Real ID premades! back? maybe

EU guys i encourage you do this! ty for keeping this thread bumped :)
I've seen some good ideas posted here and maybe for the next premade i will use them :)
but this premade is really just to see if we can get enough people first and then set some rules and have everyone follow them
also one a side note if you don't make it and you posted in this thread let me know and you'll go on the backup list, next premade you will automatically get a spot :)
just to let everyone know for healers each team will have 2 priests (1 holy, 1 disc) 1 hpally, and then either 1 resto druid or shammy
so first twinks to post here and then talk to me or ore will get the spot (skill has nothing to do with getting on the list, but i do encourage that your twink is at least geared and you know how to play your class)
yo friends from europe im in europe and uv got urself a nice place
Id being interested in coming on my resto shaman, as long as there's no BiS requirement or anything (still need boa helm)
Id being interested in coming on my resto shaman, as long as there's no BiS requirement or anything (still need boa helm)

if its ally that would be awesome ally needs a resto shammy
ok horde is done! but don't think you don't have chance!
if your horde post your twinks name and he/she will go on the backup list (make sure its a class /spec we have on the 10man)
and then next premade twinks on the backup list will get into that premade (unless it causes imbalance or other problem) or if someone doesnt show up on the 10man I'm coming right for you!
for ally twinks plz talk to ore (he is always in mayhem vent!) he is going to try an mirror horde 10man as best he can or atleast try and make both teams as balanced as possible
note: if you dont like ore, he doesn't like you, or you just don't want to talk to him, talk to me and I'll put you on the ally team but make sure you post in this thread AND talk to me! otherwise I'm going to assume your not to interested in joining
I like how my post in the first couple pages about playing for horde was rejected. /sadface
sorry! i had ton of ppl asking me if they could be in it that's why i wanted people to post here first and then talk to me :(
i can put u on the backup list
bump this shit! need more ppl on the backup list for horde!
need more ally twinks talking to ore or me!!!!!!!!!!!
You probably didn't even notice that I posted about wanting to play because nobody here seems to take me seriously, so be it :)

However something has come up and if you were considering it, I have to drop out. I'm doing drum tech at a concert the Saturday this will be taking place on. So maybe next time.
You probably didn't even notice that I posted about wanting to play because nobody here seems to take me seriously, so be it :)

However something has come up and if you were considering it, I have to drop out. I'm doing drum tech at a concert the Saturday this will be taking place on. So maybe next time.
i take everyone serious but i have posted (many times now) plz also come on mayhem vent and talk to me and ore i dnt just want to add people to the list and not talk to them 1 on 1 about spec / rules etc.
@sneak/everyone I'm on mayhem vent now :)
come on ally! talk to sneaky or ore now i want to hear from those 2 saying they have at least half their 10man!
Just be on & be in vent on Sat night we can't predict who will attend who will have last second emergencies, meh... night
sadly i cannot make this premade (last minute plans with uncle and grandfather came up) horde will need to get another FC (Mnkey here is your chance :p) but serious horde is looking alot better than ally sadly. Hithere will probably take lead for horde (he has done ID premades before) make sure everyone is in mayhem vent by at least 6:30pm eastern! good luck and plz let me know how it goes ^_^

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