Rate my resto druid friend.

Can you elaborate on that?

The subject in question being the level 20 free to play trial named Efc on the server Tol Barad has sub-standard gear or gear below the the amount of required stats in order to be totally rape in the Game World of Warcraft created by Blizzard entertainment, an MMO RPG.
He probably means that mixing resto and feral gear makes you ineffectual at both.

Although that is probably some kind of stam set for FCing, he would be better off cleaning it up to straight resto/stam gear, and to use max resilience, i.e. shoulders and trinket.

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damn you twinkinfo!
It looks alright... I'd have to say though with the changes they've made to Druid leather resto/stam gear is the best for FCing. Especially if you're playing with incompetent scrubs that don't know how to play, or heal the FC.
needs wranglers boots of stam :p

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