Regarding Tonight.

I don't play 39s atm but it seems the clear response is to send 2-3 to alliance. Ask [MENTION=18878]AlbinoCow[/MENTION] to run TS for Alliance. *fades into shadows*
just an observation over the last month or so but contrary to popular belief the mid circlejerk is worse at 39 than at 19/29 and there are maybe only a handful of players who actually know how to play ctf properly despite everyone being so eager to explore new battlegrounds

as long as i can remember 39s were always one sided anyway, mop was just the same except alliance were the ones slamming the mighty horde
just an observation over the last month or so but contrary to popular belief the mid circlejerk is worse at 39 than at 19/29 and there are maybe only a handful of players who actually know how to play ctf properly despite everyone being so eager to explore new battlegrounds

as long as i can remember 39s were always one sided anyway, mop was just the same except alliance were the ones slamming the mighty horde
You're not qualified to speak as you didn't play last night.
FC, DPS, CC and Heals alike have incomplete awareness. TeamSpeak3 voice comm alerts You and those faculties to dual channel data/bandwidth. Inebriated twinks are no exception to this fact : xanax, beer, opiates, plants, funghi; it is known. megatron gives burntbread hell for meth but he still joins TS and runs these fuckos on horde oob (unlike offering EU accounts boosted 39s). We had a shitter ratio of at least 30% last night. No game had less than 5 combined lock/mage/ret, and like showed up 8 unique priests queued in the first 3 games. Roula's 2-0 ragequit was the only match with a competent fc. Do they dislike Alliance topography? Can we also spread newbs/mutes/nonTS joiners to both factions? TP was a great example. Our fc thought he could just go bear instead of kiting 3 melee. Lol... Anyway Boostz called us back from O in TS; not possible with txt and combat. WSG n0 immvp: YorkyFc loss with 3 ret 2 mage 2 lock O with zero push from our 2 rogues: 12 stacks lolosss.
So what to do 39s? Call it a bracket after Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines? Or get consistent friday invitationals going. Polls are an option as well.
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Everytime I've played 39 alliance has been really solid. I don't que every date but I'll attempt to do so more
lolol no one cares about your opinion when you express it like a spoiled child.

ironic coming from you, one of the most spoiled and childish chumps in the bracket

need more horde players to step up and switch sides every once and a while, last few game nights alliance has been getting worked over hard, i didnt come close to winning any games tonight and last game night i think i participated in one win, and its frustrating to look at my btag and see so many horde 39s online that i know have alliance toons and could help but just dont because i guess they like facerolling wins to the tune of 3-0 games and 1500-400 matches

brackets gonna die if alliance keeps getting its ass handed to them every single night

this is the post i made on 9/10/15... what part about what i said was either wrong or childish?

youre an ignorant fk
ironic coming from you, one of the most spoiled and childish chumps in the bracket

this is the post i made on 9/10/15... what part about what i said was either wrong or childish?

youre an ignorant fk

I share your frustration but it was stated in a bit of an annoying way. Those who queue ally every week have been keenly aware of the general trajectory.
Blaze exploited only once on Saturday using the Horde GY jump. I agree that's lame, especially because they were already up 2-0. It's not the end of the world, and certainly not worth pulling this thread off track.
Fcftw you didn't "call this". A month ago the bracket was very different. We got maybe 40 unique players on Sat but mostly the same ones queued the entire night. As I mentioned earlier never having less than 5 ret/mage/lock didn't position us for battles in the trenches. CC comps live and die by their execution.
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Blaze exploited only once on Saturday using the Horde GY jump. I agree that's lame, especially because they were already up 2-0. It's not the end of the world, and certainly not worth pulling this thread off track.
[MENTION=8263]Fcftw[/MENTION] you didn't "call this". A month ago the bracket was very different. We're got maybe 40 unique players on Sat but mostly the same ones queued the entire night. As I mentioned earlier never having less than 5 ret/mage/lock didn't position us for battles in the trenches. CC comps live and die by their execution.

You flash bombed me fgt >: )
2015 where the truth annoys people

Triumphantly with hands on hips saying 'I told you so' comes off as a bit infantile is all. Petulant reaction to an injury of pride looks not so good. Perhaps that is connected with people glossing over what you have to say. Idk tho xd

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