Re: "how to revive 19s"

No matter the faction, activity has decreased.

Reason's to WHY it has decreased: (NOTE: This is only a few of the many.)

#1: Shizzards garbage ass Que system. 'nuff said

#2: Because of the lack of activity, people get bored and explore the World of Warcraft. If you're like me, this means exploring new brackets.

#3: When people go off and discover that there are other things to do rather than join a PUG in a WSG on a 19, you find there is more joy into the higher level brackets, so they tend to stay and infrequently return.

#4: Jesus, not to be a hypocrite, but the class balance is ridiculous... I will edit this post and take a few screenies if you feel this reason is misleading.

#5: Not going to lie, but if someone or a group of people feel like they can't get BoA's, they simply will not even bother making a 19. This is also pretty self-explanatory.

Am I mad? No. When I see topics like these, I just tend to share my opinion with the rest of TI.

Feel free to add your personal ways onto how to "REVIVE" 19's.

CybersHêx said:
Feel free to add your personal ways onto how to "REVIVE" 19's.


Build a giant squirrel statue somewhere in New York

Then you put a plaque on it's foot that reads "come join level 19s on World of Warcraft,"

Activity hasn't decreased at all. The bracket has been becoming more and more active since patch 4.1.
Most of the good twinks have left because its summer and ppl would rather do something else, so just wait for 2-3 months and u will see the difference.
Reason #1 listed makes sense to me and is correct. As to the balance, I play a warrior just as much as I play a rogue........ it has always been unbalanced, that's how it's been every single day since I've started twinking at least... every class has it's own advantages over another and through enhanced stats, gear, movement speed,(for our level) etc, hunters seem to be at the top, they always have,

Anyone who quits simply because it is unbalanced is ridiculous... suck it up.

Guilds who quit because they can't get a prem to work, I'd be frustrated too if you're trying to grow from the 19s bracket and is limited where there are no actual limits. Not to mention, premading was a huge feature to twinking in the first place (Keep in mind Premades and Arenas for the most part are endgame for us 19s).

It's like FL being released for 85s but every time you try to zone in you get dcd, then blizz ignores your feedback.
Mochabad said:
and he can stop trying to troll me in pvt msg, even though he's the one being trolled for having inbox me in the first place.


Didn't I see you in a WSG earlier Mocha?
<Static> has had over 10 nights in the past month and a half fall short of anything spectacular because of the premade queuing system. We're actively recruiting but exploring other things at the moment while we wait for real life stuff to calm down.

Myself, I have been discouraged from the lack of healers on Horde side. Sure, pops are quicker than before Pizza, but the quality of the games has dropped significantly. I don't recognize anyone in these games anymore, let alone guilds. The talent pool has disappeared for the moment being. With freshmen year of college around the corner, you'll find me queuing less and less frequently until things have calmed down. That and the dullness of the farm mid and die/lose mentality prevents me from giving my 100% effort.

Mochabad said:
Sure did baby! Haha that was too funny, as you were fcing I came out of stealth and ran by you while /lick ing you, then the bads who were following you tried to kill me... but I got enough time to /sigh at them... lol

I saw you in a Wsg this week :p

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