Real ID premades! back? maybe

Ok so me and Ore were talking and we are going to try and get real ID premades back!
but we aren't going to have the mainstream premade team, what does this mean?
we want underpowered classes and specs! if we can, we will try and get a mirror team but if we cant we'll try and make it as fair as possible.
so when is this going to happen? we are going for Saturday 7pm eastern time
I'm gonna have a list (1-10) for horde and ally and then have a backup list plz post your twinks here and then add me/ore on real ID, whisper us in game or pm us for more info.
1. Adeus - prot
2.Jolinar - sub/ass/combat
3.dorygoon - aff
4.hithere - disc
5.Mnkey - resto
6.Nollix - holy
7.dasfizzla - enh
8.hunnybunns - fire
9.livingforce - holy
10.mocha - combat
1. Ore - balance
2.sneaky - sub
1. nevertwenty

P.S. we don't want ANY OP classes this includes
hunters (atm this is all specs)
Arcane mages,
no more than 1 holy pally
these rules are only for our first premade! later on we might have normal premades!
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hithere if you dont mind i actually wanted to see you on your priest
I'd love to play on any of my toons preferably fury war if not I can play hpally or ret although it's op when u get on ur target, Druid as balance/ healing or fc if neccicary. I'm happy to play on any toon :p
Need to double check my avaiblability, but would love to play frost for horde (fire if you want as well)
for rogues/mages we are encouraging that they play combat / fire but you don't need to
few other thing guys plz join mayhem vent ill be in there ALL week so hit me up if your interested
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I thought Disc Priests were one of the most OP classes in the bracket o_O well holy or disc priests
Aww, looks fun. Wish I could come on my combat rogue, but I'm only 3/12 on AGM (otherwise BiS-ish).
Rather then debate OPness, why not just have everyone envolved agree to handicap themselves gearwise? Say, gloves, bracers,chest, and boots. or perhaps another combo that envolves removing BoA gear slots, like head, chest, shoulders, and cloak maybe. Or possibly just restrict the OP classes/specs on gear and let everyone that can make it take whatever toon they want. Just a suggestion.
Rather then debate OPness, why not just have everyone envolved agree to handicap themselves gearwise? Say, gloves, bracers,chest, and boots. or perhaps another combo that envolves removing BoA gear slots, like head, chest, shoulders, and cloak maybe. Or possibly just restrict the OP classes/specs on gear and let everyone that can make it take whatever toon they want. Just a suggestion.

Terrible idea
Rather then debate OPness, why not just have everyone envolved agree to handicap themselves gearwise? Say, gloves, bracers,chest, and boots. or perhaps another combo that envolves removing BoA gear slots, like head, chest, shoulders, and cloak maybe. Or possibly just restrict the OP classes/specs on gear and let everyone that can make it take whatever toon they want. Just a suggestion.

And remove Concussive shot from bars. JUST SAYING
So since Saturday is Cinco de Mayo every time you die you have to drink a shot...

That way not only are your premades composed to "non-op" classes you're also progressively getting drunk.

Otherwise having a premade this Saturday seems rather silly.

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