Ret Pallies

I've been having a great time turret healing and crashing around as ret, limited mana is awesome to work with & I don't feel a responsibility to keep the entire team alive. Plus, Long Arm is the most dynamic and timing-reliant talent, so combined with it being a gap closer I think it's by far the most entertaining thing to use as ret. With successful fakecasts & kiting I can beat geared rogues, and it's also fun to sneak KBs in with a meager application of DPS. I think my sig toon is in ret gear at the moment, if anyone cares how I do things :eek:

I guess u were meant to be Holy when u created ur toon.
Eyepatch is essencial on retpala.

I care, why dont u switch Silverlaine´s Family Seal by DPR and then cobrahn´s grasp by Belt of soldier?

Its less 1hit but to be spell hit capped atm u need like 24 or 26%.
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Dunno about the first one but the belt is most likely for hit. Any how these are minor things really. When you're pretty much bis all it comes down to in pvp is skill.


If i get that ringDPR on my ret i would use thaelrid graves instead of demon band and stone guard greaves.

But its not easy to get it.

Ret was more fun=more my type in cata, they just lacked mobility. :(
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ret has always lacked mobility in fact ret has more molbilty in mop.

its just the fact ret hits like a wet noodle in mop than it did in cata hence why you dont play it.
ret has always lacked mobility in fact ret has more molbilty in mop.

its just the fact ret hits like a wet noodle in mop than it did in cata hence why you dont play it.

i still play it, no matter what u say, but like u said i prefer to dmg over mobility.

Why cant we have both? :(
Cuz we cant all be Holypalas...
Ret was [...] more my type in cata

Of course it was your type, Ret was OP in cata :p

No, not quite. If the 20-24 bracket were a raid, the trials would be playing on heroic, and the 24's would be in LFR,. Heres an example, a typical strategy for a lvl 20 trial would be to group up together, cc and burst down another player. The 24 strategy would be to lay your face on the keys, and begin rolling it back and forth until you have won the bg.

Class imbalance can have just as much of an effect as gear imbalance, especially at low levels. I wouldn't say most prot warriors/pallies are timing CC and burst to kill people. The typical strategies I see are charge/shield slam/avenger's shield/hammer of justice on cooldown. I think this quote from a f2p prot warrior is a pretty accurate representation of the general mindset:


This bracket is often a retarded self-perpetuating circlejerk arms race of FoTM/OP classes, largely due to the abundance of players that contribute very little to battleground objectives. For example, I can pretty easily tear apart a 24 mage/lock on my f2p hunter. If they die 8 times in a game (with 3-4 deaths right next to a prot paladin that doesn't know what flash of light is) trying to carry a group of Brazilians lost in mid, there's a good chance they get frustrated and say "fuck it, I'm playing an spriest". It's a chicken/egg type of deal - f2ps roll OP classes to compete with 24s, 24s roll OP classes to carry people against OP f2p classes, etc etc etc. The general f2p population certainly isn't free of blame. Hell, we'd probably have even less class diversity if the bracket was only f2p (even if we don't count monks!)

aaaaand /unsolicitedrant, time to be slightly on topic!

I think Ret will be a really solid hybrid f2p spec in 5.3 if the hit issue is fixed. Hitting Hammer of Justice reliably is extremely important - your only chance of killing a healer is catching them at low health with HoJ => Judgment, Crusader Strike and TV (it takes 3 globals to "burst"). Missing HoJ/Arcane Torrent/War Stomp hurts Ret more than Prot or Holy. You won't be blowing things up like in Cata with 10-15% more weapon damage, but it's a versatile (and fun) support class that can fill multiple roles for a team.
Sure, theres always going to be a fotm class and this is true in every bracket all the way up too level cap. Cata was lolhunters and prot pallys, MoP is rdruids and apparently prot warriors (i don't have much of an issue with the a prot pally lol) But, i gotta disagree with you, these 24's have never provided anything other than griefing and trolling. We wouldn't lose anything of value if there was a mass exodus of 24's from the bracket. They're only in the trial account bracket for easy games, they know it, we know it, everyone knows it. I dont think the this bracket would suffer from less diversity though, there will always be tons of trials, up until wow either dies or blizzard changes the way trials access them game. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I really don't feel like talking about it anymore... this has been the same story since cata, and i don't think its going to change.
I see some talk about taking the pants from BFD, instead of the shield; that just seems to me like a big mistake, unless one's plan is to have a holy set, and never go for BiS prot. Is there something I'm missing?

Are the pants somehow BiS for ret even after the changes to how pallies benifit from int/str. Doesn't seem like giving up the strength would be worth it.
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The shield is undoubtedly BiS, even with the impending BoA shields, but RBC is only 3 stam and some armor down, so the pants are a perfectly valid option. As for the Stockades shield, with the BoA having similar stats, trading armor for stam, you'd have to say the eyepatch would be first choice, even for holy dominant ally.

You're better off just going BiS and BiR (best in race) and make two paladins, one for each spec. As for prot and ret, you can generally move between the two without having to be concerned about sacrificing from one spec to better the other.

The heirloom shield for prots is weaker than what i already have sadly Dunno about the caster shield though. didnt check when i was on the ptr

Edit: you cant see it there but the loom shield only has about 800 armor, 4 str, 6 stam and 4 parry at lvl 20.
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As I said, the quest shield is BiS for prot. The same is not true for holy, where the Stocks shield has more armor, but less stam compared to the BoA, in BGs where it scales to 24.

Of course if you did want the pants, then RBC is a good second choice. You only lose some armor and stam. The BoA is BiS for prot stam stackers though, as are the pants.

So let me see if i understand correctly, the boa shield will scale past the lvl 20 version to whatever it is at 24? 1 extra stam according to wowhead, i wish it would show the armor i dont want to lvl to 24 on the ptr lol. Anyhow if thats true then i might be buying the shield after all

Edit: Ok so it does, i guess i didn't understand how scaling worked. It just scales heirloom gear to 24? I was under the impression it scaled your base stats. Anyhow i think ill pick this heirloom shield up after all if only for the 1 extra stam. Still wish i could see how much armor it is exactly
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