

Reduces damage done by players and pets.

It is obvious 10s use and abuse resilience. Now I am encouraging all 19s to use it (where it is possible). Resilience at 19 scales at .44% which doesn't sound like much but if you have enough, it can make a difference.

Gear with resilience or that can be enchanted with it

Reforged Truesilver Champion Offers 5 resilience

Grand Staff of Jordan offers 6 resilience

Sharpened Scarlet Kris offers 3 resilience

The Blessed Hammer of Grace offers 3 resilience

Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon offers 1 resilience

Battleworn Thrash Blade offers 3 resilience

Following PvP shoulders offer 5 resilience

Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons

Lasting Feralheart Spaulders

Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle

Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders

Following PvP shoulders offer 4 resilience

Prized Beastmaster's Mantle

Pristine Lightforge Spaulders

Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders

The trinkets:

Inherited Insignia of the Alliancef //Inherited Insignia of the Horde offers 6 resilience.

Only chest items that can be enchanted with resilience is Inferno Robe but if you are a mad man and do not like to take damage you can wear(from casters)Haliscan Jacket* . Expect people to mock you but hey 15x.44= 6.6 damage reduction. Now you may think having that on instead of a boa armor may seem dumb but I say it isn't. Why?!

Well because it seems that rogues are on every ones' minds but there are other problems such as casters they ignore armor so haveing 6.6% damage reduction as well as resistances you can survive against casters when carrying the flag.

* Formal Dangui is another option Greater Rune of Warding can be used on it.
nope. in this bracket, 10s are the only viable reason to stack resil. otherwise, your going to substitute the stats that your 19 needs for ....10% reduction? no thanks.
Heädströng said:
dont forget 15resilience on inferno robe which is aiight

but then you lose +6 to all stats or +150 health. and 15 resil at 19 is wat....6 or 7% reduc?

i dont think itll ever be worth trying, even after they adjust it
first BoA's from WG had resilience and many twinks had them at first 2 years ago, but when PVE BoA's were released many twinks switched to them. resilience had little affect back then in 10-19 bracket, even when players were able to use the 15 res/30stam shoulder enchant.

earlier this year blizz did a hotfix that near doubled the effects of resilience, prior to that at 80 PVE gear was overall best even in PVP, except a few arena/class situations.

prior to the patch last week, some players at level 10 had noticed it was actually helping more than some thought.

and last week blizz blue posted that they were boosting the effects of resilience by another 50%
Nohealsforju said:

Note Resilience was nerfed for 10s since it truly was bugged. But 19s it still the same .44%

Um, Resil for 10s was not nerfed, try again. lol

Still have 53% reduction on my Shaman before armor.
Kushington said:
Um, Resil for 10s was not nerfed, try again. lol

Still have 53% reduction on my Shaman before armor.

If you'd read more than 1 thread a month you would have heard that the resi was nerfed, whether your character's stats reflect these changes yet or not does not change the fact that it has indeed been nerfed...
I thought I'd just share my two cents but I you get the formal dangui you can put item level 60 enchants on it and a temporary enchant that obsorbs 200 damage I think so you can get 20 resil and 200 damage reduction
rusks said:
I thought I'd just share my two cents but I you get the formal dangui you can put item level 60 enchants on it and a temporary enchant that obsorbs 200 damage I think so you can get 20 resil and 200 damage reduction

20 resilience is not possible on Formal Dangui even though it is indeed level 60 item. 20 Resilience requires 'item to have an armor type' which Formal Dangui does not. 15 is still possible though.

Best regards,
Whizz said:
If you'd read more than 1 thread a month you would have heard that the resi was nerfed, whether your character's stats reflect these changes yet or not does not change the fact that it has indeed been nerfed...

Still working for me bro, level ten with 800ish HP and I can tank 3-4 fully twinked 19s easily as long as I don't get silenced or interrupted, so if they nerfed it or think they did good on them hope they keep it how it is.
Nohealsforju said:
i will add formal dangui to list. But it seems like more of a level ten item than a 19 item (which is where this thread is directed to.)

Level 19 Res is useless because you lose out on too many other stats for something that is extremely minimal.
Whizz said:
cool maybe they forgot to nerf your char :pppPppP "bro"

I've never even seen any blue posts about any resilience changes for level 10s at all, could you link me to the blue poster who told you it was nerfed in the first place?
Kushington said:
I've never even seen any blue posts about any resilience changes for level 10s at all, could you link me to the blue poster who told you it was nerfed in the first place?

Im not gonna do all your work for you, just use the search function, trespasser even did a long ass calculation and ended up with the fact that the damage 19's did to level 10's was increased by like 300%


Trespasser said:
The original buff of 50% will be lowered to 25%

So a lvl 10 with 81% damage reduction before will have 54*1.25=67.5% damage reduction after this fix (don't know if it is already active)

This is only a 13.5% nerf however I think this is enough to make lvl 10's killable again. (remember that the original 81%+armor is what made is so OP with 67.5%+armor it's actually a lot lower)

Well I just made a quick calculation so you can see the difference

Say a rogue would ambush me for 1k without any resilience and already including my damage reduction from armor.

Now if I have 81% damage reduction I would take:


However with the reduction to 67.5% I would now take:

1000*(1-0.675)=325 damage

So this means that the 13.5% less damage reduction causes me to take

325/190=171% of the damage I took before the fix

In case someone has the max available resilience (26)

He would have had 94.06% damage reduction (pretty insane )

Now with the change he would only have 78.38% damage reduction

In his case with the rogue ambush


1000*(1-0.9406)=59.4 damage


1000*(1-0.7838)=216.2 damage

So someone with max resilience would now take

216.2/59.4=364% of the damage he took before

I think this will make enough of a difference to no longer have immortal lvl 10's however I do think they will still have a very high survivability.
Whizz said:
Im not gonna do all your work for you, just use the search function, trespasser even did a long ass calculation and ended up with the fact that the damage 19's did to level 10's was increased by like 300%

I must be an amazing fucking healer then, or Earth Shield is EXTREMELY OP and now reduces damage taken by a lot or something because I haven't felt the nerf at all.
Kushington said:
I must be an amazing fucking healer then, or Earth Shield is EXTREMELY OP and now reduces damage taken by a lot or something because I haven't felt the nerf at all.

I noticed you made your thread about your shaman just yesterday, and the resilience nerf was several days ago, is it possible that you never experience the full resi buff? could it be that easy?

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