RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

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Oasis said:
I pray that these mighty gladiators can break the grip of those super villians in Waw Tawent; restoring peace and prosperity to this once glorious bracket.

I only wish we could find our rp thread. Where we defeated the 19 bracket
Reflexes said:
I only wish we could find our rp thread. Where we defeated the 19 bracket

Heh, that was probably the most enjoyable topic I ever posted in (in regards to WOW at least).
joelol said:
your response was a little scattered, let me address it as clearly as i can.

1. I made no distinction between arenas or battlegrounds, 19s, or 85s, i am speaking in generalities, but to suggest that the decision making behind Gulch is anywhere near as important or complex as chess or RTS play is laughable.

2. "Skill" is simply the reward of applying one's capacity to learn and improve. the process is never finished, but as you near the limits of a game's complexity the reward for improving upon smaller and smaller details of your game play becomes less and less noticeable. We refer to this as the "skill cap".

3. Very (add a few more "verys" it if makes you happy) good players exist. But they are not unique, and they do not have any more theoretical capacity to compete than even the shittiest player. What they have is an understanding of how to learn, and how to improve. The majority of WoW's player base (id suggest that even more so with twinks) is not open to the idea of improving one's play. Players blame the game, imbalance, or the "mystical skill" you are referring to for their own shortcomings. You are a person sitting at your computer pressing keys in order to accomplish rather simple tasks better than the person sitting on the other end of the internet, doing the same, improvement lies in the subtleties.

To reiterate:

There is no abstract modifier that makes one player's actions more effective than the other's. No player attains a state where they transcend the limits of their peripherals. Good players simply spend time and energy revising their play in order to improve. The only difference between players comes from one's understanding of how to learn to improve their own play.

Give the pro's understanding of how to improve to an average player, add in the time and effort required to revise one's play, and the average player begins to look just like the original pro. The biggest hurdle in becoming "good" is to stop comparing yourself to the rest of the players and start comparing yourself to "perfection". Admit that you suck (to yourself), Lose 10 duels to that rival that bad mouths you in trade and say "GD, well played". Abandon your epeen and try everything in an attempt to discover what is and what is not effective. Stop caring about what percentile you fall into and simply enjoy the process (and struggle) of learning to play better.

Do this successfully and you will realize that skill isn't so abstract.

TLDR: read my last post and don't argue this time

It wasn't scattered, I was using lesser examples to make my point valid. Re-read what I posted, a lot of it isn't DIRECTLY focused on you. The mistake is understandable, and forgiven because I did quote you. But you have to be able to distinguish between an example, and a response. I was just giving you arguments that have, and can be used against either party to better explain my point of view, chill out brah.

Most RTS's don't require more/less skill than a good warsong game. Though there are more aspects to things like starcraft, you could also say it doesn't require as much reflex. Which is fine, I'm not arguing science on twinkinfo kids here are dumb. It seems like we agree on almost everything, so I'm not sure why your post gives off such a hostile feeling. As I said, the concept behind skill is kind of pointless, and subjective by definition.

Again, most of my points in the quoted text are just some prime examples I wanted to debunk to further prove my point. I'll be back in a couple hours, have a good day :)
Reflexes said:
It wasn't scattered, I was using lesser examples to make my point valid. Re-read what I posted, a lot of it isn't DIRECTLY focused on you. The mistake is understandable, and forgiven because I did quote you. But you have to be able to distinguish between an example, and a response. I was just giving you arguments that have, and can be used against either party to better explain my point of view, chill out brah.

Most RTS's don't require more/less skill than a good warsong game. Though there are more aspects to things like starcraft, you could also say it doesn't require as much reflex. Which is fine, I'm not arguing science on twinkinfo kids here are dumb. It seems like we agree on almost everything, so I'm not sure why your post gives off such a hostile feeling. As I said, the concept behind skill is kind of pointless, and subjective by definition.

Again, most of my points in the quoted text are just some prime examples I wanted to debunk to further prove my point. I'll be back in a couple hours, have a good day :)

1.Thanks for the forgiveness, i feel so clean and fresh now.

2. I am chill, i just enjoy this topic and with my shaky internet connection writing is about all i can do.

3. RTS in general requires a lot more of players to compete at the highest levels. in sc2 trade GCDs/2 second cast times for 1/2 second stim pushes and 1/4 second minimap blips, all while multitasking extensively. Gulch simply doesn't require this of it's participants, so there is less learning required of it's players to near the highest caliber of play.

4. Science? I am posting about arguably the most important aspect of gaming: The development of skill and the mindset behind it. These are easy logic based concepts that can change the way WoW is played for any type of gamer.

5. Sorry if this comes across as hostile, i just have a low tolerance for bullshit
Werked said:
I totally value everyones opinion. You all have excellent additions to this thread and I respect your individual ability to play this game to the developer's intended limitations.

Implying that you intend to play outside of their intended limitations lol.
joelol said:
1.Thanks for the forgiveness, i feel so clean and fresh now.

2. I am chill, i just enjoy this topic and with my shaky internet connection writing is about all i can do.

3. RTS in general requires a lot more of players to compete at the highest levels. in sc2 trade GCDs/2 second cast times for 1/2 second stim pushes and 1/4 second minimap blips, all while multitasking extensively. Gulch simply doesn't require this of it's participants, so there is less learning required of it's players to near the highest caliber of play.

4. Science? I am posting about arguably the most important aspect of gaming: The development of skill and the mindset behind it. These are easy logic based concepts that can change the way WoW is played for any type of gamer.

5. Sorry if this comes across as hostile, i just have a low tolerance for bullshit

RTS > MMO. Fact.

He meant to be hostile.
joelol said:
1.Thanks for the forgiveness, i feel so clean and fresh now.

2. I am chill, i just enjoy this topic and with my shaky internet connection writing is about all i can do.

3. RTS in general requires a lot more of players to compete at the highest levels. in sc2 trade GCDs/2 second cast times for 1/2 second stim pushes and 1/4 second minimap blips, all while multitasking extensively. Gulch simply doesn't require this of it's participants, so there is less learning required of it's players to near the highest caliber of play.

4. Science? I am posting about arguably the most important aspect of gaming: The development of skill and the mindset behind it. These are easy logic based concepts that can change the way WoW is played for any type of gamer.

5. Sorry if this comes across as hostile, i just have a low tolerance for bullshit

You're welcome young tink. I am glad you are cold, I actually meant calm down thought. RTS would probably access different areas of your brain at certain points. I don't think you can say one takes more skill than the other. AOE was my shit, mmos don't feel any less difficult. I think you're either not looking at wsg from the correct perspective, or you're confusing skill or strategy with pace. NAWMSAYIN NADAMEAN?
Reflexes said:
You're welcome young tink. I am glad you are cold, I actually meant calm down thought. RTS would probably access different areas of your brain at certain points. I don't think you can say one takes more skill than the other. AOE was my shit, mmos don't feel any less difficult. I think you're either not looking at wsg from the correct perspective, or you're confusing skill or strategy with pace. NAWMSAYIN NADAMEAN?

1. chilling and calming down are the same thing.

2. You still seem to think there is some "mystical aura" that surrounds good players, it isn't about "accessing your brain" it is trial, error, revision, and growth. "Skill" is a byproduct of learning.

3. If you don't approach games with the mindset to improve, they will all feel the same, you will be floating somewhere within the pool of average competitors. Only after you benchmark yourself against theoretical perfection will you near the "skill cap" and notice the difference. obviously two competitors with hammers will have the same level of difficulty in conquering their opponent as two competitors with axes, however that does not say that an axe is as easy to wield as a hammer, or vice verse.

4. I am looking at Gulch with a near perfect perspective. With the competitive attitude, interest, and eagerness to learn/improve (just as i have had in my last 5 years of wow). I openly admit to myself that I suck compared to the ever changing theoretical standard that i have set for myself. I am confident in knowing that I have the capacity to compete against the best twink teams in existence, and more importantly against my own limits as a player. I have continually pushed my limits for a long time, and I will continue to do so in every avenue for gaming that catches my eye. 19 Gulch is just the most recent application.

This conversation exemplifies the reasons why we aren't recruiting players like you.
i agree with reflexes but i can also see joe's point.

i think discussions like this are crucial to 19s viability.
danceparty said:
i agree with reflexes but i can also see joe's point.

i think discussions like this are crucial to 19s viability.

I think I've still managed to miss his exact argument completely, can you tell me?

I am glad i am not the only person interested in the subject. More people should feel free to chime in with their opinions
joelol said:
1. chilling and calming down are the same thing.

2. You still seem to think there is some "mystical aura" that surrounds good players, it isn't about "accessing your brain" it is trial, error, revision, and growth. "Skill" is a byproduct of learning.

3. If you don't approach games with the mindset to improve, they will all feel the same, you will be floating somewhere within the pool of average competitors. Only after you benchmark yourself against theoretical perfection will you near the "skill cap" and notice the difference. obviously two competitors with hammers will have the same level of difficulty in conquering their opponent as two competitors with axes, however that does not say that an axe is as easy to wield as a hammer, or vice verse.

4. I am looking at Gulch with a near perfect perspective. With the competitive attitude, interest, and eagerness to learn/improve (just as i have had in my last 5 years of wow). I openly admit to myself that I suck compared to the ever changing theoretical standard that i have set for myself. I am confident in knowing that I have the capacity to compete against the best twink teams in existence, and more importantly against my own limits as a player. I have continually pushed my limits for a long time, and I will continue to do so in every avenue for gaming that catches my eye. 19 Gulch is just the most recent application.

This conversation exemplifies the reasons why we aren't recruiting players like you.

it isn't about "accessing your brain"

it is trial, error, revision, and growth. "Skill" is a byproduct of learning.

trial, error, revision, and growth.


Right...Well, anyway aside from that brilliant display of ignorance...Ur either trying to troll or ur not very bright. I never said there was "some aura" but there is a level of skill you need to prove you're capable of executing for you to show us you're on their level. Since the bracket is literally a joke now, who the fuck cares? You will never be able to "make a name for yourself" unless you can rewind time. Which might be possible according to some theories, so cross your fingers buddy. Maybe one day you can be a real twink!

This conversation exemplifies the reasons why we aren't recruiting players like you.


its funny cuz ra is good and vinnie paz is bat shit insane
Flyblowsion said:

its funny cuz ra is good and vinnie paz is bat shit insane

Did you get the heavy metal kings illbill/vinnie paz collab? It's actually pretty fucking sick.
"Accessing your brain" suggests that you are taking something internal and applying it externally. "learning" suggests that you are taking external stimuli in and adapting to them. Your inability to distinguish only proves that you don't grasp what I am saying.

In case you forgot, I am responding to the false notion that there are players that are simply on an entirely different level than other good players, which lead into shedding some light on the "good player's" mindset, as well as the concept of "skill cap". You started out as a contributor to the conversation and turned into obstacle.

The proof of my capabilities will come out in my gameplay, just like that of my teammates. The bracket that you call a "joke" is what i intend to improve. My initiation into the dialogue regarding the mindsets of good players (in conjunction with my performance) will hopefully inspire others to join me in improving our own gameplay, and as a result, the bracket's. I clearly have more faith in this community's potential than you.

Nothing I have stated suggested I want a "name for myself" (note where I suggested that you encourage/disarm people who bad mouth you by losing to them in duels), in fact most of my perspective on improving one's gameplay suggests that what I value is very introspective, and not at all for public recognition.

In response to your grossly oversized screencap:

I assure you that any interest in you from us has passed.

The only "brilliant display of ignorance" in this thread is yours, for both of our sakes I hope it ends soon.

If you intend to continue to respond please try to form your arguments/opinions more clearly so i can be sure of what to address in my reply rather than making such long winded posts.


Don't get me started on the manipulation of time-lines in dimensions above our own, as you said earlier this is no place for "science", your use of the term "rewind" suggests that you don't know enough about the subject to discuss it anyway.
joelol said:
"Accessing your brain" suggests that you are taking something internal and applying it externally. "learning" suggests that you are taking external stimuli in and adapting to them. Your inability to distinguish only proves that you don't grasp what I am saying.

In case you forgot, I am responding to the false notion that there are players that are simply on an entirely different level than other good players, which lead into shedding some light on the "good player's" mindset, as well as the concept of "skill cap". You started out as a contributor to the conversation and turned into obstacle.

The proof of my capabilities will come out in my gameplay, just like that of my teammates. The bracket that you call a "joke" is what i intend to improve. My initiation into the dialogue regarding the mindsets of good players (in conjunction with my performance) will hopefully inspire others to join me in improving our own gameplay, and as a result, the bracket's. I clearly have more faith in this community's potential than you.

Nothing I have stated suggested I want a "name for myself" (note where I suggested that you encourage/disarm people who bad mouth you by losing to them in duels), in fact most of my perspective on improving one's gameplay suggests that what I value is very introspective, and not at all for public recognition.

In response to your grossly oversized screencap:

I assure you that any interest in you from us has passed.

The only "brilliant display of ignorance" in this thread is yours, for both of our sakes I hope it ends soon.

If you intend to continue to respond please try to form your arguments/opinions more clearly so i can be sure of what to address in my reply rather than making such long winded posts.


Don't get me started on the manipulation of time-lines in dimensions above our own, as you said earlier this is no place for "science", your use of the term "rewind" suggests that you don't know enough about the subject to discuss it anyway.

You're not even making sense at this point, you're just rambling on about parts of my posts that you completely misinterpreted from the beginning. Any time you're "learning" you're accessing your brain, moron. That's a solid fact, not "opinion". You can't discard it into a sub category like "Nah man, I don't use my brain for this" Don't be a tard. I never said any of that is the problem, you're picking a part everything, yo. If you'll refer to one of my first posts I believe I even said something a long the lines of what you're saying. Players get overestimated, there are a lot of good players, a lot of people at endgame can't fathom anybody outside of mlg being good. It goes for nineteens as well, HOWEVER they DID establish themselves as the "elite" of the bracket, and you won't be able to dethrone them any time soon. because:(I know you like ur lists lil tink)

1.Most of them don't play anymore

2.The brackets hp-dmg ratio is so imbalanced right now, I don't consider it even forty percent of what it use to be.

3.The players are all trash, like at least 95%

So what I am trying to explain to you is you can't, literally can not prove you're better than these players at that game. For solid reasons that I continue to try to work through that thick skull of yours. Honestly, kid just read a damn book.

If that was too complex for you to comprehend then let me summarize...You're trash brah, u ain't never gunna be a real tink.


I used the expression "rewind time" as a playful remark. I followed it with another reason you wouldn't be able to premade or out preform these people. THEY DON'T PLAY. I'm not discussing "science" on twinkinfo, but yes I'm familiar with most time or universe related theories. I actually have my copy of A Brief History of Time on the shelf beside me. It was not meant as a "serious" remark, lil homie. It was just a quick jab to the cheek before my initial knockout. That's a metaphor by the way...You know in case you didn't understand. I am not challenging you to a boxing match. I'm sure you train mma, and are knowledgeable in multiple martial arts. Badbass black belt 250 pnds all muscle hot gf 4 houses master physicist


Nobody wants to join your guild, this bracket is GARBAGE.
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