Rogue vs. Rogue duels

i'd focus more on agility, which comes well with the expertise fang set.

isn't 3 all you need for the +5 expertise? in that case, gloves of the fang, belt of the fang, and footpads of fang with +15 agility and 7 agility/stamina (your choice, i'd go agility in rogue v. rogue) chants.

expertise is the only thing available to reduce the chance for your attacks to be dodged

EDIT: is the shrink ray available at 19? i can't look much up while at work lol "games" is filtered
What about the duel itself?

use gouge when it's up for basically a free combo point and the ability to bandage, kite, make them trinket, or get an undodgeable attack. if you're losing the battle, it's a good idea to run away while they are gouged and bandage.

use sinister strike often.

KEEP YOUR FRONT TOWARDS THE OTHER ROGUE. i cannot stress this enough.

getting behind the other rogue will allow you to do way more DPS. any attacks from behind have no chance of being blocked, dodged, parried, etc...they can only miss.

keep up a /target /sap macro for when stealthed.

use throwing weapons when needed.
fuzzles said:
...EDIT: is the shrink ray available at 19? i can't look much up while at work lol "games" is filtered

No you cant use shrink ray on level 19, but on level 20
The rogue dueling is kind of an art, the duel itself has alot to do with spec and gear, but mostly skill. I would agree that agility is best for rogues and slap on your eludings and stealth cloak if you still have em. I personally like ap because i can take down a rogue within the time that they realize that he is dead. The duel can be determined by the spec, it the two people are skilled enough. 0/3/7 or full sub the great duel spec. (i prefer the 6 sec gouge over full sub)

The combat of the duel is using moonwalks (mouse + s and a strafe key) to garrote kite and try to restealth or keep him in combat with thrown. So if you are specced right with an imp stealth cloak and a sap macro, you have a great shot at getting the opener everytime. I use garrote glyph and get about 400-500 damage from the bleed, vs a decent agi rogue he has around 1200-1600. This brings him down alot and you can bleed kite to get him down 400 without him touching you and restealth.

Vs a good rogue he wont let you restealth, but if you cant bleed kite this is where the duel actually happens. Using your mouse you want to never expose your back to your opponent. Dont gouge all of the time. Start using it at about half health to restealth or bandage because it will be dodged alot. But you dont want to use it all of the time because it reduces them gouge timer every time you use it.

If your opponent is trying to get away from you have to time your thrown wepon right. The best time to throw is right when you are about to get out of combat, he will stealth and then get knocked out of it by the thrown. (takes some practice but is easily learnable)

Timing bandaids is difficult because its better to try and los and restealth + sap then bandaid, but if you are 20% or lower go for the gouge bandaid if his trinket is down.

This is kinda wordy and i cant review this atm because im in class, if you have any questions ill happily answer.
Also, I'd like to add this (I discovered this yesterday): If you time it correctly, between a 2 handed class's auto attack (warrior, paladin) you can get two bandage ticks off, assuming he doesn't have the haste.
Soy said:
Dont gouge all of the time. Start using it at about half health to restealth or bandage because it will be dodged alot. But you dont want to use it all of the time because it reduces them gouge timer every time you use it.

would it be smart to use gouge right at the beginning of the fight? this way, you could gouge them, getting a decent advantage...and then after awhile, when the diminishing returns disappear, you can gouge at full duration again...and at this point you should not be below 1/2 health.

i'm not really that experienced in rogue duels, just thinking about how gouging at the beginning would work out. i don't really know if it would be a good strategy.
lucky fisher hat : +8 agi

wsg neck

+9 ag shoulders

sentry cloak : +12 dodge

tunic of westfall : +4 stats

+5 agi wrist : +9 stam

shadowfang : +15 agi

thiefs : +15 agi

+2 agi thrown


pvp trinket

2 x meadow of eluding

fisher feets : boar speed

5/5 monkey legs : +40 stam

deviate belt

4/4 monkey hands : 15 agi

is what i used back when i had my rogue , and workt pretty well
well not many ppl know that if u get sap on other rogue and u gona use garrote (which is the best choice) that it wont do dmg for first 3 sec

so if u time it right with a bit of practice u can turn your back to saped rogue at moment u put garrote on him and turn the auto attack off

that way u can start combat with ss from behind which he cant dodge, auto attack from your weapon and garrote applied to him which is nice dmg which he cant stop

also be ready to re sap him if he uses trinket cos lots of noobs use it on sap

never use a trinket on sap cos then your oponent can gouge you and get around 1k life over the 5.5 sec stun
For rogue v rogue duels, keep your characters back concealed the entire time. Play defensive the entire time and get away+stealth when needed.
sylar said:
Guys stop trying to fool him, rogue duels dont take skill lol30%dodge lol450profs lolrng

Have you played a Rogue or have you even played World of Warcraft?

Theres always a skill factor otherwise people whouldent play duels, if you whould know who win from start.
Rogue v rogue duels are mainly about our moving your opponent, using your CD's better than your opponent, and playing to expect missed gouges.

I'm a big rogue v rogue dueler.. one good thing to do is to prepare to bandage early. Say you're at 800 health.. RIGHT THEN, i'd start getting some bandage attempts going, whether it be using the blades edge jump back onto the ramp, gouges, possibly stealth sap if ur opponents not too smart... You can't start to try and bandage below 500 health and expect to win.

Rogue v rogue duels are probably my favorite duels at 19 and I can't explain them too well.. but all I can say is you need to outsmart and outmove your opponent.

yea it takes a lot skill to master the rogue moves and cd usage but imo rogue duels are the one which are most affected by luck in dodging their attacks and that they dont dodge yours

if both players are good and know how to hide their backs its all in luck

ive had duels with some ppl same geared/skill as me and sometimes it would end that i win with 90% hp left and sometimes they win with 90%

when lets say 2 casters duel u dont get resists much so those duels arent affected by luck as much as 2 rogues with 50-60% dodge chance
If we still talk about 19 Wisperin, Casters usally got low crit and the RNG comes thorught crit instead of dodge.

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