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ahhh thank you for the laughs my fellow twinks :)

all of this hate over hunters is complete rubbish, i play an afflic/demo warlock (arguably the worst specs for 1v1 pvp in this bracket) and i have no problem with hunters, ive been in plenty of scenarios where i should have lost yet i haven't and thats because i used my brain and i don't mope around midfield QQ'ing about hunters, ill hug the flag rooms/huts and just DoT and LoS the hunter(s) or level 24 paladins(s)[duo]*cough*[crit] that i am facing until i win or they beat me into a pulp.

anyways my point is there's always a counter to every situation you just have to use your brain to figure it out(brain = big advantage over most of the twinks out there)

----now a little bit about me :]
personally i love every class and i play every class and every class has it's own unique impact upon a bg, it all comes down to how well a certain class is utilized, for example shamans are one of my favorite classes to play simply because of purge and wind sheer :D there's that strange sense of satisfaction and guilt when you purge someones agm, and wind sheer is simply amazing at interrupting those pesky healers.

Now about those bg's where your ass is getting farmed by those darn cyclops hunters, in my experience when im on my horde toons it isn't pleasant however thats why blizz gives us the option to /afk and that's all i can really say on the matter since the only people that would stay to get farmed are complete masochists. well there is always the option of rerolling on aerie peak horde or BWL( if you're a druid) for those smexy premades, however if you're like me and you prefer to pug like a champ then i'd advise you to go for a nice jog outside or find something interesting to do while you wait for that pesky deserter debuff to fade away.

As an active horde priest(as of lately) i've come across plenty of games where the matches have been pretty balanced in terms of skilled players on both teams and the deciding factor is usually which factions zerg makes it to the 5stacked efc first(since that's usually when alliance starts to zerg whoever is holding the flag) which is one thing alliance pugs excel at :).

anyways that's my opinion on this bracket, honestly i'm writing this while being dead tired/exhausted so i'm praying that this makes sense.

and @ lilhunter i liked you're thread and i understand the points you're trying to get across, many of the people here are bitter over certain unbalances however that doesn't give them the right to lash out at everyone, honestly their behavior reminds me of an episode of southpark where a lot of people started to have anger problems because their pen13 was small and below the national average, so they started to riot and cause all sorts of problems for the people around them.

however this is a twink community so we should be accepting of those around us even if they hate our guts and want us dead :]

8 pages of bullshit and counting

(@shikaari I could have sworn that evocate was biggie's ti account :S)
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