see how someone can be this .
ti should implement a troll award title for u to have on ur ti account
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