RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

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To be fair that pally is half-geared too.. but still thanks for the lol. Probably was funnier reading your post than the actual story, but meh whatever.
No i wasn't trying to trolk and no im not joelol or the other twink you posted. My goal was not to troll, look at all my post history and ive never meant any sort of trolling. I just was extremely irritated how arrogant this thread seems to be(maybe i took it the wrong way) and i felt that before a bunch of people pay $15 or whatever Xfer price is they should know that theyre joining a guild led by a fake (idk what to call it, but im seriously doubting that you were sum rank 1 arena bigshot).

Wasnt the stupidity in arena that made me mad, that was just dumb. What was annoying was the 5 min whispers from you on ur DK about how i shouldd fight u now, or who the REAL arena champ is? Who said anyrhing about arena champ? Im in at 12:00 im out at 12:02, keep ur rank 1 status.

Toany mods or other readers, I DiD NoT MEAN TO COME ACROSS AS TROLL. I simply did not want people to waste money comong to Manno to realize the "ground breaking strategies" or whatever you said.
Oh i understand your reply now werked

I apoligize i believed him that it was you. Thank god thats not rly part of your team.
hi everybody,

I am cannedsoup. I dont really know how to respond to this because the entire story is complete fiction. I spoke to a 19 twink rogue briefly a couple of times, thought the conversation was kinda friendly, i even suggested that he check out this thread and apply if he thought he met the criteria. When i ran into him at SCV i saw his level 85 friend and requested that we duel for it. he refused and responded with "you can have the next one". the 85 killed me and i left. I never fought the 19 rogue at all, despite my request, nor do i have any deathknights on the server.

if you don't believe my word i welcome you to judge my play when you get the opportunity in the near future.




i do recall another alli paladin being there, we dueled and when i won he criticized me for healing. perhaps there is some genuine confusion involved even if it screams troll.
joelol said:
hi everybody,

I am cannedsoup. I dont really know how to respond to this because the entire story is complete fiction. I spoke to a 19 twink rogue briefly a couple of times, thought the conversation was kinda friendly, i even suggested that he check out this thread and apply if he thought he met the criteria. When i ran into him at SCV i saw his level 85 friend and requested that we duel for it. he refused and responded with "you can have the next one". the 85 killed me and i left. I never fought the 19 rogue at all, despite my request, nor do i have any deathknights on the server.

if you don't believe my word i welcome you to judge my play when you get the opportunity in the near future.




i do recall another alli paladin being there, we dueled and when i won he criticized me for healing. perhaps there is some genuine confusion involved even if it screams troll.

Nice spin attempt, but no one's buying it.
copymachine said:
Nice spin attempt, but no one's buying it.

I was cautious at first, too. But, when I met up with him at wild wings, and mentioned this troll, he was surprised as he hadn't checked this thread or the website in a while (and as such, didn't read Winadin's posts). When he explained what had actually happened, I thought it was funny that someone would come on here to try and bash the guild after being turned down (Winadin apparently solicited membership from Joe to join his twink guild, Joe informed him of this guild, etc) and ran into a wild fit of jealousy trying to create drama.

If anyone else feels the need to get snippy, we'll happily fight your mains or you can wait a week or two for us to finish our guild. :D
^^^^ where are you getting this? My toons name is not winadin and nor did i solicit membership. There was no 85 and no other paladin. Nor am i trying to troll as i said before.

In the arena was nyself (my toons namewas vorreiter, german for trailblazer, my first truck lol) whom i have decided to reroll as mage or shaman, too mny rogues imo, as well as a lvl 19 paladin whom i assure u was named cannedsoup. NO One elae was there. I know this for a fact because i constantly type /who cape of strangle to make sure i can get it. This stroy of me trying to join is false, as well as an 85 bring there, as well as there eing another pally. This is all false.

Werked why are you trying so hrd to make me appear as troll? If its not u nor is he part of ur a-team as said, then u havr nthun to worry about and i aolgize.

If he is part of a -team of maner or w/e theni stand bymy statements of hom being a badkid.

I find it funny how u make me out to try and join ur arrogant little team, i would nvr try to join as i am a fairly new player.
Nice spin attempt, but no one's buying it.

I'm buying it for the fact I don't trust people(WiNaDiN) who can't go more than 1 sentence without 8+ typos to be intelligent or mature. Not to mention the incomprehensible sentence structure. How am I suppose to believe what he says when its apparent he can't think like a normal human being?
Primus said:
I'm buying it for the fact I don't trust people(WiNaDiN) who can't go more than 1 sentence without 8+ typos to be intelligent or mature. Not to mention the incomprehensible sentence structure. How am I suppose to believe what he says when its apparent he can't think like a normal human being?

I would so thank this if I could.
Hello again!

I don't feel the need to reiterate the fact that everything this kid says is false (oops i just did).

May i ask if you "wiped my ass across the floor" in a duel? or was it in the arena?

Id also welcome a duel any time, bo1/3/5 whatever you want. please pm me in game, as i have forgotten your name.

joelol said:
Hello again!

I don't feel the need to reiterate the fact that everything this kid says is false (oops i just did).

May i ask if you "wiped my ass across the floor" in a duel? or was it in the arena?

Id also welcome a duel any time, bo1/3/5 whatever you want. please pm me in game, as i have forgotten your name.


WTB live stream.
To the above posters I have many typos due to using an iPod for all of this, spilled a drink on computer keyboard and it won't work. Im not sure how you can forget my toon's name, i spelled it out for you in the post you decietfully responded to.

We proceeded to fight in the arena, not a duel, near the stairway/ramp area as you tried tunning up it. When you died you did not res to my understanding because after i looted chest and began exciting arena i recieved messages from the DK you deny having.

At this point there is no way for me to prove what happened already, however we can still 1v1 one another. I think other readers find it obvious that you are lying not only because I was there but because I was under the impression that the kid that I was fighting was Werked, as thats what I was told. Therefore I posted on TwinkInfo about the happenings because I felt that losing to a newb like me was bad - nothing to post about- but, i guess you could say "harassing", a 19 to "fight you again" was no way for a twink Guild Leader to behave, if that happened to someone outside twinking Im not sure they would have such a fond few of the play style. Anyways, my intention in posting was not a troll-and nothing I posted is/was false. I apologized when I discovered that it was not Werked, and that I had been lied to-for that, I was sincerely sorry for bringing negative attention to the guild.

However, when "Joelol" acknowleged that he was Cannedsoup and that he was connected to the guild - and then conitinued to deny everything - that angered me. The simple fact that you lost to a rookie isn't a big deal, its that you deny your childish behavior afterwards.

I will not continue to dispute what happened- it affects me none now and there is no longer anyway for me to prove my case. I wish werked the best of luck with his guild, however i strongly advise losing cannedsoup. If your decision is to keep him know that when your premades end negatively for you - his lies here will be shown true in the way he acts afterwards. Whoever plays against him, please be smart enough to take video or SS of the aftermath, i was not smart enough to do so.

Again, I apologize for this statement's possible incomprehension- Im typing on iPod and i tried to be more mindful this time. Thank you.
I would never claim to be Werked, he is a friend of mine in real life and i derive no benefit from impersonating him.

I really don't care about this alleged "loss" to you in the STV arena. What bothers me is that you claim that I surrounded this "loss" with bad <manner>â„¢. I simply don't have a deathknight (or any other characters for that matter) on the server, nor would i use them to harass you if I did.

I think that whatever brief glimpse the community has gotten of me in this thread suggests that i would simply not do the things that you are claiming.

All i can say is i would like to duel you and post the results (with proof) here. i look forward to communicating with you in game, and arranging a duel.

Please do not consider this request to be "harassment" like you previously stated. I am simply offering you the opportunity to substantiate your claims.

joelol said:
Lose 10 duels to that rival that bad mouths you in trade and say "GD, well played".

^taken from one of my earlier posts in this thread. (you may benefit from reading them)

Good duel and well played, Sir.

I'm glad my computer remembers my password for this website given how longs its been since Ive accessed it. This thread made me laugh because of how wannabe this druid is. I'm 99% sure that you bought that account and are now trying to twink and get "good" based on playing with people that are better then you. I also have no clue how the hell Atax (Who is the only r1 I know of in CL) was hoodwinked by you into playing.

Finally, are you absolutely retarded? Everybody knows the RBG strategy. For those of you that don't it let me quickly fill you in on the greatest strategy "ever." Your FC grabs the flag alone unless they have a D in which case you send healers. Your team then 8 mans down their team, follows them to the GY to drop them again to make sure they have a heavy res timer while your FC gets across. Eventually you swap to their FC only after having wiped their offense + having stacks up.

Now here's the problem and how we know this idiot is making everything up. You. Dont. Have. Mounts. What's that mean? It means that you are going to be in the midfield for a very, very, very long time. Furthermore, damage ratios are completely different. You arent going to be used to throwing bombs, certains classes being completely useless etc. I havnt touched a twink in 3-4 seasons now but I can tell you this much.. I rather dislike WT but 1) if you are going from endgame to twinking you probably are bad and just failed at endgame and 2) you're going to get utterly destroyed until you find a strat that works for 19s.

OH PS: I'm not coming back to this website so don't bother refuting me. I just stopped by because I was looking for Vinknee posting or something since Unstablle mentioned it. You won't (probably) be getting a response from me)
Evocate said:
I'm glad my computer remembers my password for this website given how longs its been since Ive accessed it. This thread made me laugh because of how wannabe this druid is. I'm 99% sure that you bought that account and are now trying to twink and get "good" based on playing with people that are better then you. I also have no clue how the hell Atax (Who is the only r1 I know of in CL) was hoodwinked by you into playing.

Finally, are you absolutely retarded? Everybody knows the RBG strategy. For those of you that don't it let me quickly fill you in on the greatest strategy "ever." Your FC grabs the flag alone unless they have a D in which case you send healers. Your team then 8 mans down their team, follows them to the GY to drop them again to make sure they have a heavy res timer while your FC gets across. Eventually you swap to their FC only after having wiped their offense + having stacks up.

Now here's the problem and how we know this idiot is making everything up. You. Dont. Have. Mounts. What's that mean? It means that you are going to be in the midfield for a very, very, very long time. Furthermore, damage ratios are completely different. You arent going to be used to throwing bombs, certains classes being completely useless etc. I havnt touched a twink in 3-4 seasons now but I can tell you this much.. I rather dislike WT but 1) if you are going from endgame to twinking you probably are bad and just failed at endgame and 2) you're going to get utterly destroyed until you find a strat that works for 19s.

But i wanted it to be a suprise :/
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