Realm Search


Hey guys, I'm looking for the perfect server to settle down in and I'd like some of your help picking the right one. Both factions are an option but I'm mostly thinking Alliance right now cus they seem to be the underdog. (If you think I should be Horde I'm open to persuasion) I'm mainly juggling between Aerie Peak, Vashj. Korgath, and Blackwing Lair. I'd like to get into a decent community to run premades, do arenas, and just hang out. Maybe even world PvP if on a PvP realm. You'd definitely get a decent contributor with me, I know what I'm doing and I know how to kick ass in PvP, I've pretty much always been a PvP hardcore. I've been playing WoW for 2-3 years now, so please don't get the impression I'm new. Thanks for your help guys.
I'm extremely flexible, but obviously Boom is my current main. But yeah, I'm open to suggestion on class too.
I don't think we have a dedicated boom (minus maybe Phobia ;)) so that would be sweet. Healers are always appreciated, we have quite a few rshaman and our hpally numbers are growing.

As far as BWL, you can expect nightly premades, p2p help with groups, and easy fishing for DPR (we usually take roll on Sunday so the people that need it have a chance to get it) The community is awesome, everyone plays their class extremely well and we's drama free. Arena is lacking a bit, I think we have a good amount that want too, we just haven't gotten around to it. You can expect 5-15 people online every night.
Vashj Represent! Alright so on Vashj we usually have 3 players on, a p2p almost always, alliance side, I havent been on Horde in a while. There's so many people on during cta though wihich makes it super fun except the 24 premades which we have beaten multiple times during premades. Arena wise - Korgath is the place to be but usually their arenas are organized through skype so they only log on then, and BWL Horde is super cool as well and very friendly!

Vashj Rep though! ;P

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