Resistance Stacking Experimental Analysis: Is it viable at 70?

Resistance works fine at 70, and nice analysys. Only problem using it is that the bracket is going to get ruined and mages has to reroll other classes (prolly rogues and prots). This also do affect the activity of the 70 bracket. All because they can't win without and has to tryhard with it to not loose. Sounds pretty retarded imo. We've already seen it affected the bracket, people resisting novas, deeps and so on. People have already quitted playing mages, doubt you'll see any high rated frost mage above 2.4 anymore.

So if you don't mind, try to not use it.[/QUOTE

frost mages have been pretty OP in arenas for years now, i don't see anyone shedding tears for classes and specs that can only dream to reach 2400
So you want to ruin frost mages so other classes can get high? Well, have fun meeting priest / rogue on your way up Sir. I doubt spamming frost resistance is going to help you getting 2.4k as a other class than the top ones. You should try to beat the mages instead, not like its hard anyways.
Any class can reach 2.4, if you can play it, which is how it should be.. However, people using resistance now is just not fair.
Exactly, its retarded. The fact that people tryhard enough to buy frost resistance gear, so they can get rating is funny.
Exactly, its retarded. The fact that people tryhard enough to buy frost resistance gear, so they can get rating is funny.

How is it "tryhard"? That's like saying the mages are tryharding for playing frost instead of arcane. Frost is the stronger spec, obviously mages are playing it. Frost resistance is strong against mages, so why not use it?
I don't see anyone complaining about people stacking other defensives like stamina.

Since when has this game had some kind of "gentleman's code" where people don't play what's strongest? Last time I checked the bracket is filled with prot paladin and rogue teams.
How is it "tryhard"? That's like saying the mages are tryharding for playing frost instead of arcane. Frost is the stronger spec, obviously mages are playing it. Frost resistance is strong against mages, so why not use it?
I don't see anyone complaining about people stacking other defensives like stamina.

Since when has this game had some kind of "gentleman's code" where people don't play what's strongest? Last time I checked the bracket is filled with prot paladin and rogue teams.

L2 get magic pen
The fact that you actually buy certain gear to counter someone thats better than you to get rating at a 70bracket makes it abit tryhard, as let's be honest... 70 is played for fun, not rating :)
Onlydreams, are you retarded ? :)

Why not use Frost Resistance? Because it fucks up the mage, and proper players most likely won't win other proper players who plays with it as prot pal and disc priest or a ele / disc if their not a 100% retarded. Your also saying that the bracket is filled with prots and rogues, which it is. But let me remind you, that your class (hunter) is pretty damn strong as well, though maybe you haven't experienced that.
Your also saying:

'I don't see anyone complaining about people stacking other defensives like stamina.' Well, brother .. gemming stamina won't win you a game, and if you stack stamina and go 20k hp as a disc, your also playing the class a little bit wrong. Especially @ 70 were it doesn't matter if u have 20k or 15k hp, your most likely going to die anyways in a opener, if you can't counter it.
Gemming something compared to buy certain gear to win a match, is two whole different things.. Mages are very easy to counter, if your not a 100% dumb. You can inner focus their CS and death their polys.
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I don't even know where to start.
Because it fucks up the mage, and proper players most likely won't win other proper players who plays with it as prot pal and disc priest or a ele / disc if their not a 100% retarded.
This sentence makes no sense. What are you trying to say?

let me remind you, that your class (hunter) is pretty damn strong as well, though maybe you haven't experienced that.
Yes, hunters are pretty good, and thanks for reminding me which class I play.
I just don't see how this has anything to do with the argument you're trying to make.

gemming stamina won't win you a game
This is probably the dumbest thing you wrote in your entire post.

Gemming something compared to buy certain gear to win a match, is two whole different things..
So you are saying that gemming for resistance is perfectly fine, but gearing for it is "tryhard"?
Hmm okay.

I think you completely missed the point of my last post. People are always going to play what's strongest. If resistance turns out to be really strong against certain comps, then people are most likely going to play with resistance against those comps.
Again I'll remind you that the majority of the bracket consists of prot paladin and rogue teams only because they are really good right now.
I don't know what else I can say to make you understand that telling someone "you can't use this because it's good" is really stupid and pointless.
*grabs popcorn* but anyways, I agree with drellxz though, 30%+ dmg reduction and the chance to resist deeps and stuff is just too good. Yes stamina helps you to win the game, but its not in the same scale as how much frost resistance helps you vs a mage team :)


Gemming something compared to buy certain gear to win a match, is two whole different things..

Give me one reason why this is different?!

*grabs popcorn* but anyways, I agree with drellxz though, 30%+ dmg reduction and the chance to resist deeps and stuff is just too good. Yes stamina helps you to win the game, but its not in the same scale as how much frost resistance helps you vs a mage team :)

Why is this a bad thing? *steals some of the popcorn* If using a different gear set in PvE makes a particular boss easier, why shouldn't you use it if you want to?
*steals some popcorn back* in PvE yes sure, but in pvp this is something that shouldnt be in the game and effects it in a bad way imo.
Where is the difference? People will _always_ do things they can benefit from, this is the case in PvE, it is the case in real life, why shouldn't it be the case in PvP?
Ofcourse people will do it, this is beyond overpowered, I tried it outmyself, if I lose against a mageteam when using this I'm retarded, its waaay to overpowered. Atleast thats my thought
Thank you [MENTION=22348]Nomi[/MENTION] for having a basic understanding of how this game works. [MENTION=22992]NoRogPls[/MENTION] and [MENTION=22990]Drellxz[/MENTION], I'm sorry, but your whining and retarded arguments will only encourage more people to start using resistance.
So the game ends with people always doing whats the most faceroll even if its legit or not, to get the rating that dont show anything at 70, well I guess it's true so :p
Well, i've seen people using interrupt bots, dstance bots at 70, and i wouldnt really consider a bugged tier seg to be legit ;)

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