Enhance should do that pretty easy with magma totem. Ele can also do it with Tstorm>earthgrab>chain lightning on the adds without taking much dmg. Resto can probably do the same with glyphed chain lighting. The stacking debuff from the adds is what'll get you -- just don't let the connect.
When approaching, you can avoid standing in fire altogether by stopping when he fires it, strafing sideways and continuing forward. Kind of like
Void trinket makes *most* boss fights trivial to solo btw. Should be for cheap on any server. IDK I chill out to hulu/netflix while grinding solos or doing quest chains. Sorry it took so long for you
Prot war with glyphed victory rush should be able to solo uld to boss in like 5 pulls though lol. Just chain chop > chain VR and ur immortal lol.