Rocket runs!


Let bring this year to happy ending. (No... you dirty..)
Lvl 10 twinks unite! Run random ppl toug dungs, just cause. I have done now 2 days of "Rocket Runs". Count is 82 diffrent ppl "boosted". All have said thanks so far. Wishing happy new year and welcome to Rocket Run. On macro. Share the love.
Im pala tank, as many might know. Gereminus. Eu. 10. Azjol-Nerub.
I wish all you nice, safe and happy new years!
What are you Boosting for? If for Gear, cool. If for Leveling, the XP debuff will kill most of their XP during that run, which is why I don't do it myself. I've already had a few ppl in Group mention the XP debuff when one of my 10's (and in one case a 49) was in the Group. Luckily they were happy with how fast I killed on my 10's so it wasn't a huge issue.
Rdf xp debuff is not bad atm 45-49 took 2 hours dungeon boosting on my lvl 10. 2x gnome mage and war.
Full dungeon bonus. 90% dung are less than 15min when boost.
i thought it was pretty clear that op was saying “que up randoms and just speed run folks for the fun of it”

Level 11 here, but this is pretty much all I do on Arewurd these days. Speed run levelers through random dungeons, it's the one activity that seems to lead to no hate from other players. As long as I still let the tank lead the show everyone tends to be appreciative and asks for follow up runs, which I am happy to oblige.

I have had fun times when the tank randomly drops right at the start of the run, and I just solo it for everyone so we don't have to wait for a new tank. :D

I do it just for the reactions from rando's, the entertainment value is worth it when I'm bored.

No trouble soloing just about anything on this fella
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Level 11 here, but this is pretty much all I do on Arewurd these days. Speed run levelers through random dungeons, it's the one activity that seems to lead to no hate from other players. As long as I still let the tank lead the show everyone tends to be appreciative and asks for follow up runs, which I am happy to oblige.

I have had fun times when the tank randomly drops right at the start of the run, and I just solo it for everyone so we don't have to wait for a new tank. :D

I do it just for the reactions from rando's, the entertainment value is worth it when I'm bored.

No trouble soloing just about anything on this fella
a chaotic good king
Total count of unique persons: 282. Was fun : ) everyone had a blast. Many dings and many funny moments :'D
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Well.. tbc loot is a b.. but i got what i wanted on this pally all under 50 runs / instace.. Boost happened via rdf. I ran every xpac.
Well.. i gave up on this game now. I got 3 day ban for using game mechanics. Ramparts 0.52 drake kill. Pulled 3 groups and knockback up. Wapam! Ban.
Really? That's awful. Oh, well. Let me know if you get back into it, I'm trying to gather some people for dungeons and questing :)

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