Rate my Resto Druid.


Avoid the HoJ. If it's too risky swap out one trinket for Insignia. Herb/Alch.

This is all for pre-WoD.
Ragnaeus @ Saurfang - Community - World of Warcraft
I build him like this to gain some survivability on Bgs cause Alliance Rarely trying to protect their Healers.

I love how you're rocking the full Fang set and still are topping the charts in healing. :D

I also like your mog. :)

Look at my druid in sig for a different druid set. Stacking stam but also the other usefull stats for healers.

When I'm at home i'll share some more ideas for gear.
I love how you're rocking the full Fang set and still are topping the charts in healing. :D

I also like your mog. :)

Look at my druid in sig for a different druid set. Stacking stam but also the other usefull stats for healers.

When I'm at home i'll share some more ideas for gear.

This is a pretty standard build. There's math proving haste is better, like the build Goesid and I are talking about. But you can wear grays and do fine on rdruid, so it doesn't matter lol

If you want to min/max you'd go haste. And spirit.
As u can see my by my gear choice. It's pretty E. Z. Moade. Didn't even bother to get me a JC stam necklace (yet). To twink it a lil' moar I would go for LFH and Black Wolf Bracers also. Maybe even Blood Ring to replace Gloaming Band.

I think stam stacking is a fine way to gear a FC druid. Never tried stacking haste though. I understand the HoTs will be awesome, but will that help much against hunters and rogues critting my ass?
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the reason that i put whole "fang set" was also to have some damage but also to gain some intellect as well, with this gear i have overall stats but not the highest one

btw i'm almost at the top of the healing...
Who said anything about FCing?

Yeah! I guess i should have pointed that out earlier. :p I'll try to grind myself a haste set and try it at some midfield healing and escorting FCs.

the reason that i put whole "fang set" was also to have some damage but also to gain some intellect as well, with this gear i have overall stats but not the highest one

btw i'm almost at the top of the healing...

I understand the agi stacking for some more dmg in catform. :) But i think a set focused on stamina, intellect, haste and crit would be a lot better.

I'm gonna get me a Fang set also, just for some fun BGs. :p

Keep up topping the chards in healing! ;)
Now that WOD is out you better choose resto or feral. All healing comes from int and you don't have a lot of that. Your stam is also very low.

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