Read before you decide to play the 60-64 bracket.

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edit: list of 64's

Investigator @ Azgalor - Game - World of Warcraft

Leukrin @ Azgalor - Game - World of Warcraft

Holypockets @ Azgalor - Game - World of Warcraft

Adizerox @ Azgalor - Game - World of Warcraft this guy's meta isn't active...if i were to roll a rogue, i'd be a human rogue(2 min trinket beats 390 engi) with tons of stam, spec sub.

edit: the only downside to making a 64 twink now is, you can't get 450 engineering anymore.

First off, queues don't pop. But I wouldn't worry too much about it, because queues will most likely be fixed (just like what they did to the 70~74 bracket).

Now, most likely, if you are reading this thread, you don't have any of the old naxx gears. so if you are a physical damage class, you are screwed, simple as that, you will run around as a second-rate twink, and that is not good.

However, there is still hope!!! roll a non-physica-dps class!!!

why? because the stats of the spell power BoA weapons are on par, if not better, with the old naxx weapons.

so all you need to do is level to 64 and get gears with sockets and stack whatever stat you prefer, i personally prefer stamina. and

in order to persuade you, i am going to give you a comparison of a 64-gnome-mage/lock/priest template vs an existing almost-BiS 60 priest (simplicity from mal'ganis)

his profile:

Sìmplicity @ Mal'Ganis - Game - World of Warcraft

Profiler - Wowhead

The best part about this template, all you need is 375 engineering(with gnome racial that will bring you to 390), all the pieces are EASILY obtainable through quest/5-man dungeon.

No need to scan AH for a specific BoE "of the stamina" or whatever.

No need to bug high levels to be carried through MC/AQ or whatever.

the result is simply overwhelming...without further ado,

479 Sta

138 Crit

45 Hit

35 Spell Pen


14 Int

23 Haste

66 Spell Power

249 Spirit (lol)

for details, see:

wowhead link:

Wowhead Compare
idk what you mean by fixing the 70-74 que. pretty sure thats just been working b/c there is a lot higher player base w/ the simplicity of getting brutal now there was a flood of 70s. the other brackets just dont have the numbers to get a lot of pops. 49s gettin some when they try, im sure 19 does. but the other brackets just dont have the numbers
I wrote a longer, more detailed response, but my interwebs failed me and I lost it. This will be shorter.

Falkor said:
idk what you mean by fixing the 70-74 que. pretty sure thats just been working b/c there is a lot higher player base w/ the simplicity of getting brutal now there was a flood of 70s.

The 60-69 (at the time) bracket also had a flood of players. Shortly after 4.0, you could get a 60+ bg to pop any hour of the day, and then all of a sudden they stopped. That isn't lack of a player base, that is a technical issue.


60s still have their advantages, centers on stat scaling. Crit, haste, and resilience (through gems and enchants) are of higher value to a 60 then a 64.

Sure, at 64 you have more gem slots, better hit curve, and two more talents, but with the [slightly] diminished value, it would still be a fight. These 64s arn't going to roflstomp every 60 they come across.

As long as every 64 doesn't dominate every 60 they come across, we will still see a mix of both in the bgs.
Do you have to be such a retard? dont try makeing people go 64 the special thing at 60 is the gear.
Buynlarge said:
The 60-69 (at the time) bracket also had a flood of players. Shortly after 4.0, you could get a 60+ bg to pop any hour of the day, and then all of a sudden they stopped. That isn't lack of a player base, that is a technical issue.

or people started playing 85s/alts after cata came out and it is a player base issue. why would they "fix" 70s and 19s, and 49s, but leave 60s "broken"
glancealot said:
look at this guy and tell me that you are not second-rate.

Murdèr @ Mal'Ganis - Game - World of Warcraft

You do realize that Murder has 450 engineering, 400 enchanting, and pretty much if he got reported to a GM half of his stuff would be gone. He is the "ideal" 60 twink rogue, however, not all of us were smart enough / played in BC, so we didn't gear up like the kids in Rockin the Nine Set.

Now, on to the next topic. As mentioned above, 64's will have more talents, more gear, slightly better moves... just the normal goodies that come with leveling. Now my question for you is, why on earth would you want to level to 64? Back during WotLK did you level 69 "just cause" the level cap was 69? I know I didn't and me and my guildies still beat the 69's. The idea of twinking in the 60 bracket for most people (who have sanity or common sense) is to relive the glory days of vanilla, which was the favorite part of the game for many players. Now, if you're one of the kids who wants to get into the 60 bracket and play a 64, there's no problem with that (other than showing how much of an idiot you are) but its ok, I can understand your need to be carried by gear and abilities - That's 100% fine, and once again, it just shows how bad you actually are. Now is there a huge difference between a BiS level 64 and a BiS level 60? It's not really "huge" BUT the advantage lies within the 64's. So if the advantage is with the higher levels, shouldn't they always win? Well no, it's like this (not applied to ALL level 64's) - It's like you were carried to 2300 and you got all of your gear w/o doing any work to actually earn it. The 60's on the other hand havn't been carried to 2300 but may be chillin at 2000 and they've done that themselves. So lets see, we have the Gear v.s. Skill fight, and at such a marginal level difference i'm going to say that normally, UNLESS YOU ARE A 64 PROT / HOLY PALADIN (they'll always win.), then it'll come down to whoever has more skill. Ok so lets see, whoever has more skill you say? How'bout a 64 rogue vs a 60 priest - LOL I JUST FOUR SHOT HIM HOW AM I SO GOOD? Yeah bub, that's not skill, that's called "Ghostcrawler Logic".

The main point i'd like to leave you all with is that being a 64 is quite dumb, and don't waste your time with it. What if blizzard changes the level brackets again and you're on the bottom at level 64? That would blow, then you got all your gear for nothing. However, if you stay at level 60 you'll always be in relatively the same bracket so you'll be good to go. I know my armory won't say this but about a month ago i was hanging around 500 HK's and now i'm up to 4.3kish all from xp-on WSG's. Let me just say that from what i've fought there is no huge difference, and i'd really discourage you kids from trying to level to 64. Bad ideas are bad.

TL;DR - 64 = carried by gear, 60 = carried by skill
Falkor said:
or people started playing 85s/alts after cata came out and it is a player base issue. why would they "fix" 70s and 19s, and 49s, but leave 60s "broken"

So 60s are NOT popping because all of the 60s are now playing their 85s...

... but the 70s, 19s, and 49s ARE popping because those players are NOT playing there 85s?


That makes complete sense, since only those who have 60 twinks also have 85s.

Glad I'm not the only one showing some animosity here to this post. My 60 twinks go toe to toe with the 70 twinks to put them in their place and show them how badly they suck. The level difference here is not much to consider.
Bruunhild said:
Glad I'm not the only one showing some animosity here to this post. My 60 twinks go toe to toe with the 70 twinks to put them in their place and show them how badly they suck. The level difference here is not much to consider.

Bruunhild @ Rexxar - Game - World of Warcraft

those 70 twinks must be bad.

btw, your gears are nothing compared to this guy, he quit playing tho so we can only get the wowhead profile page.

Profiler - Wowhead
glancealot said:
those 70 twinks must be bad.

btw, your gears are nothing compared to this guy, he quit playing tho so we can only get the wowhead profile page.

Profiler - Wowhead

So here's my question, where is YOUR character? Until you provide a 60 twink you've made, pretty much everything you're trying to convey can be ignored. If you have zero experience in the bracket, don't post like you know it, then use other people's characters to back up your arguement. That's like saying to some kid, "Hey I can beat you up" and then instead of you fighting him you have your dad do it. Back up your aguements with YOUR characters and experiences, not just ideas, wow profiliers, and hearsay.
Bruunhild said:
Glad I'm not the only one showing some animosity here to this post. My 60 twinks go toe to toe with the 70 twinks to put them in their place and show them how badly they suck. The level difference here is not much to consider.

Just to clarify, I don’t have animosity towards the idea that 64s can be good in the 60-64 bracket.

I just have animosity towards the idea that you need to be 64 in order to be good.

glancealot said:
those 70 twinks must be bad.

btw, your gears are nothing compared to this guy, he quit playing tho so we can only get the wowhead profile page.

Profiler - Wowhead

First off, all twinks have the ability to be bad. The easier good gear is to get, the more bads you will see in the group we refer to as “twinksâ€￾. If Shadowfang was both BiS in 19s and dropped from a quest, think of how many ‘bad twinks’ would have it.

The only thing having [harder to get] gear tells us, is that the person is dedicated. Dedication implies persistence, not skill. You could assume skill based on gear, but that would be disregarding the massive amounts of horrible players with good gear, that I’m sure all of us have seen quite often.
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