RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

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Flexes is on point about one thing, burst was increased by as much as 300% for some classes. It's hard for skill to shine when one crit can eat 50% of your HP. It's pretty similar to 49s actually, when I first started playing my warrior I was pretty garb, but the fact that MS + OP crits would 2-shot anything other than an FC geared prot carried me quite a ways.
Reflexes said:

calm down, nerd.

Sorry, I try to avoid talking to kids who started playing after WotLK and spent all of BC hiding in their shitty Battlegroup.
gigatech said:
Sorry, I try to avoid talking to kids who started playing after WotLK and spent all of BC hiding in their shitty Battlegroup.

Shadowburn #1

Played since vanilla tho homie, u mad? PZ DOG stfu kid ur not even worth pixels.

Reflexes said:
You're not even making sense at this point, you're just rambling on about parts of my posts that you completely misinterpreted from the beginning. Any time you're "learning" you're accessing your brain, moron. That's a solid fact, not "opinion". You can't discard it into a sub category like "Nah man, I don't use my brain for this" Don't be a tard. I never said any of that is the problem, you're picking a part everything, yo. If you'll refer to one of my first posts I believe I even said something a long the lines of what you're saying. Players get overestimated, there are a lot of good players, a lot of people at endgame can't fathom anybody outside of mlg being good. It goes for nineteens as well, HOWEVER they DID establish themselves as the "elite" of the bracket, and you won't be able to dethrone them any time soon. because:(I know you like ur lists lil tink)

1.Most of them don't play anymore

2.The brackets hp-dmg ratio is so imbalanced right now, I don't consider it even forty percent of what it use to be.

3.The players are all trash, like at least 95%

So what I am trying to explain to you is you can't, literally can not prove you're better than these players at that game. For solid reasons that I continue to try to work through that thick skull of yours. Honestly, kid just read a damn book.

If that was too complex for you to comprehend then let me summarize...You're trash brah, u ain't never gunna be a real tink.


I used the expression "rewind time" as a playful remark. I followed it with another reason you wouldn't be able to premade or out preform these people. THEY DON'T PLAY. I'm not discussing "science" on twinkinfo, but yes I'm familiar with most time or universe related theories. I actually have my copy of A Brief History of Time on the shelf beside me. It was not meant as a "serious" remark, lil homie. It was just a quick jab to the cheek before my initial knockout. That's a metaphor by the way...You know in case you didn't understand. I am not challenging you to a boxing match. I'm sure you train mma, and are knowledgeable in multiple martial arts. Badbass black belt 250 pnds all muscle hot gf 4 houses master physicist


Nobody wants to join your guild, this bracket is GARBAGE.


1. We'll become the "elite" players in the bracket. We'll do this by dethroning the current "elite" players. Therefore, we'll have proved we're the current best (past players are irrelevant, since we can't compete against them), and all opinions will be formed as to who the "all-time" best group of players are based on that performance. More than likely when we beat Pizza, there will be players like you Flexes who still maintain that for some reason (even though the old twinks don't play anymore, or the brackets gone to shit, or some other excuse) you cant compare two players (or groups of players - CL or whoever you may idolize from your (retired?) career) as twinks and that automatically the eldest (retired) player is "the best" simply because.

2. Regardless of any imbalances that will exist, the teamwork utilized to create situations that favor certain imbalances (being in a position to have two rogues open on someone at the same time, etc) is unchanged. If you're better than the team you're facing at working together (since apparently individual skill is so innately useless) then you'll most likely win, right? We're banking on both the highly developed abilities we've all developed as players at 85 as well as our more expansive knowledge of strategies in battlegrounds/arenas to help us against whoever we face. But again, even when we manage to beat Pie's guild, we'll be unsurprised by the outpouring of tears on the forums exclaiming that CL is still the best, or whatever you (the players who cling to old times as if they were the ultimate test of skill, and the best of that time is the best forever) may come up with.

3. If 95% of the players are trash, and this bracket is so dead, why is this website still in existence? People obviously still enjoy playing this game at this level, and until 100% of the players are trash, we'll be here to keep that 5%'s egos in check.

P.S.: We still want you to play for us. :)

P.S.S.: Reckoning #1.

P.S.S.S.: If this bracket is simply doing burst damage, guess who's going to be the best at it?
Werked said:

1. We'll become the "elite" players in the bracket. We'll do this by dethroning the current "elite" players. Therefore, we'll have proved we're the current best (past players are irrelevant, since we can't compete against them), and all opinions will be formed as to who the "all-time" best group of players are based on that performance. More than likely when we beat Pizza, there will be players like you Flexes who still maintain that for some reason (even though the old twinks don't play anymore, or the brackets gone to shit, or some other excuse) you cant compare two players (or groups of players - CL or whoever you may idolize from your (retired?) career) as twinks and that automatically the eldest (retired) player is "the best" simply because.

2. Regardless of any imbalances that will exist, the teamwork utilized to create situations that favor certain imbalances (being in a position to have two rogues open on someone at the same time, etc) is unchanged. If you're better than the team you're facing at working together (since apparently individual skill is so innately useless) then you'll most likely win, right? We're banking on both the highly developed abilities we've all developed as players at 85 as well as our more expansive knowledge of strategies in battlegrounds/arenas to help us against whoever we face. But again, even when we manage to beat Pie's guild, we'll be unsurprised by the outpouring of tears on the forums exclaiming that CL is still the best, or whatever you (the players who cling to old times as if they were the ultimate test of skill, and the best of that time is the best forever) may come up with.

3. If 95% of the players are trash, and this bracket is so dead, why is this website still in existence? People obviously still enjoy playing this game at this level, and until 100% of the players are trash, we'll be here to keep that 5%'s egos in check.

P.S.: We still want you to play for us. :)

P.S.S.: Reckoning #1.

P.S.S.S.: If this bracket is simply doing burst damage, guess who's going to be the best at it?

My point wasn't that you aren't good, I never even claimed there was absolutely no chance you could of beat some of the guilds that have passed. The problem is, the guilds that are out now...The current roster of players, yeah those guys? They are B-team material. There are a very small concentrated group of players that are even worth mentioning. A lot of them only log on for premades, or do like three pugs every two days or so. All I'm saying is it'll be a waste of your time, none of the players that did what you're going to attempt to do, (which is be at the tippity top of the bracket) exist anymore. It's not that they are on an unreachable platform, but very few have come INTO this bracket and proven to work well as a group such as they did. That doesn't just go for guilds like CL, or pizza hut, a lot of wotlk guilds are gone as well. I guess you can beat waw tawent but last time I checked they don't even have half their former a-team.

I'm not making excuses, or trying to discredit you. If your guild was coming into the bracket at a time where I saw it playable, I'd welcome you with open arms and I'd know for certain you could get the competition you want. Now it's doubtful, even if pizza is able to beat you it won't prove much imho. I don't think much skill exists within this much burst. Movement and strategy can only be pushed so far before a ret paladin hits you for 1400 and you're dead.

I'm not "retired" I just barely play my 19s, don't play my 85s much either. But you'll see me around if you decide to make toons.
Like I said, hiding on a shitty Battlegroup is not impressive.


Anyways, can't wait to see this one. Good luck to the new guild getting geared up and into the action.
Werked said:

1. We'll become the "elite" players in the bracket. We'll do this by dethroning the current "elite" players. Therefore, we'll have proved we're the current best (past players are irrelevant, since we can't compete against them), and all opinions will be formed as to who the "all-time" best group of players are based on that performance. More than likely when we beat Pizza, there will be players like you Flexes who still maintain that for some reason (even though the old twinks don't play anymore, or the brackets gone to shit, or some other excuse) you cant compare two players (or groups of players - CL or whoever you may idolize from your (retired?) career) as twinks and that automatically the eldest (retired) player is "the best" simply because.

2. Regardless of any imbalances that will exist, the teamwork utilized to create situations that favor certain imbalances (being in a position to have two rogues open on someone at the same time, etc) is unchanged. If you're better than the team you're facing at working together (since apparently individual skill is so innately useless) then you'll most likely win, right? We're banking on both the highly developed abilities we've all developed as players at 85 as well as our more expansive knowledge of strategies in battlegrounds/arenas to help us against whoever we face. But again, even when we manage to beat Pie's guild, we'll be unsurprised by the outpouring of tears on the forums exclaiming that CL is still the best, or whatever you (the players who cling to old times as if they were the ultimate test of skill, and the best of that time is the best forever) may come up with.

3. If 95% of the players are trash, and this bracket is so dead, why is this website still in existence? People obviously still enjoy playing this game at this level, and until 100% of the players are trash, we'll be here to keep that 5%'s egos in check.

P.S.: We still want you to play for us. :)

P.S.S.: Reckoning #1.

P.S.S.S.: If this bracket is simply doing burst damage, guess who's going to be the best at it?

What bracket/server/guild did you play with on Reckoning? I used to play there back in '05-'06.

nvm, I read your first post and see that you played 29s. I played those for about a 3 weeks with some buddies as a lock until we realized the bracket was absolute fail and went back to 19s.
Kalki said:
What bracket/server/guild did you play with on Reckoning? I used to play there back in '05-'06.

nvm, I read your first post and see that you played 29s. I played those for about a 3 weeks with some buddies as a lock until we realized the bracket was absolute fail and went back to 19s.
thats ironic cuz 19s are just as or are more shitty than 29s.
what's the status? i wanna see this shit already. guilds <como> and <manner> still don't exist on mannoroth. your website has nothing on it but the same crap in this thread. is this thing even going down?

I DEMAND ANSWERS!!11!~1`!!one!~!ONE!!@1!
wisket said:
what's the status? i wanna see this shit already. guilds <como> and <manner> still don't exist on mannoroth. your website has nothing on it but the same crap in this thread. is this thing even going down?

I DEMAND ANSWERS!!11!~1`!!one!~!ONE!!@1!

We're currently in the process of finalizing the website, to which we'll be adding an accumulating roster, application forms, etc. We're just being lazy because the weather here in Chicago is bipolar day to day. We've already got our twinks being made, so we need to gear up essentially, and then we'll form our guild. :) We don't want any composition surprises until the last possible moment.
hi! I'm the webdesigner.

I moved/started a new job/didn't have internet this week

the website will be up and running shortly ^^

we are still working out the kinks of our roster and organizing the transfers.
Im a half geared rogue on manno and was goin to gurubashi arener today and a 19 pally there. Dudes name was cannedsoup or canofsoup sumthin idk. Naturally i ask if hes twink(obv) to make friend lol. Well hestarts talking about how he is werked from and this is his guild, how rheyre a big hype and hes on a-team(he ddnt know impart of ti). Anyways the goblindude yells out its time for arena ans sinxe its just us 2 and i wntd to try fightin good guy i said lets 1v1 for it.


lol long story short, i facerolld the kid with my halfgear rogue as he attempts to run and exo spam me. If this is a "sample" of how pro this team is, let me throw together a bunch of xp-on randoms and well be your first premade rotfl. I understand your groundbreaking strats.

The best part had to be when he jumps on a Dk name photon or phroton w/e and says fight me now...
WiNADiN said:
Im a half geared rogue on manno and was goin to gurubashi arener today and a 19 pally there. Dudes name was cannedsoup or canofsoup sumthin idk. Naturally i ask if hes twink(obv) to make friend lol. Well hestarts talking about how he is werked from and this is his guild, how rheyre a big hype and hes on a-team(he ddnt know impart of ti). Anyways the goblindude yells out its time for arena ans sinxe its just us 2 and i wntd to try fightin good guy i said lets 1v1 for it.


lol long story short, i facerolld the kid with my halfgear rogue as he attempts to run and exo spam me. If this is a "sample" of how pro this team is, let me throw together a bunch of xp-on randoms and well be your first premade rotfl. I understand your groundbreaking strats.

The best part had to be when he jumps on a Dk name photon or phroton w/e and says fight me now...

LOL LMAO ROFL. If i could thank this post i would.
WiNADiN said:
Im a half geared rogue on manno and was goin to gurubashi arener today and a 19 pally there. Dudes name was cannedsoup or canofsoup sumthin idk. Naturally i ask if hes twink(obv) to make friend lol. Well hestarts talking about how he is werked from and this is his guild, how rheyre a big hype and hes on a-team(he ddnt know impart of ti). Anyways the goblindude yells out its time for arena ans sinxe its just us 2 and i wntd to try fightin good guy i said lets 1v1 for it.


lol long story short, i facerolld the kid with my halfgear rogue as he attempts to run and exo spam me. If this is a "sample" of how pro this team is, let me throw together a bunch of xp-on randoms and well be your first premade rotfl. I understand your groundbreaking strats.

The best part had to be when he jumps on a Dk name photon or phroton w/e and says fight me now...

Sounds like a troll got trolled.

P.S.: That's Joelol, not me. My twinks name is Kiteykat. :)
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