EU+US Resto Druid Algorithms.


2016 TC Champion
1 Intellect increases these abilities by these amounts

Ferocious Bite:.........7,04

1 Intellect increases these abilities by these amounts in an entire 1v1 against an Rdruid

5 x Shred:..............5,5666285714285714285714285714286
Ferocious Bite:.........5,7728

Stat to Stat ratios with less than 33,33% Haste
Int:Stamina ratio:...1,0961688613533834586466165413533842:1* (Read Value of Haste)
Agi:Stamina ratio:...0,69936991398496240601503759398496:1*
SP:Stamina ratio:....0,39679894736842105263157894736842:1*

Stat to Stat ratios with 33,33%+ Haste
Int:Stamina ratio:...1,2527644129752953813104189044038:1
Agi:Stamina ratio:...0,79927990169709989258861439312567:1
SP:Stamina ratio:....0,45348451127819548872180451127819:1

Formula to calculate value of Crit
(1,0961688613533834586466165413533842 * Int) + (0,69936991398496240601503759398496 * PureAgi) + (0,39679894736842105263157894736842 * PureSP) * 0,01 / 19 = Crit to Stam Ratio

Applying this algorithm to item slots.

Gloves w. 33.33%+ Haste
Woodworking Gloves w. +9 Stam Enchant:.........21,769350890827067669172932330827
Fine Leather Gloves w. +9 Stamina Enchant:.....20,011057651901181525241675617615
Jutebraid Gloves w. +5 Atk Power Enchant:......18,756656062820465798642948835503
Blackened Defias Gloves w. +9 Stamina Enchant:
Gloves of the Fang w. +9 Stamina Enchant:......18,59495931187969924812030075188

Belts w. 33.33%+ Haste
Belt of the Fang:....10,197119606788399570354457572503
Aquarius Belt:.......20,157894736842105263157894736842 (with Active)
Vigorous Belt:.......10,769350890827067669172932330827
Tarantula Silk Sash:.10,505528825950590762620837808808

Boots w. 33.33%+ Haste
Boots of the Fang: 10,795679410182599355531686358754
Spidersilk Boots: 14,516586477851772287862513426423

Set Bonuses w. 33.33%+ Haste

- Fang Set
2 Set: 6,263822064876476906552094522019
4 Set: 12,527644129752953813104189044038
5 Set: 25,055288259505907626208378088076

I will calculate Set Bonuses when I have every item value calculated. I can't compare a Set Bonus to something unless I know the best combination of Belt, Boots, Chest, Gloves and Legs.

Thread is still under work.
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And btw, this is obviously good information, but would honestly be wayy more helpful if the dmg increase of abilities etc by other stats like crit, verse and so on were listed too
And btw, this is obviously good information, but would honestly be wayy more helpful if the dmg increase of abilities etc by other stats like crit, verse and so on were listed too

I'd rather use the current scaling I have of every ability to create a crit:stamina ratio, vers:stamina ratio etc. I can't do that with Haste as Haste is only good for GCD reductions. 20 haste = 1 GCD ahead in a Druid v Druid 1v1, 40 haste = 2 GCD's.

Just curious, how did you calculate the stat to stat ratios?

I calculated the value of Intellect compared to Stamina by taking every ability that you use in a Rdruid 1v1 that benefits from Int. I then see how much 1 Intellect changes those spells, pile them all together and divide it by 19 (the value of 1 stamina).
I'd rather use the current scaling I have of every ability to create a crit:stamina ratio, vers:stamina ratio etc. I can't do that with Haste as Haste is only good for GCD reductions. 20 haste = 1 GCD ahead in a Druid v Druid 1v1, 40 haste = 2 GCD's.
Are you sure that haste is linear?

I calculated the value of Intellect compared to Stamina by taking every ability that you use in a Rdruid 1v1 that benefits from Int. I then see how much 1 Intellect changes those spells, pile them all together and divide it by 19 (the value of 1 stamina).
I have a hard time understanding your logic here... Let me give you an example:
When you start the 1v1, and take more than 19 dmg, that 1 stamina tht granted you those extra 19 hit points become obsolete, unless you heal yourself to a 100% which don't happen quite often tho? whereas the 1 intellect that you couldve taken instead still controbute throughout the whole fight. I doubt comparing offensive stats to defensiv stats are as simple as you do it.
Are you sure that haste is linear?

I have a hard time understanding your logic here... Let me give you an example:
When you start the 1v1, and take more than 19 dmg, that 1 stamina tht granted you those extra 19 hit points become obsolete, unless you heal yourself to a 100% which don't happen quite often tho? whereas the 1 intellect that you couldve taken instead still controbute throughout the whole fight. I doubt comparing offensive stats to defensiv stats are as simple as you do it.

For 1 intellect to be better than 1 Stamina, the 1 Intellect have to do healing and/or damage for a value greater than 19.

You'll do 1 moonfire, 1 rejuv, 1 swiftmend, 1 Bear thrash, 5 shreds, 1 feroc, 1 Bear Mangle in a Druid 1v1.
Your Rejuv won't tick more than 4 times as you Rejuv after 6,75 seconds (if you have 33% haste), this can be calculated by knowing how long each global lasts (Cat globals are 1 sec, Shapeshifts are 1,5 sec and all other globals are 1,125 with 33% haste).
Now after you've Rejuved you're only gonna be fighting for another 5,625 seconds. However, if the enemy druid is rocking high health you'll be fighting for another 8,25 seconds instead.
Your Thrash won't tick more than 5 times for the same reason as above.

So now you know how many and which spells you're gonna use and how long you'll be spending fighting on average.
Now all you do is calculate how much Healing and Damage this 1 intellect will give you in the entire 1v1. The Value has to be greater than 19 for it to be better than 1 Stamina.

And yes, Haste is linear.
To calculate globals you simply do 1,5 / haste % in decimals.
I.e: I have 20% haste, so I do 1,5 / 1,20 = 1,25
And yes, Haste is linear.
To calculate globals you simply do 1,5 / haste % in decimals.
I.e: I have 20% haste, so I do 1,5 / 1,20 = 1,25

No it's not.

0% haste = 1.5 second cast
10% haste = 1.364 second cast
20% haste = 1.25 second cast
30% haste =1.154 second cast
40% haste = 1.071 second cast
50% haste = 1.0 second cast
100% haste = 0.75 second cast

As you can see, the first 10% haste reduces your cast time by 0.136 seconds
Going from 40% haste to 50% haste reduces your cast time by only 0.071 seconds, nearly half the amount
Going from 0% haste to 50% haste reduces your cast time by 0.5 seconds
Going from 50% haste to 100% haste reduces your cast time by 0.25 seconds

The more haste you get, the less valuable it becomes.
If you have 0 haste, 1 haste will give you a 0.42% increase
If you have 50 haste (21%), 1 haste will give you a 0.346% increase
For 1 intellect to be better than 1 Stamina, the 1 Intellect have to do healing and/or damage for a value greater than 19.

You'll do 1 moonfire, 1 rejuv, 1 swiftmend, 1 Bear thrash, 5 shreds, 1 feroc, 1 Bear Mangle in a Druid 1v1.
Your Rejuv won't tick more than 4 times as you Rejuv after 6,75 seconds (if you have 33% haste), this can be calculated by knowing how long each global lasts (Cat globals are 1 sec, Shapeshifts are 1,5 sec and all other globals are 1,125 with 33% haste).
Now after you've Rejuved you're only gonna be fighting for another 5,625 seconds. However, if the enemy druid is rocking high health you'll be fighting for another 8,25 seconds instead.
Your Thrash won't tick more than 5 times for the same reason as above.

So now you know how many and which spells you're gonna use and how long you'll be spending fighting on average.
Now all you do is calculate how much Healing and Damage this 1 intellect will give you in the entire 1v1. The Value has to be greater than 19 for it to be better than 1 Stamina.

And yes, Haste is linear.
To calculate globals you simply do 1,5 / haste % in decimals.
I.e: I have 20% haste, so I do 1,5 / 1,20 = 1,25
First of all, that is not linear.

And secondly this is all based on the assumption that every single rdruid 1v1 will last excactly the same length, that they'll use excactly the same spells in the same order etc etc, there are simply way too many variables for your math to work.
No it's not.

0% haste = 1.5 second cast
10% haste = 1.364 second cast
20% haste = 1.25 second cast
30% haste =1.154 second cast
40% haste = 1.071 second cast
50% haste = 1.0 second cast
100% haste = 0.75 second cast

As you can see, the first 10% haste reduces your cast time by 0.136 seconds
Going from 40% haste to 50% haste reduces your cast time by only 0.071 seconds, nearly half the amount
Going from 0% haste to 50% haste reduces your cast time by 0.5 seconds
Going from 50% haste to 100% haste reduces your cast time by 0.25 seconds

The more haste you get, the less valuable it becomes.
If you have 0 haste, 1 haste will give you a 0.42% increase
If you have 50 haste (21%), 1 haste will give you a 0.346% increase

Didn't realize that. And FYI GCD can't get below 1 sec.

33% Haste will make you 0,375 sec ahead of your opponent for each global you use that are affected by Haste. And in a Druid 1v1 you'll be using 4 of these Globals which will get you 1.5 seconds ahead, which is 1 global. Being lower than 1 global ahead makes the haste useless.
First of all, that is not linear.

And secondly this is all based on the assumption that every single rdruid 1v1 will last excactly the same length, that they'll use excactly the same spells in the same order etc etc, there are simply way too many variables for your math to work.

No. Have you ever done Rdruid 1v1s? They're literally scripted.

Triple Shred, Bear, Thrash, Mangle, Kite back, Rejuv, Swiftmend, Cat, Double Shred, Stomp + Bite, Bear, Mangle.

That's how every RDruid 1v1 is. The only stuff that changes is if one of the Druids decides to spam Heal, in which case you've already won.
It's like a Warrior vs. Warrior pretty much. You just do DPS rotations.
No. Have you ever done Rdruid 1v1s? They're literally scripted.

Triple Shred, Bear, Thrash, Mangle, Kite back, Rejuv, Swiftmend, Cat, Double Shred, Stomp + Bite, Bear, Mangle.

That's how every RDruid 1v1 is. The only stuff that changes is if one of the Druids decides to spam Heal, in which case you've already won.
It's like a Warrior vs. Warrior pretty much. You just do DPS rotations.
Right, you should mention that your calcultions on stam v int only matters if you're following the scripted 1v1 rdruid rules. Meaning all your calculations will fall apart if for instance one druid chooses to displacer, or you get out of range for a sec with rejuv up, a FB crit or whatever happens in PvP.

If I were you I'd focus on calculating offensive stat va stat ratios, as they are way easier.
Right, you should mention that your calcultions on stam v int only matters if you're following the scripted 1v1 rdruid rules. Meaning all your calculations will fall apart if for instance one druid chooses to displacer, or you get out of range for a sec with rejuv up, a FB crit or whatever happens in PvP.

If I were you I'd focus on calculating offensive stat va stat ratios, as they are way easier.

If a Rdruid does anything but the Script he'll lose. It does specify that this is for Rdruid 1v1s.
Right, I wouldn't count your stamina vs int calculations as valid, just my 5 cents

Why tho'? The arguement that the Rotation you'll use in a Rdruid 1v1 isn't the same every time in the case where you can lose is in no way valid. You'll see if you do hundreds of these kinda duels.
Why tho'? The arguement that the Rotation you'll use in a Rdruid 1v1 isn't the same every time in the case where you can lose is in no way valid. You'll see if you do hundreds of these kinda duels.
Because when comparing offensive and defensive stats in a 1v1 you have to take in way more variables than if it was just offensive stat vs offensive stat (in that case you could do a basic PvE calculations, although there obviously still are things to consider). And you don't account for any of those, you're basing your calculation on two rdruids just sitting infront of each other pressing buttons with no rng involved

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