Rate the twink above you.

And the lack of 6kg per shadowfang on ruin really puts a cripple in my budget >-<"
Conrose said:
True enough, maybe you should try to get funded or raise a toon to farm for em?


Your lack of health and mana scares me... and I'm still confused about the spec, can you please enlighten on what the spec is used fer? :3
canihascookie said:
Your lack of health and mana scares me... and I'm still confused about the spec, can you please enlighten on what the spec is used fer? :3

The spec is primarily focused on Savage Strikes while Glyph of Raptor Strike and Survival Instincts help to shore up the stamina lack I have as a result of going for heavy AP/Decent Crit. The 4% crit added to Arcane Shot helps to improve my chances of double+ crit streaks further. The strategy is to front load a ton of damage with a raptor strike and mongoose bite macro taking advantage of the 40% crit chance and impressive AP scaling both are capable of recieving. Then within three seconds, get out to range for Auto and multi/arcane shot for a sudden and large burst of damage in a 3 second span.
@ Encore, I was finishing my rating for the melee super hunta :3

Looks super sexy, may I suggest getting a second AGM for just a little more stamina when you may need it. I'm guessing you have about 2 or 3 shields you swap around with depending on the situation...

9.9~ / 10 :3
Heeljoo said:
Not loading for me D=


Got AGM today!!

edit: I'm logged in my shitty FC gear. >_<

10/10 for the offhand!
Rofan 10/10. maybe switch ur prof from eng to mining or skinning, but i have a feeling u like the bombs.

@heeljoo i would of been more impressed with old crafty, but regardless nice.
zomg sum1 do me too!!!


ik herbing isnt maxed yet, i have 0 time lol.

uhh so i rate rant right?

hmm... 8.5/10

Ik its hard to drop our agility builds but changing is better, low expertise, and until next patch I don'ts like your spec, on 3.3 it will be viable though =)
I'd get miner speed on boots, magefist .w 16sp, 70 armor on cape, 30 sp on wep, 3/3 sta/int bracer 9sta (or 7 int), Darkweave breaches with 40 armor, and Lucky fishing hat.


[char=eu-Chamber+of+Aspects]Vindiction[/char] 19 rogue

[char=eu-Terenas]Zandri[/char] 39 mage

[char=eu-Terenas]Nishkigore[/char] 60 priest (in pve shadow gear it seems - have full R14 gear, full 2.5, full T1, half T2 in bags)
For the 29 warrior:


You're using TLA with lifestealing,


Algae Fists

Dreamsinger Leggaurds

etc etc etc.

AND to top it off, all you do is play in XP BGs.

Edit: Those professions are just horrendous as well... Tailoring and Engineering?


comon I deserve a 7 or something

and what s the deal with TLA and Lifestealing?

So what? What s the matter?

didn t see it proc yet... or didn t payed atention but I guess it does something

i didn t found +15 str on my dumb realm

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