US Real life pictures - 19's only - this is necessary

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thats actually a fantastic idea. I will get to that tomorrow. Mark my words!

u totally lied and didnt do it. i hate u
the constant pleas for a dory pic have not gone unheeded

here i am in all my glory w/ a couple of relatives outside of london last summer

Man, there is alot of cute guys here! I will enjoy theese later. Im glad i found this site. hard to come across in theese homophobic times. Anyways glad to see im not the only one.
Add me on skype if u havent checked out my thread yet!
Well wasn't this thread a success...34 pages and 20k views.

I vote for sticky once the OP arranges the picture library.
sheer awesomeness nuff said

Agreed. If I'm gonna drink cheap beer, it's either PBR or Rainier. Which is essentially the same thing, as PBR bought Rainier. No longer a Seattle native :(
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