Review on Patch 3.2: 19 Twinking

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I agree that the first cap should not win. I think someone mentioned a sudden death period in the case of a 1-1 where the FC's are immobilized and take 200% more damage
About the only thing 3.2 has going for it is that, It weeded out all the lvl13 alliance drone's that would que into wsg and run around/afk jummp every 2min.
First Post... I think... be gentle... Everything below is IMHO... (just got done reading it and I don't mean to sound so PO'ed... constructive criticism maybe?)

I'm new to twinking and the game (started playing about 8 months ago). I first rolled a hunter leveled it to 80 and got it epically geared. Then became an achievement whore. That being the case I decided that it would be much easier in the long run to have either a tank or healer for some of the achievements. So I rolled a priest and leveled it to 80 got it epically geared was banging out the loremaster achievement requirements... and then started really looking at the other achievements and realized that I was going to HAVE to pvp and not only that I was going to have to roll another toon as it would be next to impossible to get Battlemaster on a toon that was already 80.

SO I rolled a warrior twink (already had the DPS and Healer toon) and started to work on getting it geared. The day before I hit lvl 19 the patch came out. I saw it as karma shining on me. So I spent the 10G to cap and started queuing for WSG.

For the most part I'm amazed at the volume of sheer douchebaggery I've been subjected to as a new twink. I won't go into the specifics but I was amazed at the lack of tact that was shown by many of the long term twinks has made me question whether I'm really THAT interested in learning this side of the game.

When I first turned exp off my little warrior was sitting at just over 900 HP. I was hit with all sorts of "get geared" sorts of statements. Replying that it was a work in progress wasn't met with much enthusiasm. But I persevered and continued working at getting gear AND playing WSG.

I ran RFC,WC,SFK,and Deadmines multiple multiple multiple times. I think I've got nearly every item a warrior could want or need except for 3 from drops and 1 BoA. (need boots either the boe ones or the WC ones), boa ranged, and that stupid hat... fished up over 400 tasteyfish and still no hat).

Now I have 2 sets of gear. I've got my running around suit which self buffed puts me at over 1500 HP, and a HP set that puts me self buffed at just under 2k HP. (if you look me up on the armory you'll see my running around suit on)

Now what I'm faced with is getting reamed for having gear but making mistakes (or maybe just not playing as someone else wants... not entirely sure I'm making that many mistakes).

The end result of all of this is, that I'm amazed at the lack of help or tutelage that I've seen. Maybe it's the server that I'm on. I hope the entire community isn't like this. I have every desire to "learn" my toon and to play it "correctly" and am fully ok with the idea of trial by fire. That being said with the 3.2 patch and what I'm hearing are longer queue times (I haven't really had that much trouble getting into games) I would think that the community would welcome new blood and not go out of their way to be complete assclowns.
well, i can agree to disagree with this post...

First, it all depends on your battlegroup, I myself play on two different battle groups, I find each more or less the same, people complaining about those rare level ten twinks that wander into bgs and out dps half the team, while at the same time half the team is hunters and rogues, go figure...

In my opinion, blizzard honestly failed when they installed the 20 / 25 minute timer in all bgs but hey, I also think blizzard failed when they removed leg armor and librams from twinking too, but hell, I guess I'm one of those 12 year olds too mister Admin.

but, I can't say that blizzard didn't do some good, think about the all exp gain turned off, now I can get a billion new items on my level 10 / 19 twinks that I never could get before without turning off exp gain...

I don't plan on retiring until I an unable to twink a level ten, and if people don't like it, they can suck a lemon :3.

Thats all, ranting done <3

Good post. Agree for the most part. The experience is what you make it. You'll meet alot of childish e-turds that talk smack about anyone anytime anywhere. But there are the normal not-asshats out there. Just find a good /mature 19 pvp guild and stay in the war sir. Play the game your own way and F the naysayers. Conversely, be open to experienced players (respectful) feedback as they may be right.
@ Pizza

Great post. I'd like to add my least favorite part is the increased speed abilities for druid, hunters and shammies. IMO the most dramatic and least desirable change.
Jayeein said:
First Post... I think... be gentle... Everything below is IMHO...

We've all gone through this at one point in the past, in some ways it's the nature of the game, and more so when it comes to pvp because the opponents are no longer scripted ai bosses but real people that do not like to lose. And because of that there is more pressure for your fellow faction players not to lose. There will always be people in Warcraft that enjoy belittling (sic) other players for their own enjoyment, of course this is not the majority of players, but it doesn't lessen the effect.

Some actually don't mean any harm, but the way they communicate their tips to improve comes across as talking down to you because they fear having their ideas being rejected. Some just have not developed their social communication skills that come with maturity. Others are frustrated at having helped people in the past only to see the time having spent on those players as wasted as they stop playing, etc. so the frustration comes across as hostile.

There is also a cultural MMO aspect to this as well. It's almost a rite of passage to pick on the new guy, else terms like "noob" would never have evolved into what it is today, the worst online insult you can call someone. :rolleyes:

In an ideal situation what you want to do is find a guild of players or a mentor that has more exp. than you and is willing to share information so that you can become better. Barring that the other solution is using these forums and posting as many questions as you can and doing research on your class, warsong gulch and arena strategies.

Hope this helps.
Haggisdog said:
I dunno... I'm on Ruin and its not that great...for the last four nights during CST primetime there's only one WSG available, Horde usually has 2-3 players over Alliance and its the same ppl playing... I keep hearing ppl r playing AB and 10v10 premades but I haven't seen it and no one I'm with has seen it either.

what bracket? AB 10 vs 10?

19 brackets on RUIN are WSG only. they go back and forth on filling spots at times, so being undermanned depends on the time and what faction you are playing. once the undermanning starts players quit queing, you are lucky if 2 more games occur.
crusade said:
We've all gone through this at one point in the past, in some ways it's the nature of the game, and more so when it comes to pvp because the opponents are no longer scripted ai bosses but real people that do not like to lose. And because of that there is more pressure for your fellow faction players not to lose. There will always be people in Warcraft that enjoy belittling (sic) other players for their own enjoyment, of course this is not the majority of players, but it doesn't lessen the effect.

Some actually don't mean any harm, but the way they communicate their tips to improve comes across as talking down to you because they fear having their ideas being rejected. Some just have not developed their social communication skills that come with maturity. Others are frustrated at having helped people in the past only to see the time having spent on those players as wasted as they stop playing, etc. so the frustration comes across as hostile.

There is also a cultural MMO aspect to this as well. It's almost a rite of passage to pick on the new guy, else terms like "noob" would never have evolved into what it is today, the worst online insult you can call someone. :rolleyes:

In an ideal situation what you want to do is find a guild of players or a mentor that has more exp. than you and is willing to share information so that you can become better. Barring that the other solution is using these forums and posting as many questions as you can and doing research on your class, warsong gulch and arena strategies.

Hope this helps.

well put .......
crusade said:
We've all gone through this at one point in the past, in some ways it's the nature of the game, and more so when it comes to pvp because the opponents are no longer scripted ai bosses but real people that do not like to lose. And because of that there is more pressure for your fellow faction players not to lose. There will always be people in Warcraft that enjoy belittling (sic) other players for their own enjoyment, of course this is not the majority of players, but it doesn't lessen the effect.

Some actually don't mean any harm, but the way they communicate their tips to improve comes across as talking down to you because they fear having their ideas being rejected. Some just have not developed their social communication skills that come with maturity. Others are frustrated at having helped people in the past only to see the time having spent on those players as wasted as they stop playing, etc. so the frustration comes across as hostile.

There is also a cultural MMO aspect to this as well. It's almost a rite of passage to pick on the new guy, else terms like "noob" would never have evolved into what it is today, the worst online insult you can call someone. :rolleyes:

In an ideal situation what you want to do is find a guild of players or a mentor that has more exp. than you and is willing to share information so that you can become better. Barring that the other solution is using these forums and posting as many questions as you can and doing research on your class, warsong gulch and arena strategies.

Hope this helps.

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