Rogue thrown weapon

So i created a horde bloodelf lvl 1 in an attept to farm some of the throapiercers for my 19 rogue on ally side. So far i have walked over to Silvemoon city and the plan was to panhandle a gold or 2 off of some one then just try and get to Eralan and farm the weapon, but upon further research i found a post stating that someone tried to farm it recently and said you have to be lvl 13 to buy it. I dont wanna waste my time going through all the troubles of setting up on farm with him if im going to run into any reputaion or level requirement issues for purchasing this weapon from him Can anyone share any input?

Also, any tips on any easier way as far as getting to Eralan and then Booty Bay or any neutral auction house? Thanks.
well i can buy the poisons she sells and they require levels way over me... not sure if its the same with the throat piercers though...
i am positive i have bought it on a lvl 1 or 2 char before. was a while ago, but i cannot fathom a green non-rep-gated item having any funny purchasing requirements regardless. you're just on the butt end of rng while checking for them.
i am positive i have bought it on a lvl 1 or 2 char before. was a while ago, but i cannot fathom a green non-rep-gated item having any funny purchasing requirements regardless. you're just on the butt end of rng while checking for them.


and i have gotten them on a lvl 1 be4 so it is possible


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