US Real life pictures - 19's only - this is necessary

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tink with two hotties?
wouldnt do you any good if i posted my armory, twink(s) been inactive for about a year. should be about another week or two before i get all my comp parts in the mail to start playing again. but trust me i have a pretty good history of twinking, but mostly in dead brackets :(

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thats a guild i started before cata hit, sid was my main twink, im 98% shure it was bis in all 3 sets. all the grandfathered gear(deadskull,jutebraid,steelclasped, sos etc.)/fishing hat/agmx2

will be playing her if i can retrieve account :/
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its midnight and you're looking through this thread, do you know were your right hand is right now?
What is that supposed to mean? :O

Never been compared to him. :<

(First seen the pic now)

oh, it was the first thought that popped into my head. that you looked very similar to him.

if i'm wrong it wouldn't be the first time i've been told my comparisons are off.

Get on my level!
I was considering if I should do it or not. But i think you deserve a pic of me aswell, here you go! No mean comments please :p
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