Retadin Specs?

My first idea

I'm trying to focus most on overal damage. As such I'm sold on using [item]Executioner's Cleaver[/item].

Also, what enchantment is most worth it on the cleaver? A proc, such as mongoose or crusader, or guaranteed damage, such as savagery? I'm leaning towards savagery or crusader. Since I don't get any weapon abilities like a warrior, I'm on the ropes.

EDIT: For those of you wondering about Gradius, the answer is yes; I'm trying something new with him. Most of his gear is ideal for rets already anyway :)
Savagery is the best enchant for a ret paladin. Crusader comes in at a close second with Mongoose about on par.

This is the spec I'd recommend. You get Art of War which increases damage done by your judgements by 10% and when they crit, you get an instant flash heal to boot.

Replacing 2H spec, you get sanctified Retribution which gives you a 3% damage bonus to everything as well as Divine Purpose. I'm not sure if you know, but this spell can be used when you're stunned to get you out of it. It's a win against rogues and other rets and BM hunters when they use Intimidation.
Taitaih said:
Savagery is the best enchant for a ret paladin. Crusader comes in at a close second with Mongoose about on par.

Mongoose is not on par with Crusader, not even close... and Crus CAN be better than Savagery, depending on the situation. Fighting decent twinks with heals while having a healer yourself Crusader is going to be stronger. If you're fighting bads who can't survive through a HoJ then the static 70 AP is better.
Gah, you're right about goose, I wasn't really thinking. I just shoved both proc enchants into the same category lol.

In the long run Crusader could be better, however if you're looking for a quick burst on the flag carrier, you won't always have the extra 200 strength up if you blow your HoJ + Judgement right off the bat. If you're in a fight for the long run though and as long as crusader procs, crusader would be better.
I'm curious to know, no Divine Strength at 49?

+15% strength not as OP at 49s as it is in the lower brackets?

Spec'ing into Repent and Art of War, you would still have 5-7 points available to you.

I don't play a Ret, I'm just curious
Normally after it's all said and done, with Art of War, repentance, and Judgement of the Wise, you will have 4 points left over. Most likely, 2 of those points will go into Vindication, leaving 2 more fillers. You can put those in Divine strength, I prefer putting them in Fantacism. Extra critblood for my judgements when my HoJ and Rep are down is good, especially since i use Repentance a lot as a CC measure.
You do your primary burst while a target is stunned, via crits. Divine Strength is not as good as Fanaticism.
nice build Tai, but... no Eye for an Eye? Thats the only actual problem i face when playing against a retri pally on my toons atm, practically kill myself on my shaman -.-
It all depends I guess. I could swap points into eye for an eye from Fantacism, but Shamans don't give me too many problems, especially if my HoJ CD is up. Pump damage into them, Arcane Torrent any heals, and just keep pummeling away.
Vainglory said:
You do your primary burst while a target is stunned, via crits. Divine Strength is not as good as Fanaticism.

Judgement of Command has 100% crit on stunned targets, but having another 15-25% crit on non stunned judgements > 60-70 more ap.
Wow thanks for all the responses.

I decided on going with taitaih's spec exactly, it really covers everything i need.

I put crusader on the cleaver. i'll tell you guys how the change goes :)

Picked up cleaver for 70g... it had the +5 damage chant on it lol.
not being inde-fucking-stuctible isn't so nice lol but the huge boost to damage is great

i can't stand being bursted down so much; getting that <100 health LoH isn't as easy to get anymore :(
Thinking of doing a ret pally myself, odds are it'd massacre pretty much anything..

If only BoA gear was truly bind on account, not limited by faction..
Your damage is huge and your survivability strong. It's still far less survivable than being prot, though. As a balance-geared prot pally, I could always beat a retadin (but quite slowly).

Is my build. I find this offers consistently higher dps than the fant build. Im not the best geared (missing silvershells) but i sit at 1007 ap 26% base crit.

Im lucky enough to play on the same battlegroup as deleet, a perfect 49 ret pally (boa shoulders and 2hand axe, silvers, the works) and i consistently out dmg him in bgs (admittedly he has +1k hp on me though).

I can live without the +10% judgement crit on unstunned targets as i rarely find myself judging someone twice. People die very quickly and if i die its usually cause i got zerged, i dont lose 1v1.
I'm surprised that you don't have to judge more than twice (then again unless I'm against casters, most people in my BG have 3.5k-4k health).

I'd recommend taking Crusade over 2H spec, just because Crusade gives you a 6% damage bonus to everything not just your white swings. And for me, Vindication is great against flag carriers and the people with over 3.5k health.
Taitaih said:
I'm surprised that you don't have to judge more than twice (then again unless I'm against casters, most people in my BG have 3.5k-4k health).

I'd recommend taking Crusade over 2H spec, just because Crusade gives you a 6% damage bonus to everything not just your white swings. And for me, Vindication is great against flag carriers and the people with over 3.5k health.

Uhh, crusade is 3% and it also makes you take 3% dmg more. Im in vengeance, alot of people have 3k-4k health, doesnt mean i judge more than once. I play to win, so i find myself being assisted way too much to have enough time for a second judge.

Besides i like having good white dmg as opposed to just relying on yellows. There is something to be said for critting cloth for over 1k with auto attack. Ill admit the new vindication is good and its probably the one thing i wish i had with my build, especially with my new bain, a new druid fc twink in my BG with 8k health.

Im testing judgements of the wise atm (i have pally AB stuff for a reason), if its a dud then ill switch over to vindication. Crusade is poo though.
Taitaih said:
What are you talking about with Crusade?

It's 3% total damage caused and another 3% damage caused against other Humanoids which is 6% total

Hmm, see everytime i read the crusade tooltip this is what i see. Increases all damage cause by and against humanoids, ect by 3%. Ive always read this as a kind of 'live by the sword die by the sword' type deal. Now im unsure... Oh well regardless, i cant afford it in my build even if i wanted to lol.

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