Rate the twink above you.

canihascookie said:
@ Sub, max out herb and looks pretty GG, 8/10

@ Stikya #1, look sexy except for the unenchanted bracers,the imperfect monkey ring, fishing hat, and uncapped prof. 6/10

@ Stikya #2, looks sexy, just gain some profs and you'll be all set ^_^ 7/10

Rate Me :3


1) Dropping Engineering for Skinning

2) Dropping Mining for Herb

3) I have a billion other weapons (2 AB's, 1 TB)

4) I have alt gear sets (Max AP, Balance, Max Agi, Garrote Gear)

5) Working on Throat Pericers


What happened to your 10 rogue? :(
canihascookie said:

That happened

I rate it...

a 10!

See what I did there?

I like how everyone just skips rating the one above them...
Orcgasm I give you an 8/10 for your spec, I reccommend better enchants focusing more toward a stat rounded priest since disco has amazing survivability anyways.
TBH i love your crit rating and atk pwr. You can get a trink tho, Other than the emptry trink slot /low hp but crit/atk pwr make up for it and max profs i give 9.7/10! xD

My new pally, kinda remade him from holy but had some rett gear. lol he bursts pretty nice like from 300-500 depending. :D


Check him out, Ill work on herb later once i get hat, Ill pwr lvl skin/herb together lol.

Agm is optional =D I like the haste rating idk y but ya. I might get agm. Rate mah!
nobody said:
TBH i love your crit rating and atk pwr. You can get a trink tho, Other than the emptry trink slot /low hp but crit/atk pwr make up for it and max profs i give 9.7/10! xD

If you like my Crit and Attack Power you really should see me in my other gear, Pull 300 AP unbuffed and around 23% crit, but I gotta sacrifice the Hit cap and well I hate missing as much as I do, I agree on the Hp matter tho. Thanks for the Rating :D

Now for your character great pally, looks like he could get alot of High crits and Judgements, I gotta say I play a pally 2 and had a character somewhat close to this one and He hit hard as hell but he had no Survialbility. Maybe consider Dropping some of the Strenght for SP for some good heals to go along with the Hard Hits, as you Said you will lvl herb and skinning together which is a good plan. So good luck with your Fishing hat. also maybe consider [ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM] it will give you Hit cap, and some SP if you wanna go down the Road to a more Balanced Pally

-.5 Talents Need to be Maxxed

-.5 I think alittle bit of SP would help you alot in the long run

-1 not hit capped


Tunkie said:
If you like my Crit and Attack Power you really should see me in my other gear, Pull 300 AP unbuffed and around 23% crit, but I gotta sacrifice the Hit cap and well I hate missing as much as I do, I agree on the Hp matter tho. Thanks for the Rating :D

Now for your character great pally, looks like he could get alot of High crits and Judgements, I gotta say I play a pally 2 and had a character somewhat close to this one and He hit hard as hell but he had no Survialbility. Maybe consider Dropping some of the Strenght for SP for some good heals to go along with the Hard Hits, as you Said you will lvl herb and skinning together which is a good plan. So good luck with your Fishing hat. also maybe consider [ITEM]Spidersilk Drape[/ITEM] it will give you Hit cap, and some SP if you wanna go down the Road to a more Balanced Pally

-.5 Talents Need to be Maxxed

-.5 I think alittle bit of SP would help you alot in the long run

-1 not hit capped



My talents are maxxed. I think u mean profs. My talents/glyph give me 25% more judgement damage and seal damage+15%.

Helps tons for burst. I think imma get sentry for more balance. then when i get hat/agm throw on simple pearl for hit rating. anything else?

and cruel your 10/10 imo becaue that smexy tabard of the frost matches my druid =D. Try out LS on your SF its like 10g so wont hurt much, get that cloak from Rfc+3 agi to replace that baddie spidersilk. I like your hit cap but not needed for caster cape. You can replace that hit with a simple pearl replacing your seal of sylv, Try out a 3/3 tiger bracers or atk pwr bracers just for run with 9 stam or str for atk pwr, If your low on hp replace blackened with boa for hit and pur on seal of slyv. Throw 100 hp on it too if your still low. Ls should help with survivablity. Hope i helped =P:D

And if u feel still low get 4/4 monkey+15 agi and you olny loose like 5 dps from switching to LS from firey because you heal lots more and therefore can put out if you know what i mean >.>
nobody said:
My talents are maxxed. I think u mean profs. My talents/glyph give me 25% more judgement damage and seal damage+15%.

Helps tons for burst. I think imma get sentry for more balance. then when i get hat/agm throw on simple pearl for hit rating. anything else?

and cruel your 10/10 imo becaue that smexy tabard of the frost matches my druid =D. Try out LS on your SF its like 10g so wont hurt much, get that cloak from Rfc+3 agi to replace that baddie spidersilk. I like your hit cap but not needed for caster cape. You can replace that hit with a simple pearl replacing your seal of sylv, Try out a 3/3 tiger bracers or atk pwr bracers just for run with 9 stam or str for atk pwr, If your low on hp replace blackened with boa for hit and pur on seal of slyv. Throw 100 hp on it too if your still low. Ls should help with survivablity. Hope i helped =P:D

And if u feel still low get 4/4 monkey+15 agi and you olny loose like 5 dps from switching to LS from firey because you heal lots more and therefore can put out if you know what i mean >.>

Currently rating Fc....




Survey says:



no wait 10/10 for FCing, you have two agms... lol


Kinali said:
Currently rating Fc....




Survey says:



no wait 10/10 for FCing, you have two agms... lol



lol kinali =D 9.9/10 for ur priest, Need agm man!
nobody said:
lol kinali =D 9.9/10 for ur priest, Need agm man!

10/10 on gear.

Working on


Fishing Hat (Note the fishing level of this character...)

AGMx2 (Kinda hard ^^")

I has a full AP set, and a balance set.
I don't see a solid focus in your build with the AP bracers and the 15 agi weapon enchants. Furthermore I'm a bit confused about the talents, but I'm guessing you want better ability to pop a sap and then get into SS spam quicker on a secondary target, right?

6/10 pending further explanation.
I mix and match gear to see how the setup plays out in a BG or an Arena, I found that a Balance set with +10 wranglers AP with +9 str does fairly decent in, increasing DPs on MH and OH compared to +5 forest leather bracers with +9 stam (maybe its because of the +19 AP lol :p)

As for the 1 SS spec, yes, thats pretty much the sum of it. Sapping a healer, druid, shaman (and so on) to help return the flag and take down the already hard to kill AFC / EFC.
canihascookie said:
I mix and match gear to see how the setup plays out in a BG or an Arena, I found that a Balance set with +10 wranglers AP with +9 str does fairly decent in, increasing DPs on MH and OH compared to +5 forest leather bracers with +9 stam (maybe its because of the +19 AP lol :p)

As for the 1 SS spec, yes, thats pretty much the sum of it. Sapping a healer, druid, shaman (and so on) to help return the flag and take down the already hard to kill AFC / EFC.

well then, that makes sense. However, lack of Shadowfangs is a blaring flaw so I'll have to give an 8/10.

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