Rogue boa weapons

Ello's band and eyepatch hit caps an alliance rogue. There is no point getting more hit rating when Ambush+Backstab does 70% of a players health. Stormshroud shoulders have more stamina. You could probably get very close to the melee hit cap, but what is the point? You'd end up with 900 health.

You're dumb. Unless you're 2 shotting a scrub, roughly 40% of a rogue's damage comes from white hits, which occur more often with hit. I would value hit over stamina, seeing as I have an eyepatch and an AGM. Alliance leather wearers don't need the minute amount of stamina, and the resil is nice, but not better than the hit. Hit will also increase crippling procs, because you will be hitting more often. As far as I'm concerned, any alliance rogue wearing stormshroud is NOT BiS.
70% of a rogues DPS in an instance setting is melee damage. PvP is completely different. If you're not starting every fight with Ambush and then abusing the 5 second combat timer to re-stealth and Ambush again then you aren't playing a rogue properly.

Poisons also can't "miss" a target, they can only be resisted. The 5% hit cap is for abilities which also can't be parried or dodged because they require you to be behind the target. Honestly, if you want to be the king of DPS you should have rolled a hunter. Melee classes can't break 110 DPS. SV Hunters break 180 with RNG crits.
Besides the special attack hit cap, there is the white hit cap. You won't reach it, but you can get closer to it. Increasing the amount of white hits increases the chances to apply crippling, and increases DPS. And no, ambush spam is NOT the way to play a rogue. Sure, I can pull 200 DPS with an ambush evis, but that's easily outhealable after I've energy/combo dumped 700 damage, and then have to run away and do it again 10 seconds later. I'd prefer to keep on a target, preferably a healer and keep them locked out while DPSing them and finishing them off with a large evis. Tell me how to play when you've demonstrated you actually can. You're the laughing stock of this forum, keep it up.
If you can't keep a 12 second slow up on a target with dual crip we're playing different games. Rogues have 2 interrupts, gouge and kick which you should probably keybind. Ambush, backstab and 5 point eviscerates do more than 50% of a targets health when you're killing them, it's actually closer to 70% (magic number). I think the problem is you expect to kill everyone and spam buttons like a 12 year old sweating over his first kill. You should learn to pool energy for interrupts because if they can't heal themselves you'll kill them quicker than spamming backstab all day.

I'm assuming you don't take berserking if you're having this much trouble killing someone.
70% of a rogues DPS in an instance setting is melee damage. PvP is completely different. If you're not starting every fight with Ambush and then abusing the 5 second combat timer to re-stealth and Ambush again then you aren't playing a rogue properly.

Poisons also can't "miss" a target, they can only be resisted. The 5% hit cap is for abilities which also can't be parried or dodged because they require you to be behind the target. Honestly, if you want to be the king of DPS you should have rolled a hunter. Melee classes can't break 110 DPS. SV Hunters break 180 with RNG crits.

1. poisons can miss

2. if the white hit misses, you aren't applying poison are you?



I'll stick to battlegrounds.
Poisons also can't "miss" a target, they can only be resisted. The 5% hit cap is for abilities which also can't be parried or dodged because they require you to be behind the target. Honestly, if you want to be the king of DPS you should have rolled a hunter. Melee classes can't break 110 DPS. SV Hunters break 180 with RNG crits.

Gouge, SS, and evis can be avoided, which is why I use foremans gloves for [font=comic sans ms,cursive]EXPERTISE WHICH IS TOTALLY UNRELATED[/font]. Dodge, parry and block have nothing to do with hit. Oh and I pull 130+ DPS on my non-skillpatch ret.
Given the huge buff ret paladins just got i wouldn't be surprised if you could. I was getting 110 dps on mine without heirlooms weaving exocism and going oom in 30 seconds.

You sapped 5 times, and gouged once in a whole BG. PRO.

They are from different battlegrounds. The 5 saps are from immune checks and people usually die before i need to gouge, kick also costs less energy. I only posted them to show you i'm not a useless rogue. I would like to see you get an ambush crit for 1.1k. 5 flag returns, 20 KB without dying, top of damage in an alliance pug verse 3 hunters, a 24 rogue and a 24 priest. How is that not pro?

I've even had ark tell me in-game that you told him i was a good rogue when i got queued into the same battleground as one of your premades. Just because i disagree with almost everyone on the forums doesn't mean i'm automatically wrong on every occasion.
No my rogue isn't obscure, never met them before either. I'd tell you my in-game name but it'd just ruin our friendly relationship
Dead thread did it as a joke. Then everyone proceeded to call me shit. Irony firsthand. Plus it lead to a pretty funny discussion.
I've even had ark tell me in-game that you told him i was a good rogue when i got queued into the same battleground as one of your premades. Just because i disagree with almost everyone on the forums doesn't mean i'm automatically wrong on every occasion.

Now i so curious

WAIT now i remember


I stopped reading cause everyone got all wall of text ish but imo doomspike is still greater

@Earl You yes more hit could potentialliy increase your DPS as whites are second in dmg output ( with ambush bieng the only yellow out front)

I took the pvp shoulders cause i think they look better tbh that was the only deciding factor <3
when you've reached the pinnacle of rogue game play perfection, small things like dodges, misses and parries matter more.

in short, get on my level.

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