Retadin Specs?

lol that post made me doubletake on Crusade.

It sure is worded weirdly.

Blizz should have just broken it into 2 sentences and save potential headaches:

"Increases all damage you deal by 1/2/3%.

If your target is Humanoid, Demon, Undead, or Elemental you deal an additional 1/2/3% damage."
Juke said:
lol that post made me doubletake on Crusade.

It sure is worded weirdly.

Blizz should have just broken it into 2 sentences and save potential headaches:

"Increases all damage you deal by 1/2/3%.

If your target is Humanoid, Demon, Undead, or Elemental you deal an additional 1/2/3% damage."

Yeah... Well if it is a 6% total and ive been reading it wrong this whole time, then i guess ill be dropping judgements of the wise in favour of crusade instead lol.
Judgements of the Wise is definitely a talent you should take. It will keep your mana up, especially in a situation where the fight lasts a long time, and give you mana to keep yourself healed. Nothing worse than bubbling and then realizing that you don't have enough mana for a Holy Light.
It depends on who you are facing. Against a well geared flag carrier, Vindication does much more. Against a DPS class Eye for an Eye tends to do more. I tend to go after flag carriers, therefore I chose Vindication.
Taitaih said:
Judgements of the Wise is definitely a talent you should take. It will keep your mana up, especially in a situation where the fight lasts a long time, and give you mana to keep yourself healed. Nothing worse than bubbling and then realizing that you don't have enough mana for a Holy Light.

you don't really have to burn much mana to DPS well. simple mana conservation tactics should work to keep your mana up unless you throw out more than 5 heals.
No, but you do feel the mana go when you start using your instant flash of lights, holy lights, and your DPS mana eventually catches up with you. Especially when you don't have a healer backing you and you're returning a flag with a counterpart DPS, it's always wise to toss him a few heals to keep your return going. Any mana return in combat for a class that has on average 2000 mana is good.

Yea you can say "Ok, I blew up this person within 2 GCDs". But when you're going against a well defended flag carrier or multiple people, you're going to want as much mana as you can get.
Taitaih said:
Yea you can say "Ok, I blew up this person within 2 GCDs". But when you're going against a well defended flag carrier or multiple people, you're going to want as much mana as you can get.

/shrug, it's difficult to heal through lots of dps and interrupts.

i won't say that judgements of the wise is a bad talent, just to me it seems that there aren't too many situations where it will actually help more than other talents.
I've actually rethought judgments of the wise... one point should be all you need. I run around with full mana all the time spamming spells as much as I want. 3/3 is overkill imo since the first points make every judgment restore mana.

I've also found that Fanaticism only helps with the judgments that you don't use while your enemy is stunned (only about half of mine). So I've decided to put 3 points into 2h weapon spec and my 40th point into fanaticism.'Nathal&n=Gradius
say a guy has 200stamina.. Vindication hits him for (-)40stam which is a 400-ish hit for 15sec.

Or EfaE - a 200 point "counterattack" on a 1000pt crit..

One's offensive and one's defensive.

I would prefer Vindication, if I had to choose between the two.

Q: Does Judgements of the Wise grant the 15% base mana return on every Judgement or just on successful Replenishment procs?
>.> I misread it, the replenishment triggers the 15% and I thought it was the jugdments lol.

I'll report how 1/3 works. 33% is still decent.
On every successful judgement I believe (which trigger replenishment).

When I run against people 1v1, normally Judgement of the Wise isn't that useful.

However, when I run with a premade and they need a heal, I can throw them one, judge then arcane torrent and I have (most) my mana back from that heal. I find that I spend the majority of my time timing CCs on opposing healers rather than actually DPSing the flag carrier and then judging when it's up.

If you play a ret purely for the damage thrill, then you're missing 50% of the value of the class as a hybrid. But if damage is all that you're in it for, the by all means go for Divine strength, 3/3 2H, and 3/3 Crusade. I don't judge you for doing it (no pun intended) I've done it before.
Thanks for the input. I can see the difference. if I run solo eye for eye; if I run with a premade Vindication. :cool:
On every successful judgement I believe (which trigger replenishment)

What I meant was that if you have 1/3 Judgements of the Wise, you Judge somebody and it doesn't proc Replenishment.. do you still get 15% base mana back?

Or do you only return that base mana when Replenishment procs (meaning, with 1/3, you have only a 33% chance on Judging to get Replenishment -and- 15% mana)
You only get that back I believe when you proc replenishment. I'll test it out later.
Taitaih said:
You only get that back I believe when you proc replenishment.

^ is correct.

Also Vindication >> Eye for an Eye in most situations, just make sure you're using Hand of Reckoning to proc it rather than your judgement/melee, since it removes 20% of their *current* health and takes effect after the hit. If you hit them without using HoR first, you're reducing the effectiveness of your vindication.

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