You've broken it to with your posts. Probably too dumb to realize.
a community that can't criticize the moderators on this site is censorship.
Please don't close this, people need to be able to discuss their displeasure with authority.
Giving away free hugs in the Darkshire inn. Sounds like some people here could use one.
why darkshire tho?
Yes, and also against talking about moderation at all, but the way I understand it we're mostly suspending the current CoC until it's completely hauled over. I'm personally still going to step in where I think someone is being treated unfairly, but more with posts than edits I guess. In the 19s section at least I'm definitely going to follow Conq's judgement.Isn't there like a rule against @threads? Or something?
Just let this run its course. this is the first time we have ever been able to start this conversation and obviously there's a lot of stuff that's been suppressed that people have to let out. I know your mod reflexes are to treat this like you have in the past but that's only going to make it worse
I have a thing for spider webs, and creepy music.
Yes, and also against talking about moderation at all, but the way I understand it we're mostly suspending the current CoC until it's completely hauled over. I'm personally still going to step in where I think someone is being treated unfairly, but more with posts than edits I guess. In the 19s section at least I'm definitely going to follow Conq's judgement.
Good point, I definitely get the need to bring up greivances and get to vent after the Nuke TI from orbit phase has passed.
?Please stop locking these threads and deleting them. You are making this a problem when you do that, just let these threads happen and they will go away. Interfere with this and you open a can of worms
hes been under more scrutiny than other mods in the last 6-12months regardless, even minus this thread... seeing as i remember having my own problem with him & displaying publicly
i think we should start having like a 48hour buffer time before calling on mods mistakes, seeing as I think Robo was potentially going to lift my infraction regardless, sometimes it just takes that next day where you wake up a little more civil minded... humans do fuck up