Restoring 39: 2nd part

Hey folks,

just got back from holidays and I saw that horde has been quite inactive lately.

I want that all alliance or horde that see this post come online on Sunday 15th at 21:00. I'm going to "wake up" my guildies and Gringo's Waggon will probably have about 7-8 players online. I hope Highwav will be able to get a full wsg and I'd be very grateful if any horde GM/officer of any guild would speak with me because we will need some help to full a wsg of twinks.

Let's get this alive again.

Contact me on:

Incorrupto - lvl 39 - Al'akir Horde - <Gringo's Waggon>

Intentalo - lvl 19 - Al'akir Alliance - <No Hands no Victory>

Thanks for your attention and have a nice day.
Are there any 39 druid (resto/balance/feral) videos?
Antísocial said:
39s dead again?;< was thinking about rolling a 39 but...still worth it?

Yes, the bracket was for a period struck by a bit inactivity, mainly because Intentalo was on vacation I think - but it's certainly not dead. The people are here, just need a bit of a drive to get them to play again. Tonight (sunday) we had 4-5 full lenght contineous WSG matches, followed by 2v2 and 3v3. Hopefully these are the evenings - if we can get it going regularly - that'll get the activity pumping again.

And ye, I definitely think it's worth it. I've had more fun tonight with my twink than I've had in ages, and the bracket's gweat.
Antísocial said:
Thank you Hutch<3 2's up everyday now?

Yes arenas everyday, and hopefully BGs on a twice-per-week basis (even tho i wont be able to attend next sunday neither - working, but after that i'll be there every sunday).
Activity is up again!

at some point we were 9.

People keep Xfering to Draenor for alliance. Bracket is well alive.

And i love our new healing druid :) welcome Elyonia
Hi, no one knows me, thaz aight tho... I was thinking of eighter making a new 39 twink, if I would happen to make one... ( Tons of questions coming at you, soon )

Should I roll an Alliance char or Horde char?

What classes / specs are you in need of?

Can you transfer BoA-s across realms?

I got a 39 Ret Pally on Blackout bg but not on draenor, is it worth transfering or just queue every now and then? ( Also the twink is missing a few items and since the items I have instead suck so badly I'm afraid to link my twink. )

And you guessed it... English ain't my mother language...
Hattted said:
Should I roll an Alliance char or Horde char?
Dont matter that much, we need both. We are alittle shorter on allaince in bg and shorter on horde people in arena, but keep in mind that it changes very quick sometimes. Conclussion; dont matter.

Hattted said:
What classes / specs are you in need of?
Pretty much same there, we need everything. Just roll something you feel comfortable with.

Hattted said:
Can you transfer BoA-s across realms?
No, unless you get really lucky, but dont count on it.

Hattted said:
I got a 39 Ret Pally on Blackout bg but not on draenor, is it worth transfering or just queue every now and then? ( Also the twink is missing a few items and since the items I have instead suck so badly I'm afraid to link my twink. )
It depends, if you wanna play alot of arena then its alittle harder if your not on a server where theres already twinks since we mostly queue in groups, but not always. If you whould come message us about that you single queue on another server, we whould usally be able to work something out.

It should be no problem in bgs, since I try make everybody single queue (I can only speak from allaince side on that one but it true for both sides).
Was thinking of rolling a 39, either on my realm with full heirlooms or with you, people from <Highway>. Although no money to transfer so no BoA gear...

Anyways, what should I roll: a hordie or an alliance, and what class?


I got 2 alts just sitting at lvl 28 and 31 on my realm: Priest and Druid. What specs should I go for if I decide to twink em?
Its pretty equal in number of horde/allaince soo it dont matter that much and it changes quick atm.

Classwise; Dont matter either, we dont got way to many of anything and it changes quick too... Just roll something your comfortable with.

Replyed that to your blackout forum post.

For Arena its:

Priest: Disc

Druid: Resto, Feral healing spec

For WsG:

Priest: Disc, Shadow also work

Druid: All specs work, feral is fc or feral healing spec but its pretty much same spec, feral dps is bad.
Alright, I'm choosing between the following...

Resto Druid

Holy Pally

Finishing my Ret Pally ( On Al'Akir, atm, name: Hoctem dwarf pally and no need to start yelling, I know I need a new cloak / bracers / arena grand master / more Hit rating... )

Prot Warr

If you could tell me how well each of those would work in arenas / BG-s I'd much appreciate it. Also I've never got to play a single XP off game, not in any bracket and never a full premade, did some with me and 3 - 5 mates back in the days, others were random, but that was in the 29 bracket.

Really nice work

Sunday next time? 21:00? (Im not sure I can make it but that's just me)

EDIT: ofc, sunday 22/8 21:00, solo queue!

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