I heard 19s are making a comeback? That is great news. I have been doing other things, but it would be good to see a lot of familar faces if this is true.
Just queue. At this point in time, numbers of players is more important than the specs you choose.
- there are a large number of 19's on many servers, i see them as bank alts, hanging out in goldshire, at DMF etc. many of those do not come to this site
- 5.4 hurt our bracket because many 19's are on servers with no mains for leg/shoulder enchants, etc.
- 5.4.1 should remedy the damage due to crossrealm mailing of BOAs
- containment needs to stop, there is no reason and sit there and GY camp till players stop resing or to take SS's of damage and post it on this forum like some do and think it's cool/legit. as for players staying ghosts, they rarely ever do, i think some players are not playing fairly and intentionally res over and over to help pad their friends dmg/kills which leads to next one
- rigged games need to stop, players using a second account and/or friends to get imbal games to pop or throw games in their favor. you see this when extremely ill geared players enter the BGs, or a geared twink moving around at random with really no dmg.
- faction imbal, some 19's were originally alliance, some swapped not to get BIS they were BIS already, they spent $$ to keep on the dominant side. smarter players dual rolled but this has been damaging the bracket too, this is very evident when they win-log roll, or are forced to swap factions due to causing a que time imbal because of containment type strategies.
- rogues.....agree at times way too many, causes the few unable to stealth to get insta-gibbed, but in helping their team get out of a GY containment, once their healers, tanks, non stealth are being GY farmed, all rogues would do is add themselves to the staggered res GY farm.
- 20-24 bracket has hurt 19's too, once 19's started suffering many jumped. but that imbal bracket is even harder to control than 19's and games swing wildly
CC class
Agree. Would also suggest backing off from stupidly OP classes (Druids, Hunters, Rogues) And playing a healing class / how about a CC specced class for once (or at least a play style more centered around CC)
If people have toons on both factions… play the less popular faction.
If you faction every patch like most 19s do…… Faction back to alliance. Horde will always have enough.
There is no excuse for flaming / hating / posting disrespectful comments towards others. Sorry but any time someone tries to justify it is merely out of the lack of understanding in the word respect.
I'll have to agree with Eliot here, Mocha. Drama in this bracket is like watching a good T.V. show, its almost always entertaining to watch a group of people arguing over pointless things, then watching them either play against or together in the next WSG.I agree with most of what you're saying, however the flaming/hating/posting disrespectful comments towards others, to some degree, is a major part of this bracket. If that ends, so does the bracket. Drama is beneficial to this bracket.
I'll have to agree with Eliot here, Mocha. Drama in this bracket is like watching a good T.V. show, its almost always entertaining to watch a group of people arguing over pointless things, then watching them either play against or together in the next WSG.
I also think that if one of the people doing the hating/flaming/trolling asks for a mod to step in, they should be denied, unless they themselves get an infraction. Because people do it all the time just to win an argument or try to prove some sort of point.
In short, drama in this bracket, and especially this forum makes 19's much more active than it would be otherwise. I have also came to the conclusion that the 19 bracket is like The Jersey Shore.
There is no excuse for flaming / hating / posting disrespectful comments towards others. Sorry but any time someone tries to justify it is merely out of the lack of understanding in the word respect.
I shall start queuing if i ever get my account back.
What does respect have to do with whether or not your opinion is justified or at the very least harmless? You can be fully competent without respecting everyone on the planet. Are you seriously going to try to act like you don't ever hate on people (*cough*Pizza*cough*)? More likely anyone immature enough to get bent up over some words said on an internet forum has a lack of understanding in the term self-respect.There is no excuse for flaming / hating / posting disrespectful comments towards others. Sorry but any time someone tries to justify it is merely out of the lack of understanding in the word respect.
See drama, right here, lol you know exactly why it makes sense, as stated in my post, and of course this is the 19 bracket..not the USA.Yes. the bracket needs drama. That makes total sense. You should run for president, man!Syke! People like you are exactly why this bracket is in the shape its in right now. Shape up, stop acting like 12-year-old brats.
See drama, right here, lol you know exactly why it makes sense, as stated in my post, and of course this is the 19 bracket..not the USA.