In general, I think people conflate complexity with difficulty and then difficulty with quality.
Vanilla is a more complex game. Therefore, they reason, it must be more difficult and thus better.
Which would be fine if that reasoning didn't then completely collapse when folks try to explain why they prefer twinking to end game.
I mean classic isn't even complex, it's just slow paced and grindy, the end game content is a complete joke, Asmongold did MC like a week ago with a 10 man lmao, I personally don't have nostalgia because to me there isn't much nostalgia it's not the same game as 2004-2007, everyone is 100 times better at the game, the only thing i can see it having going for it is world pvp, end game bg's will be nothing but 24/7 premades for people no lifing to push rank 14, every raid that comes out will more or less be one shotted including Naxx, you see Naxx isn't a hard raid by any means, it's just you need to be geared and then 90% of the fights are tank and spanks. I think people just generally jump on the bandwagon, from my understanding most of the people that are excited about 19 twinking or twinking in general are the people who either A) experienced it while it was live, or B) people who haven't touched live in like 4-5 years or more. Neon here is on the 19 twink band wagon even though he's most likely never actually played a 19 classic twink before