Rogue boa weapons

you guys mad you always lose :> may be when you get sum sense you be half as good as me HAHA laterz haterz <3<3
you guys mad you always lose :> may be when you get sum sense you be half as good as me HAHA laterz haterz <3<3

whoa calm down nerd.

once you're composed, come at me bro.
Don't mind the trolls and drama-mamas. This is only TI and not a true reflection of AP f2ps.
naeomie is correct - almost all of a rogue's damage at 20 comes from their initial ambush + backstab + eviscerate

like he said, rogues have terrible sustained damage in this bracket and are really only good for sap, interrupts, and their burst damage opener
Thought Id jump on the train as well:p

Im not saying "everyone follow my setup", get the gear that fits your style. After playing over 500 BGs, mostly pugs and the occasional group with Aty, I love my gear setup.

I run a high HP, "high" resil build (not that a normal crit build would be that much different in the end)

Iv thought about getting more hit, expertise, crit or agility. But for me, and I don't think I have a totally out of the ordinary playstyle, I feel that:

-Rogues with BIS or close to BIS do enough damage

Adding more damage still wouldn't let you kill a pro, close to bis healer.

Adding more damage still wouldn't let you one shot a pro, close to bis dps.

So, although this is a BOA weapon thread, its been 3 pages of general rogue gear now, these are my options towards gear.

(Don't be shy on feedback, I don't bite. Ill get back to you, but finals tomorrow so wont be within 24 hours:p)

If you cant oneshot people, survivability becomes the best stat for pvp. Meaning stamina and resil over agi and crit (rughly 1stam>1agi, 1resil>1crit. But 2agi>1stam and 2crit>1resil)

Much of our dps comes from white attacks: True

However hit shoulders are not worth it for geared alliance rogues. Like somone else mentioned earlier, you don't want a 900 HP rogue. Get as high as you can, it will help you a long way towards overcoming enemy burst. I know hit shoulders dont offer 30 less stam, but everything does count. WSG is 10v10, you'll take damage.

Lets look at the 2 popular daggers:

Sharpened Scarlet Kris: 3agi, 4 stam, 3 resil

Doomspike: 4agi, 4 stam + (0.3 dps and is 0.1s faster)

Im fairly sure 50% of the reason people take and or farm Doomspike does it because of the 0.1s faster speed (meaning more rapid crip apply). Its a really really good offhand, but ((as a rogue)) while doing enough damage the 1 agi and 0.1s faster speed does not outweigh the 3 resil that SSK offers for me.

-I can easily do 10 BGs and 30 arenas without a single incident where I would wish I had a faster offhand or feel like I could use the slight dps increase 1 agi offers. But Im constantly putting myself in the situation where I have sub 100 HP.

DPS: Nice

Fast attackspeed: Situationary, some times really nice

Staying alive when the enemy was confident you would die: priceless (although often rewarded in 3 tokens more honor)

-I thought about it for a long time, and I can understand someone wanting to use it, but I would not use Doomspike if I had it. Don't let others tell you what to use, it comes down to preference.

-As for swords as offhand: totally viable for someone only gearing to kill non skilled players with bad gear.

Expertise is nice, but the net loss on taking different gloves is not worth it. My main attacks can NOT be dodged or parried, nor can kick and gouge (because it is used on a player that is casting, they cant dodge/parry).

Even with top notch positioning, you wont get all your white attacks from behind, nor all your eviscerate's. I would love to have max expertise for gouges against hunters in general and when they are doing a super obvious disengage (watch for the jump:p ) but expertise is still not worth it over the net loss on taking different gloves.
My rogue is 'Zerazna' if u wanna see my qualification to answer this lol. (I have over 18k kills and 6 BoA's)

Unlike every1 else I think that BOTH daggers AND swords can be better in different situations. I use a macro to switch between my dalrend/mcgowen and wicked/kris (I like the resil more) constantly and heres WHY:

I calculated the damage of daggers and swords and found that swords do more damage (keep in mind ambush and sinister strike are based on weapon damage, but i cant guarantee the formulas i used were correct, and yes i also considered poison hit rates). For this reason, if Im general noob killing i use swords.

If your attacked by a rogue it's very important to use swords because if he has daggers he will need to get behind you which you can prevent! If you have swords you can just sinister strike which doesnt require you to get behind or close enough for him to get behind you! That means if you just ensure he's always in front of you and keep him crippled, he cant backstab! A dagger rogue unable to backstab will definitely loose and for this reason many times I don't even bother to eviscerate at the end of the fight and just use the combo points to heal back up.

In my opinion there are 2 benefits to daggers, one is the fast cripple time and the other is the ability to reapply waylay. Waylay can be put on a target by backstab but not sinister strike so if im facing a high hitting warrior or pally it may be a little better to use daggers (up to you) [waylay slows and reduces opponents attack speed]. If your facing a 'good' hunter who is smart enough to constantly trinket you cripple to get away from you I like to use daggers to prevent him from escaping and if your facing a druid who is using the 'lol run away' technique I ALWAYS use daggers [keep in mind that druids can power shift to remove your crippling poison and some are good at it!] (I usually run around with my daggers double crippled for that reason).

So i think you should get both ;D, just make a good macro to sinister strike if swords or backstab if daggers (and ambush on stealth) and to easily switch both weapons with a button click. Also don't try the whole switch to daggers and backstab then switch back to swords thing, as your hit timer resets when you switch weapons
Medan and Zerazna both make excellent points and I know they're both good rogues.

However keep in mind while running daggers, the better the player the harder it is to get their back
First off, I use cobrahns because with wicked dagger MH I was over 30% crit, still with 1248 hp and over 360 attack power. Crit cannon spec, just an experiment.

Secondly, Medan is geared for more survivability. Not my focus. If you need more survivability as an alliance leather wearer, I pity you. And yes gouge can be dodged and parried, I don't just use it on casting. I use it frequently on hunters as they disengage, and to buy time for a restealth. Gouge is much more than an interrupt, and can be used much more diversely than you are implying. And honestly medan?? "if you can't one shot people, survivability is the best stat for PvP" I'm sorry, that's just retarded. Rogues are not tanks. I understand gearing for armor, resil and avoidance on paladins, and other defensive classes... but as a DPS, I wan't to optimize the role I am supposed to do best. If you have trouble keeping yourself alive, by all means, gear for defensive stats. I only die in situations where I get caught with a hunters mark, or by a hunter in general from a significant distance away, to 24's or if I get focused in a crowd with incompetent heals on me. With all the survival tools available to rogue, I don't feel the need to stack defensives. Play how you want and if it works for you, that's fine. I'll keep playing my rogue as I see fit, and encourage others to experiment with different gear. I tried the foreman's gloves for shits and giggles, and haven't switched back. I switched to a mainhand sword to test it out, and I like it a lot. I used the crit boots for a while, but I'm probably going to go back to prisoner. I encourage you experiment and experience for yourself. After all, as an alliance leather wearing class, what the fuck could go wrong?
My rogue is 'Zerazna' if u wanna see my qualification to answer this lol. (I have over 18k kills and 5 BoA's)

Unlike every1 else I think that BOTH daggers AND swords can be better in different situations. I use a macro to switch between my dalrend/mcgowen and wicked/kris (I like the resil more) constantly and heres WHY:

I calculated the damage of daggers and swords and found that swords do more damage (keep in mind ambush and sinister strike are based on weapon damage, but i cant guarantee the formulas i used were correct, and yes i also considered poison hit rates). For this reason, if Im general noob killing i use swords.

If your attacked by a rogue it's very important to use swords because if he has daggers he will need to get behind you which you can prevent! If you have swords you can just sinister strike which doesnt require you to get behind or close enough for him to get behind you! That means if you just ensure he's always in front of you and keep him crippled, he cant backstab! A dagger rogue unable to backstab will definitely loose and for this reason many times I don't even bother to eviscerate at the end of the fight and just use the combo points to heal back up.

In my opinion there are 2 benefits to daggers, one is the fast cripple time and the other is the ability to reapply waylay. Waylay can be put on a target by backstab but not sinister strike so if im facing a high hitting warrior or pally it may be a little better to use daggers (up to you) [waylay slows and reduces opponents attack speed]. If your facing a 'good' hunter who is smart enough to constantly trinket you cripple to get away from you I like to use daggers to prevent him from escaping and if your facing a druid who is using the 'lol run away' technique I ALWAYS use daggers [keep in mind that druids can power shift to remove your crippling poison and some are good at it!] (I usually run around with my daggers double crippled for that reason).

So i think you should get both ;D, just make a good macro to sinister strike if swords or backstab if daggers (and ambush on stealth) and to easily switch both weapons with a button click. Also don't try the whole switch to daggers and backstab then switch back to swords thing, as your hit timer resets when you switch weapons
Mad respect points. Now stop GY farming
"And honestly medan?? "if you can't one shot people, survivability is the best stat for PvP""

the thing is, this quote is just 100% accurate for 20 rogues. you're seriously fucking useless for anything but interrupts once you leave stealth. rogue out of stealth damage as an f2p 20 is garbage

once you blow your load, if you didn't get the kill/can't restealth, you serve no purpose other than to interrupt or snare. everyone else does more damage than you and has more survivability and escape options. gearing for survivability makes a lot of sense, although i prefer to gear as a glass cannon for these same above reasons
@Earl, my bad sir didn't see you were crit gearing, noted

@Cotus, Don't forget crippling poison good for peeling when out of stealth
i can barely heal through 3 out-of-stealth boa'd out alliance rogues on my paladin

i can barely heal through 1 boa'd out survival hunter on my paladin

you do not do plenty of damage outside stealth

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